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Thanksgiving Food Safety

New class
Ages 13-16
Live One-Time Class
Thanksgiving is all fun and games until someone gets a food borne illness. How do you know what's safe to eat? Take this class to learn how to keep yourself and your family safe during the holidays and any time you are eating.
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Live video meetings
Meets once
1-6 learners per class
40 min

What's included

1 live meeting
40 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

US Grade 7 - 10
In this 40 minute class, students will follow along with guided notes as I lead them through a presentation that covers what they need to know in order to practice food safety. 
The following topics will be covered:
 -Basics of foodborne illness
-Properly thawing turkey
-Preventing cross-contamination
-Temperature control
-Time control
-Basic food safety guidelines
Students will then read a story of a family who experienced food borne illness, and apply their knowledge by analyzing what the family did well and could have done better to prevent illness. 
To end the class, students will play a gimkit game with review questions about our lesson. 

I would love to hear about your Thanksgiving traditions and help keep you safe during the holidays!

Learning Goals

Students will learn how to reduce the growth bacteria and prevent the spreading of viruses that cause food borne illnesses.

Other Details

Supply List
A one-page (front and back) of guided notes.
 1 file available upon enrollment
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:

Meet the teacher

Joined October, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
Texas Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education
Bachelor's Degree in Science from Texas Tech University
Hey there fellow go-getter! I see you reaching for the stars. If you'd like a little boost, why not brush up on some life skills? My name is Amanda Anderson, and I teach skills that are going to help you be successful and healthy. This is an exciting discipline because it includes many different classes that can help you improve your lifestyle and pursue your passions.  

After graduating with a Bachelor's of Science in Nutritional Sciences and earning a Texas Educator Certificate in Hospitality, Nutrition and Food Sciences, I taught in a public high school for three years. Throughout student teaching and my professional career, I've had the opportunity to teach a variety of Family and Consumer Sciences (Life Skills) classes including: Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness, Principles of Education and Training, Child Development, Instructional Practices in Education and Training, Practicum in Education and Training, Introduction to Culinary Arts, Culinary Arts, and Advanced Culinary Arts. 

I love the fact that my students choose my classes to not only learn, but have lots of fun! I have always made it a priority to fill my lessons with rich information while remaining enjoyable, relatable, and low stress for my students.

I consider it both a privilege and a joy to specialize in a subject that so perfectly blends with my family life. I hope I can spread some of this education and joy to you as well!


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