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1-on-1 Korean Tutoring - Let's Learn Korean Like in Sunday Korean School

In this 1:1 Korean class we learn to speak and write Korean with curriculum used by Korean schools in the US. It offers a personalized learning experience with tailor made lesson plans.
Ms Kandera
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What's included

Meets on Demand
schedule meetings as needed
45 mins
per session
Teacher support
1 hour per week. Weekly homework will be assigned according to individual's needs and wants. Parents are strongly encouraged to communicate with me their wishes and preferences regarding homework. My office hours at Outschool will be announced in the beginning of each class.
I will give informal assessment and feedback any time parents wish as well as a semester report when students take lessons with me more than 3 months.

Class Experience

---->> Note to parents
Parents are encouraged to connect with me in advance for any questions and comments on any class content via Outschool. I won't take any responsibilities for the matters which are not discussed with me clearly in written emails. After a trial lesson, 8 or longer lesson packs are strongly recommended. 

Hi Korean language learners!

This one-on-one Korean language course is designed to help learners improve their Korean language skills while learning about Korean culture in a fun and engaging environment. It’s open to all levels of Korean language learners and it offers a personalized learning experience with a Korean native speaker. An individual student’s learning goals and styles are woven into inquiry based daily lesson plans to maximize his/her understanding. This course can be delivered in the same methods as seen in Korean Schools around the globe or students can choose to design how they would like to learn. I speak standard Korean from Seoul without an accent.

---->> Curriculum
I generally follow the Korean language learning curriculum created by the Korean ministry of Education, Science and Technology which is widely used in Korean schools around the US and UK. Moreover I incorporate other interactive activities into my lesson plans to make my class as engaging as possible. 
For older or advanced students the lesson is usually divided into listening, writing, speaking and reading segments depending on individual's needs/wishes and homework as well as lesson materials will be always posted online. Students will have an opportunity to give a presentation on their favorite topic during their end of the month class.

---->> Course Content- Sample
1. Introduction
Daily talk, homework check, any comments for the day.

2. Main segment of the day
Type 1- Traditional Day
Learn each day's task in a unit divided into reading, speaking and listening sections. Dictations and vocabulary tests are given whenever necessary. Quizzes given every other week.
Type 2- Creative Day
Depending on an ongoing topic, we will have a cooking class, art/crafts class or video making class.

3. Questions and Homework assignment
Time to review today's lesson and ask questions. Upcoming homework explained.

---->> Language of intruction
English and Korean. For A or B level students I will use both languages during the class except "Korean only times". 
For advanced students and upon request, only Korean will be used unless there is a need for English.

I’m a multilingual Korean-German teacher in training to become certified to teach in K-8 settings in Arizona, US. I’m a language enthusiast and German linguistics major with over 10 years of teaching experience in foreign languages. I’m a world traveler who has worked in Korea, Europe and North America as a graphic designer. At Outschool I teach Korean, French and German and love connecting with my students to help them navigate their own learning. When I'm not teaching, I'm always in the middle of developing a curriculum in order to meet my students’ individual needs. Please feel free to message me for any scheduling or course related questions via Outschool. 

Thank you and I’m looking forward to welcoming you to my class soon,

Ms Kandera

Other Details

Supply List
Textbooks and workbooks are provided and posted on my Google classroom. Extra materials for reading, grammar etc can be purchased online if needed.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined October, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Hello everyone,

I'm a teacher in training in Arizona, and have already passed all my teaching evaluation exams(NES) with a B.A in German language and literature. I hold a French 'Advanced High' certificate in ACTFL(American Councilon the Teaching of Foreign Languages) which qualifies me to teach French in the US and have student-taught French and Spanish at bilingual elementary schools in AZ. I have 3 years of work experience in Public Relations in Paris, France. As a substitute teacher I worked in K-8 settings in the US and Canada. As an avid language learner I studied languages at the universities in France, Spain, Germany and Korea. 

As a Korean German binational, I am fluent in both Korean and German as well as Spanish and French. I have lived and worked in Korea, North America, Germany and France.
At Outschool I teach foreign languages while hoping to create a safe and leaner friendly community where students can learn and grow together to develop their unique selves. I love witnessing Ah-Ha moments in the eyes of my students. 

In my free time I love discovering small city charms around the world. San Diego beaches are my safe place to be. I love visiting unique coffee shops with pastries and going nordic skiing on the river with my family down the street.
I'm very much looking forward to welcoming you to my class soon. 

Your teacher,
Ms Kandera


Live 1-on-1 Lessons


per session

Meets on demand
45 min
Completed by 37 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-18

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