
美國歷史 - 人民歷史 - B 學期

Courtney Runchey


14 現場會議
11 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students need to do the weekly reading, usually 1 chapter throughout the class. They may also be assigned videos if time didn't allow in class. **I will include extra resources each week for students who are interested in a particular time period they can learn more. This is not required.
Students who choose to receive a letter grade will be graded on the following. Class participation 10%, assignments 40%, final project 50%
Students who choose to receive a letter grade will be graded on the following. Class participation 10%, assignments 40%, final project 50%


英語程度 - A1
美國 9 - 12 年級
We will be looking at history from multiple perspectives, especially those not typically focused on. To more fully understand events we will look at many factors including economic, political, world events, religion, and more. With this picture of events students will be able to consider many factors that impact on the major events in history. 

This is a class that looks at what was going on and how that affected what happened. While we will cover the dates that things happened. This isn't a class where students need to memorize them. Instead students will be learning how many different factors are at play during major events and thinking about what impact they play on different events. 

Students can choose to be graded or not. I am happy to work with homeschool students to meet their state's requirements. Students of all abilities can be successful in this class. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

In this course we will reference Howard Zinn’s A Young Person’s History of the United States. This is an easy to read and understand text also available as an audio. Each week will have chapters assigned to read before class or videos to watch. Please be prepared to discuss assignments at our class. Each week we will also use supplemental materials from the Zinn Education Project- www.zinnedproject.org to consider through the complex issues presented in the material. **Planned activities may be changed.**

Class Format:

Welcome - Introduction to topic and Warm-Up Activity

Main Topic - Slides, and video clips will be used to cover major concepts of the lesson. 

Activity/Discussion - Students will have activities and projects based on the topic that week. In break out rooms students will discuss in small groups. These come from https://www.zinnedproject.org/ 

Review - Students share projects or activities, discuss challenges, and listen to other groups take on the material.

Closing - Wrap-Up and Q and A.
Students will:

1. Learn about bias
2. Be able to use primary resources to identify author
3. Consider the authors bias in writing
4. Examine historical events from multiple group perspectives
5. Develop a deeper understanding of history 
6. Compare and Contrast historical events to contemporary events
7. Think Critically about topics 
8. Identify different reasons that historical events happened


14 課程
超過 14 週
課 1:
Ch 13 Class Struggle
 The class will engage in a discussion about key events and figures in class struggles. To deepen their comprehension, students will participate in a role-play of a historical labor strike, simulating the experiences and challenges faced by workers. The lesson will conclude with a Q&A session where students can ask questions and seek clarification on any points of confusion. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Ch 14 World War I
 In this chapter, we'll explore the United States' entry into World War I and its profound impact on the nation. Through a nuanced examination of political, economic, and social factors, students will gain a deeper understanding of how participation in the war transformed American society. Additionally, we'll analyze the broader implications of the conflict on the global stage. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Ch 15 Hard Times
 The Great Depression stands as one of the most challenging periods in American history, and in this chapter, we'll delve into its causes and consequences. By examining the economic collapse and its far-reaching impacts on individuals and communities, students will develop a nuanced understanding of this pivotal era. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Ch 16 World War II and the Cold War
 This chapter explores the monumental events of World War II and the ensuing Cold War era. Through an analysis of major battles, diplomatic strategies, and ideological conflicts, students will gain insight into the complexities of these global conflicts and their enduring legacies. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


No accounts or additional sign-ups are needed. I will share videos and clips from my computer. This text takes a hard look at some of the worst atrocities committed by Americans. Topics are not glossed over and sensitive students may find the material challenging. The book contains, images, descriptions, and first hand accounts that are upsetting. While the goal is not to upset students but to give a more accurate picture of the history of The United States parents are encouraged to consider if your child is ready for this material. Parents may also want to obtain the book and read it first to determine if this is the right class for your student. I use primary source materials (letters, diaries, ledgers, newspapers, pamphlets, ect.) some have offensive words and drawings. I do this not to sensationalize the material but the allow learners to read first hand accounts of the time. I try to provide multiple perspective of the same event with these materials. We discuss how language, morals, and laws have changed over time and we can't apply todays standards on the past. We look at these materials in a historical context.
A Young People's History of the United States - Students need to obtain a copy for the duration of the class.
A single subject notebook or composition book devoted to this class.
A writing implement, and colored pencils or crayons. 
Articles and primary source material supplied by teacher during class. PDF's will be added to the classroom before class.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 August, 2020
學士學位 由 Northwood University
I have worked in education for over 15 years, the last 9 as a homeschool parent. My passion is helping students create a deeper understanding of complex material by examining different perspectives. The stories that are told matter, even more in today's world. Understanding another perspective and story can help us relate. I love sharing new diverse literature that is engaging and expands students' understanding. History can come alive using both novels and primary source materials in my classes. When examining history there are many factors that we will discuss including socioeconomic, religious, bias in narration and understanding who the narrator is. Critical thinking is a skill that all students will work on, while we engage in discussions about the topics covered students will be questioned to consider different perspectives and reasons for events or choices.  

I have taught at a local homeschool co-op for over 7 years (in person and online) During that time one of my favorite classes has been running the middle and high school book clubs. Beside introducing books to students; I have been facilitating the discussions around difficult topics. I have attended many teacher professional developments over the years focusing on how to handle these difficult topics with sensitivity and care.

I started my schooling with a B.B.A. from Northwood University. After several years in the corporate climate I decided to go back to school to get a teaching degree. I attended Eastern Michigan University and finished my classes and testing required for the teaching degree. The semester I was to start student teaching one of my children became seriously ill. Once they were recovered I was starting to homeschool my children and never went back to finish the program. 
While I have taught at several homeschool groups and co-ops. My experience at the high school has focused on several topics: English, History, Finance, and Engineering. With my love of books I ran the middle and high school book clubs for over 5 years. During this time I have also taught classes on essay writing, short stories, grammar and mechanics of writing and novel analysis. I ran the book club and novel analysis class together exploring a new book each month.  The class was split into two, one with a middle grade selection and one with a YA book selection. I worked hard to select new books that were diverse, own voices, and covered many genres.(24 books a year) I facilitated discussions about the books we read. This included plot, themes, symbolism, character development, and more. My students have also participated in NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo. 

I created the Literature through film series at the request of students. While we were reading excellent books and engaging with the primary source material. Students, especially my reluctant or slow readers, wanted to learn about the "classics" without giving up the book club. Some of these students had just started to enjoy reading or couldn't complete 2 novels a month. By using film students were exposed to 14 book-to-film adaptations in one semester.  We were able to still discuss all the major elements of our novel analysis. I used passages from the text to discuss unique grammar usage. Some students enjoyed it so much they even read a book or two after watching the movies. 

With my History classes I use a combination of primary sources, articles, reference materials, and videos to teach students. I teach students to evaluate the bias of the author, the purpose of the piece of writing, and who's points of views are put forth. We were often trying to look at marginalized peoples stories that may not always be highlighted. I have taught both Howard Zinn's History for Young People, Big History Project, and History through film. 

The classes I taught under Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting. While covering the topics themselves I find that students do well with hands-on application of studies. For example my Finance class besides learning the basics of finance. Students researched careers, living locations, wages, housing expenses, job growth or decline projections in the area of their chosen field and living location. With that information they made a budget, calculated mortgage rates, loan interest rates, amount of student loan debt they anticipated and payment schedules. They considered the impact of credit scores and of credit card debt at different interest rates. We also did a class long mock investment tracking, investments over time, and retirement series. 

Our group was lucky enough to have access to Lego Education Kits. I taught several classes with engineering challenges and using the kits materials.  My Outschool engineering classes are based on those I taught at the homeschool groups but do not require a kit. 
I have continued to attend teacher professional developments including:
ACE - Outschool Certification
Completed Teaching Big History Certification
Completed Teaching AP World History Certification
EdCamp - EMU
NerdCamp - Parma
NaNoWriMo - Online, and local events
Others offered at EMU and MSU




每週或US$225 用於 14 課程
每週1次,共 14 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 13-18
2-12 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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