

Lisa Rohloff


3 現場會議
2 小時 15 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. There is homework assigned for lessons #1 and #2. Students should be able to complete their homework independently. Homework Lesson #1: Story Plot (worked on in class, but can be completed for homework) Lesson #2: Mapping 5 Elements of a Plot worksheet completed in class; Short, 300 to 600 word story written for homework Lesson #3: Short story is turned in and students may read their story to the class
Students will be assessed based on the completion of a short story written by them. Their story should include the 5 Elements of a Plot. Upon successful completion of the class they will have the following: 1. A certificate of completion 2. A short story written by the student 3. Written feedback from me on their story 4. Two worksheets they can use for future story writing endeavors


英語程度 - 未知
美國 4 - 6 年級
This is a fun class that is designed to help students tap into their innate creative nature and write a well structured short story. We will meet 3 times in one week. We'll start by discussing what student's favorite stories are and they will generate some story ideas of their own. From there they'll begin to create their story's characters, setting, problem and ending. Finally, we'll discuss the 5 main parts of a story, and students will write their own short story.

The following will be available 24 hours before the first class starts and should be printed out on paper so the student has them before this class begins:
1. Story Plot worksheet
2. Mapping 5 Elements of a Plot worksheet

Additional Materials Needed:
4. Paper and pencil
5. Access to a printer to print out the worksheets.
6. (optional) Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or other application students can use to write their story. Please note that it is totally fine for them to write it with pencil and paper, but if they do this, they will need to be able to scan it and attach it in Outschool.

Prior to taking this course, students should have the ability to read and write at a 4th grade level.

Students will receive a certificate of completion and feedback after turning in either their original story (electronic or scanned hand-written version)  that contains the 5 elements of a plot.
Students will do the following:
1. Think about what their favorite stories are and why they love them.
2. Draw on their experiences and creativity to generate a story idea.
3. Use a Story Map to develop the characters, setting, problem, main event and resolution for their story.
4. Use a Short Story Plot Map to learn and apply the 5 elements of a Plot: Exposition, Rising Actions, Climax, Falling Actions and Resolution.
5. Write their own short story that contains the 5 elements.


1. Worksheets (These will be made available in the Outschool classroom and should be printed out before the first day of class.)
2. Paper and pencil.
3. Access to a printer and a scanner. Worksheets will need to be printed out. The scanner will be needed to scan completed worksheets and attach them in Outschool.
4. Optional: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or some other application the student can use to write their story. If the student does not have one of these options, they should hand write their story, scan it and attach it in Outschool.
 2 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 April, 2020
碩士 由 University of Wisconsin-Stout
學士學位 由 Ashford University
I enjoy working with kids! I have 15 years of teaching experience, and I have taught in both traditional school settings and as a homeschool parent. I am passionate about helping kids at all levels of their reading and writing journey. It's so exciting when I see a student gain confidence as a reader/writer or when I can help a young aspiring writer achieve their dreams.

My writing experience includes writing copy for marketing materials, ghost writing for corporate executives, technical writing, writing newspaper articles, and writing instructions for digital technology applications. Managing a corporate internal newsletter was one of my favorite projects. I created the newsletter design, interviewed and wrote articles about team members, and managed the editing and submission process for all the contributors. As a hobby, I love to write short stories, poetry, and songs. I can't imagine my life without writing.

My education includes a BA in Communications and a Master of Science in Technical and Professional Communication (MSTPC). 

I love helping kids become better writers!




用於 3 課程
每週3次,共 1 週
45 分鐘

有818 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-12
5-9 每班學員人數

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