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Graphic Design for Business and Marketing with Canva

Andrea Davis
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Learn graphic design for business with our Canva course! Master logo creation, brand kits, and marketing materials to boost your brand’s visibility and impact in the market. Perfect for entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.

Class Experience

6 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to Canva and Basic Design Principles
Get to know Canva’s interface and explore fundamental graphic design principles such as alignment, contrast, and balance to set a strong foundation for future projects.
Lesson 2
Mastering Logo Design
Dive into logo creation, learning about the significance of shapes, colors, and typography in branding. Students will start designing a basic logo that aligns with a hypothetical or real business
Lesson 3
Developing a Brand Kit
Learn how to create a cohesive brand kit in Canva that includes selecting consistent color schemes, fonts, and style guides. This kit will ensure uniformity across all business materials.
 Week 2
Lesson 4
Crafting Social Media Images
Focus on creating engaging and visually appealing images tailored for different social media platforms. Learn sizing, content placement, and how to use Canva’s elements to make standout posts.
Lesson 5
Designing Marketing Materials: Part 1
Start designing key marketing materials like business cards and flyers. Discuss the importance of layout and content strategy to attract the target audience effectively.
Lesson 6
Designing Marketing Materials: Part 2 and Course Wrap-Up
Complete the marketing materials started in the previous session and review all designs. Discuss how to apply these skills beyond the class, ensuring students are prepared to continue their graphic design journey.
  • Produce compelling marketing materials that effectively convey your brand's message and enhance customer engagement.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Students will receive constructive feedback on their projects, focusing on design quality, creativity, and alignment with branding goals. Evaluations are optional, and students can choose to receive general or detailed feedback based on their personal learning preferences.
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Joined April, 2020
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Group Class


weekly or $175 for 6 classes
3x per week, 2 weeks
60 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
8-10 learners per class

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