

Shilo Dawn


6 現場會議
5 上課時間
每週 4+ 小時. Students should have read the assigned chapters and completed the creative writing portion of the lesson prior to class. The reading will be 5-7 chapters, which is roughly 50 pages in most versions of the book. For the creative writing portion of the class, students are encouraged to pick 1-2 scenes from the previous class's reading assignment. They should rewrite the scene/s based on the class's theme.
I will provide feedback on the homework stories the students complete. This is entirely optional. Feedback will be through a message, which other students will not be able to see.


英語程度 - B1
美國 5 - 8 年級
Before each class, students will need to read 5-7 chapters (roughly 50 pages). With the exception of our first class, where we will introduce ourselves, we will start each class with the students sharing their story based on the reading and the theme from the previous lesson. Students will discuss whether they feel like the changed elements did or did not change the overall storyline. Students should expect to spend 20-25 minutes doing this at the beginning of class. 

We will then discuss the reading for the class. Students should be ready to discuss what happened in the reading for class as well as how the theme for the class applies to the reading. For example, in the first class, we are discussing the rural or country setting of the story. We will talk about how the rural setting shaped the storyline. We will spend roughly 20-25 minutes talking about what the students read and the theme for that class. For the final portion of the class, we will talk about their assignment for the next class, discussing the elements that the students will need to change for the next class. For example, for the first class, the theme is the physical setting. For that lesson, students should rewrite a portion of these chapters changing the physical setting of the story. During this time, students will be able to ask any questions about the material for the next class. 

Students will be expected to do rewrites of the story between classes based on the theme for the class. While students can do rewrites of as much as the whole reading for the class or as little as one scene, one to two scenes should be sufficient and allow enough time for everyone to share their rewrites. 

Class One: Chapters 1-7 

Students will begin this class by introducing themselves and telling us a little about why they are interested in this book. We will talk about the rural or country setting of the story and how that is an important element of the story. For the upcoming class, students will have the chance to rewrite a portion of these chapters, placing the characters in a different physical setting. This may include moving the story to a city or to an even more remote setting. Students may choose to move the story to another country, particularly one with a very different culture than Canada. Because we will be doing another lesson focused on the time period element of this story, students are encouraged to keep the rewrite of these chapters focused on roughly this same time period. 

Class Two: Chapters 8-14

We will be discussing some of the personality characteristics of the characters with an emphasis on Mrs. Rachel Lynde and Anne. We will talk about how their first meeting may have gone differently if they hadn’t had such outspoken personalities. For the next class, students will rewrite the story with at least one character having very different personality characteristics. 

Class Three: Chapters 15-19

These chapters have two main catastrophes. First, Anne smacks Gilbert on the head with her slate. Then she unintentionally gets Dianna drunk. We will talk about these two incidents and about how Anne seems to get into trouble. For the students’ written assignment, they should create an Anne who’s well-behaved and doesn’t get herself into trouble. 

Class Four: Chapters 20-25

We will talk about how characters communicate as well as other elements that shape the lives of the characters during this time period, the early 1900s. For their writing assignment, students will write this part of the story as though it took place during a different time period. If placing the story in a later time period, cell phones, cars, and other modern conveniences might be considered. If placing the story in an earlier time period, students may need to do some research to discover technology and customs common to that time period. 

Class Five: Chapters 26-31

We will talk about how the book is written in third-person. We will talk about what this allowed us to see and what it didn’t allow us to see. For their creative writing homework, students should rewrite a portion of these chapters in first-person as though they are Anne (or another major character, if they prefer).  

Class Six: Chapters 32-38

For our final lesson, we will talk about the book as a whole with an emphasis on the final seven chapters. We will talk about how Anne has evolved over the course of the book. Students may discuss why they think these changes took place. Is it just Anne getting older and more mature? Is she learning from past experiences? We will talk about the things that students liked and the things that they didn't like about the book. If there's enough time, we will talk about some of the things that the students would change and/or how they think this book would be different if it were written today. While students will not be able to share this with their peers, they will be encouraged to do a final writing assignment where they make Anne either older or younger than she was in the final chapters. I would encourage them to make the age difference significant (at least 10 years).
Students will have a chance to discuss "Anne of Green Gables." They will also work on fan fiction based on specific elements of the story. This class gives students the opportunity to practice identifying specific elements of a story as well as developing their own creative writing abilities. Please note, some of the discussions will include talking about prejudices in the book. This may include sexism, racism, and stereotypes.


6 課程
超過 2 週
課 1:
Class One: Chapters 1-7
 Students will begin this class by introducing themselves and telling us a little about why they are interested in this book. We will talk about the rural or country setting of the story and how that is an important element of the story. For the upcoming class, students will have the chance to rewrite a portion of these chapters, placing the characters in a different physical setting. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Class Two: Chapters 8-14
 We will be discussing some of the personality characteristics of the characters with an emphasis on Mrs. Rachel Lynde and Anne. We will talk about how their first meeting may have gone differently if they hadn't had such outspoken personalities. For the next class, students will rewrite the story with at least one character having very different personality characteristics. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Class Three: Chapters 15-19
 These chapters have two main catastrophes. First, Anne smacks Gilbert on the head with her slate. Then she unintentionally gets Dianna drunk. We will talk about these two incidents and about how Anne seems to get into trouble. For the students' written assignment, they should create an Anne who's well-behaved and doesn't get herself into trouble. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Class Four: Chapters 20-25
 We will talk about how characters communicate as well as other elements that shape the lives of the characters during this time period, the early 1900s. For their writing assignment, students will write this part of the story as though it took place during a different time period. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


Sexism, underage unintentional drunkenness, racism, racial slurs, stereotypes, and harmful and inaccurate descriptions of Native are some of the sensitive topics that students may encounter in their reading. If these are topics that you feel might be an issue for your student, I encourage you to read over the material with your student and discuss any potential issues prior to each class. I have found that one of the best ways to address difficult or sensitive topics such as these in class is to point out that while these actions may have been accepted at a certain time and in a certain culture, these actions and attitudes are not acceptable. Students will be able to express their thoughts and opinions on these topics as long as they remain respectful. If students cannot be respectful, they may be removed from the classroom for a time to protect the rights and comfort of other students.
All students will need a copy of "Anne of Green Gables." Students are welcome to use physical, audio, or digital copies of the book. For those who prefer the digital version, they can be found at the Project Gutenberg website at https://www.gutenberg.org/. Students should also have a way to do their creative writing. They can handwrite their stories using a pen and notebook, or they can write it on an electronic device, such as a computer or tablet.
英語 (等級: B1)
已加入 July, 2022
碩士 在 英語 從 Central Michigan University
學士學位 由 Brigham Young University
I have loved the story of "Anne of Green Gables" since I was a little kid. My first experience with it was watching the Megan Follows and Jonathan Crombie made-for-television movie as well as its sequels. From that moment on, I was convinced that I would one day marry Gilbert Blythe. I've since watched the movies multiple times as well as read the whole series over and over again. 

When I was about 11 or 12, I discovered that L.M. Montgomery and I share a birthday, which was really exciting. I hope to share my love of this book as well as my love of creative writing through this class. I also hold a Master's degree in Creative Writing and enjoy helping others to develop their own writing skills, especially fiction writing skills. 

This book does deal with some controversial and potentially hurtful topics, including sexism, racism, racial slurs, stereotypes, and inaccurate descriptions of Natives. For roughly four years, I taught English to students in China. In some of our lessons, we would discuss topics that were controversial and at times hurtful, including segregation in the United States, racism, controversial political figures, and other delicate topics. I have found that one of the best ways to address difficult or sensitive topics such as these is to point out that while these actions may have been accepted at a certain time and in a certain culture, these actions and attitudes are not acceptable. 




每週或US$90 用於 6 課程
每週3次,共 2 週
50 分鐘

有4 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-14
2-8 每班學員人數

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