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Tutoría privada 1:1 para lectura, fluidez, pronunciación y comprensión.

Tutoría con un tutor de lectura experimentado y con licencia estatal para ayudar a su estudiante a leer con fluidez y recordar lo leído. ¡La práctica regular con correcciones guiadas es la mejor manera de aprender a leer!
Alyssa Teaches Photography
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Qué está incluido

Se reúne bajo demanda
programar reuniones según sea necesario
25 minutos
por sesión
Apoyo docente
1-2 horas por semana. Homework will be assigned as needed per student. A message will be sent to the parent following each session to explain what we did in the session and to share any homework needed. Parents are welcome to message teacher at anytime and/or talk with teacher prior to or after the session via zoom.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - A0.5
Grado de EE. UU. 1 - 4
Nivel Beginner - Advanced
👋 M E E T  Y O U R  T E A C H E R✨

My name is Alyssa Chirch and I am a classroom and online teacher with over 13 years of experience. I have a teaching certificate in the state of Florida and enjoy teaching photography and reading. I have taught over 649 students in the past 4 years on Outschool.com and enjoy meeting new students from around the world! 

🏅C R E D E N T I A L:

🌟Classroom Teacher with over 13 years of experience
🌟Worked with Special Needs, ie Autism, Learning Disabilities, etc 
🌟Teacher Certificate in the State of Florida 
🌟Love & Passion for Teaching

F U N  F A C T S:

🟢 I have two cats named after Disney Shows/Movies: Felix & Marie; Pssst! They show up in class sometimes!
🟢 I love the beach and live near the ocean in South Florida! 🌊
🟢 I like to draw and paint for fun!

👩‍🏫 T E A C H I N G  S T Y L E 

👩‍🏫 Ms. Alyssa will explain concepts with encouragement and demonstration. 
😃 Ms. Chirch is an enthusiastic and energetic teacher who loves to help learners!


✨L E S S O N  D E T A I L S

Lessons are open to ages 8-12, are 30 minutes, and are completely customized based to the students based on their needs.

✨ C L A S S  S T R U C T U R E 

💫Pick a book from getepic.com.
💫The teacher screen shares the book and the learner reads with support.

✨ T E A C H I N G  S T Y L E

The teacher will offer pronunciation of words as needed and will guide the student with encouragement, demonstration, and teaching. I am an enthusiastic and energetic teacher who loves to hear learners read and helps them read well! I am also patient and helpful during the session. When students come to class the first time, they are usually unsure since reading is probably not a favorite. When they leave their first session I hear almost every parent saying how their student was 'excited about reading'! Parents love that and come back for that reason!

🏠  P R A C T I C E  A T  H O M E

Parents can Getepic.com is an online library of books and videos used to teach and support children learning to read. The website allows students to read a book a day at no charge after entering an email address. Regular paper books are encouraged to be read each day as well.
Metas de aprendizaje
Student will learn reading fluency and may need specific instruction for blends, rules of pronunciation, fluency, etc.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
We will read a book or two during our session and the book of interest will be chosen each class from getepic.com. The teacher will screen share for reading. Epic is an online library of books and videos used to teach and support children learning to read. The website allows students to read a book a day at no charge and with just entering an email address, so the student can read from this website on their own each day. Regular paper books are encouraged to be read each day as well. The books are all age appropriate, fiction and nonfiction books.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Inglés (Nivel: A0.5)
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Epic!
Se unió el November, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Florida Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Licenciatura desde Bethel University (College), Mishawaka, IN
I have been teaching for over 13 years in private schools and homeschooling. I am glad to share my expertise with children of all ages!


Lecciones 1 a 1 en vivo

40 US$

por sesión
Reuniones bajo pedido
25 min

Completado por 3 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 6-13

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