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Food Detectives: Eat the Rainbow Bingo

Julie Badowski, BA Music, MS Clinical Nutrition
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Investigate different colors of fruits and veggies by learning what the different colors of food do for your body and trying different foods and describing them...all in the context of a BINGO game.

Class Experience

  • Know how different color foods are good for their bodies. Know how to describe foods (not whether or not they like them). Approach new foods with curiosity.
Julie has an MS in Clinical Nutrition and is passionate about helping people increase variety in their diets. There will be no personalized or medical recommendations in class and parents are responsible for which foods their children are offered and consume within each color category.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Each week learners should complete 8 food investigation logs. This will include trying a fruit or vegetable and describing it (what it looks like, smells like, feels like, and tastes like). They will be able to mark a square on their BINGO Card for each food investigation log they complete. Learners will be invited to share their discoveries in class the next week.
Food investigation logs (teacher will provide, parents need to print)
BINGO Card (teacher will provide, parents need to print)
Fruits and vegetables to try (parents must provide)
Joined June, 2018
I have played piano since I was four years old and earned a BA in music in 2009. I have been teaching piano lessons since 2008, and immediately fell in love with helping students grow musically and as people. I seek to help my students become... 
Group Class


weekly or $50 for 4 classes
1x per week, 4 weeks
280 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 6-9
3-8 learners per class

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