
字彙俱樂部 - 8-13 歲

在本課程中,學習者將學習 10 個詞彙,並透過有趣的遊戲和活動討論如何正確使用它們


1 現場會議
25 分鐘 上課時間


In these vocabulary clubs, we will discuss ten new vocabulary words, and how to judiciously (appropriately) use them in our everyday exchanges. We’ll amuse ourselves with entertains games, and discuss the root of words (borrowed words, words with Latin/Greek roots, etc.,). At the conclusion of this class, learners will receive a vocabulary quiz and an accompanying word list that they may complete in their own time to help cement the information that we covered. 

This class will give your learner an eclectic vocabulary that will serve them well on high stakes tests in the future! A large vocabulary also helps to set you apart in any setting: university, job applications, social settings, and more! Befuddle your friends with new vocabulary words every week! 

There is no prior learning required, the class is non-cumulative. 

During this class we will cover 15 Vocabulary Words and Their Uses: Benefit, Complete, Develop, Dismay, Ease, Hail, Lack, Master, Patriot, Project, Recommend, Remark, Represent, Sufficient, Utter


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 June, 2021
Hello Outschool! I’m a homeschool graduate, homeschool teacher, and pianist!  

Proud to be an Outschool ACE educator! 

I teach Political Science, Spanish, Economics, Maths, Latin, and History at homeschool co-ops in the Greater Washington D.C. area and London and I have run a private music studio for over 10 years, where I teach Classical piano and Music Theory.

At university I studied Political Science and Economics - and I hold a Bachelor’s Degree. Immediately after college I began working on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., but found I was being called to be a teacher. Outside of teaching, my work experience includes extensive political work, including state and local campaigns, where I have organized large-scale fundraisers, shaped political messaging and run comprehensive marketing campaigns and demographic research. I continue this work in my spare time, as it is something I truly love. 

In my spare time I enjoy hiking, farming, & travelling the world. I also love to learn languages (Spanish, French, Hebrew, Latin, Italian!) and learning about different cultures - I have been to more than 30 different countries, and next stop is…Croatia!

Is your learner falling behind or struggling with math? Have you discovered your child has learning difference? I specialize in teaching mathematics in these instances. Together we will rebuild foundational maths concepts such as number sense and arithmetic concepts, and restore your learner’s confidence! 

I  have been teaching Latin for over 10 years to homeschoolers around the world! Latin enriches lives and makes learning languages more accessible to learners of all ages. For the last year I have been developing my courses by traveling all over the Roman Empire filming original footage. I also participated in a 2 week long archaeological dig at Vindolanda, uncovering the secrets that were left behind by the Ancient Romans and filming more special and amazing footage.

I take great pride in my piano studio! Over the past decade I have had the privilege of teaching over 100 children. My goal is to ensure that each student is able to grow to love and understand music. Every week, I work hard to tailor each lesson to my student’s unique learning style. I have a degree in piano performance, and believe in a holistic approach to the study of music, and music theory is an important part of that equation! All of my music students study music theory, and they will testify that it makes them better musicians! 

Growing up, I was homeschooled student from K-12, with two disabled parents, which led me to be an independent and hard worker. I finished my High School at 16, and graduated college Summa Cum Laude.  I come from a neurodivergent family and have years of experience with students who have learning differences such as: ASD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, visual impairments, and hard of hearing. I know ASL 🤟 and am comfortable incorporating this into my lessons

My goal is to take education out of the traditional “classroom” setting and make life-learning a possibility for every student. I never sought out to be an educator, but my experience in university and the professional world pushed me into the field of education - it’s not a job, it’s a passion - and I never “work” a single day!

I firmly believes that by making topics interesting, relatable, and fun - students can learn anything, at any age. I hope to turn your children into life long learners, who view every encounter as another opportunity to learn and grow as people. 

In my spare time I enjoy hiking, farming, & travelling the world. I also love to learn languages (Spanish, French, Hebrew, Latin, Italian!) and learning about different cultures - I have been to more than 30 different countries, and next stop is…TAIWAN!

💫 Policies as of April 2023 💫 
* If Zoom kicks out the teacher, please wait up to 5 minutes. 

* If Zoom kicks out the whole class, please wait up to 5 minutes while trying to re-enter. If you are unable to get back in, please message me. I will work transfer you to another section. 

* Class recordings are upon request, only 

* Requests for transfer will only be accepted with a minimum of 24 hours' notice. If you request a transfer with less than 24 hours' notice, I will send you the class recording. This is necessary because, if you transfer without enough time to fill the spot you are transferring from, you are getting two spots in the class but only paying for one.




25 分鐘

年齡: 8-13
3-9 每班學員人數

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