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[Semestre de coreano para principiantes] Lengua y cultura coreanas 1, parte 2: profesora nativa

En este curso semestral completo de 15 semanas, estudiamos gramática básica, vocabulario, pronunciación y cultura coreana.
Ethan Yun with BE Education
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Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

30 reuniones en vivo
22 horas 30 minutos horas presenciales
For the language class, there will be optional homework for each class. They're generally going to be questions to answer, simple writing, and recording reading what the learners wrote. For the culture class, there will be one presentation the learners need to work on. This is optional as well.
For high school credit, assessment is going to be provided when requested.
Grades are offered for the learners who want it.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Nivel Beginner
This class is recommended to take after Beginner Korean 1 Part 1 below.


It's a semester class for students who are interested in Korean culture and language.  We study basic Korean language and research about Korea and Korean culture through active projects, with a well-experienced native Korean teacher.  You will be able to have basic conversation in Korean, and understand basic Korean culture after this class.  You're also going to be on a proper level to prepare for TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 1 to 2 after this course.  For high school credit, assessment is going to be provided when requested.  This class is designed for the students who finished the Korean characters and worked on Beginner Korean 1 Part 1 class, or who have studied all the topics in Beginner Korean 1 Part 1.  The link is above this paragraph, so you can see what is taught in this class.

This course is the second semester class I offer.  There will be a total of 2 years of 4 semester classes for beginners(Korean 1 and 2 for TOPIK 1-2), one year of 2 semester classes for intermediates(Korean 3 for TOPIK 3-4), one year of 2 semester classes for Advanced students(Korean 4 for TOPIK 5-6), and this class is the second part of Beginner Korean 1.  It's highly recommended taking this class first before the other advanced classes.  We're going to review what we've learned in previous classes, work on grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and culture.  We're going to start working on having conversations from here.

This course is a very dynamic and interactive format.  Each week, we're going to have one grammar or conversation class and one additional activity class.  Additional class is going to be one of reading, vocabulary, or culture.  There will be optional homework each week, and the teacher is going to give feedback if the learner submits homework.  Homework is going to be provided optionally, to suggest a further study for learners.  In the main grammar or conversation class, we study vocabulary & grammar, learn expressions, and practice with conversation.  In the additional class, we're going to extend our vocabulary for the grammar class, practice pronunciation and reading to speak like a native speaker, study about Korean culture, and try tasks.  There will be a couple of projects the students are going to independently work on through the culture class during the semester.  After this course, the learners will have a balanced skill in reading, listening, speaking, and writing in Korean language, and have a general understanding of Korean culture.

Here's the weekly plan for this course.

G : Grammar, V : Vocabulary, P : Pronunciation, C : Culture, and CV : Conversation

Week 1 Class 1 - Welcome to Korea!  Introduction class-Let's talk about Korea and Korean language.
Week 1 Class 2 - 복습 Review of the previous classes

Week 2 Class 1 - 과일 Fruit(V)
Week 2 Class 2 - 명절 Holidays(C)

Week 3 Class 1 - 장소 Places(V)
Week 3 Class 2 - 대명사 Pronouns(G)

Week 4 Class 1 - 자음 동화 3 Consonant assimilation 3(P)
Week 4 Class 2 - 누가, 언제, 왜 Interrogatives(G)

Week 5 Class 1 - 자음 동화 4 Consonant assimilation 4(P)
Week 5 Class 2 - 대명사 2 Pronouns 2(G)

Week 6 Class 1 - 자음 동화 5 Consonant assimilation 5(P)
Week 6 Class 2 - 어디에 있어요? Where is it?(G)

Week 7 Class 1 - 가족 Family(V)
Week 7 Class 2 - 학교에서 공부했어요. I studied at school.(G)

Week 8 Class 1 - 생활 양식 2 Life style 2(C)
Week 8 Class 2 - <Test 1>

Week 9 Class 1 - 교과목 School subject(V)
Week 9 Class 2 - 어제 뭐 했어요? What did you do yesterday?(CV)

Week 10 Class 1 - 직업 Jobs(V)
Week 10 Class 2 - 지금 어디 있어요? Where are you now?(CV)

Week 11 Class 1 - 집 House(V)
Week 11 Class 2 - 운동하고 공부했어요. I worked out and studied.(G)

Week 12 Class 1 - 자연 Nature(V)
Week 12 Class 2 - 엄마랑 학교에 갔어요. I went to school with my mon.(G)

Week 13 Class 1 - 풍습 Customs(C) 
Week 13 Class 2 - 공부하고 엄마랑 공원에 왔어요. I studied, and came to a park with my mom.(CV)

Week 14 Class 1 - <Presentation>
Week 14 Class 2 - <Presentation 2> and Korean recipe

Week 15 Class 1 - <Test 2>
Week 15 Class 2 - Practice & Review

We're going to work with slides produced by teacher Ethan from BE Education.  We're going to work on reading, listening, speaking, and writing in each class, including the culture class.  We're going to work on a test made by teacher Ethan from BE Education, to encourage the learners to work on studying.  The students are going to make their own presentation with Google slides or PowerPoint for the presentation in culture class.  There will be 3 more following semester classes, and other independent classes which are going to be efficient to study with this class.  Please check the classes on my profile, if you're interested!

I'm a native Korean speaker who has lived in Korea for 28 years since I was born, and majored in biology.  I moved to the US from Korea, in 2021.  I'm fluent in both Korean and English.  I got perfect scores in Korean language, math, and science sections in the Korean SAT.  I have experience working in a college press and a thesis correction team in Korea.  I've taught Korean language to Korean students for college entrance exams, and all ranges of non-native students for more than 9 years.  I've helped many students move and study in Korea as exchange students and college students.  I teach Korean language to Korean teachers, and I'm currently tutoring Korean adults working on a Korean government officer test as well.  I've worked very hard to be the best teacher for you.  I'm looking forward to seeing you in the class :)
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will be able to have basic conversations in Korean, and understand the basic culture of Korea.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

30 Lecciones
más de 15 semanas
Lección 1:
 V : Vocabulary
G : Grammar
P : Pronunciation
C : Culture
CV : Conversation 
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
복습 Review of the previous classes
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
과일 Fruit(V)
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
명절 Holidays(C)
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Requisitos previos
This class requires taking my character class and Beginner Korean 1 Part 1 class. Please search Beginner Korean 1 Part 1 to take the class. https://outschool.com/classes/learn-korean-characters-hangul-with-a-native-korean-teacher-WSMcyOu4
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el September, 2021
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Idioma extranjero desde Kyong hee
Licenciatura en Filosofía desde Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Licenciatura en Biología/Ciencias Biológicas desde Kangwon National University
Ethan Yun
I'm a native Korean speaker who has lived in Korea for 28 years since I was born, and majored in biology.  I moved to the US from Korea, in 2021.  I'm fluent in both Korean and English.  I got perfect scores in Korean language, math, and science sections in the Korean SAT.  I have experience working in a college press and a thesis correction team in Korea.  I've taught Korean language to Korean students for college entrance exams, and all ranges of non-native students for more than 9 years.  I've helped many students move and study in Korea as exchange students and college students.  I teach Korean language to Korean teachers, and I'm currently tutoring Korean adults working on a Korean government officer test as well.  I've worked very hard to be the best teacher for you.  I'm looking forward to seeing you in the class :)


Curso grupal en vivo

500 US$

por 30 clases
2 x por semana, 15 semanas
45 min

Completado por 22 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-18
3-15 alumnos por clase

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