1 現場會議
25 分鐘 上課時間作業
Suggested reading: [optional] Captain Awesome and the Ultimate Spelling Bee (7) Stan Kirby, Author我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 3 - 5 年級
Contestants in The Spelling Bee Game - Ready! Set! Spell! spell words quickly for points to see who can spell the most words in each spelling bee round. Fun! Fast! Spell your best. Fun way to practice grade-level appropriate words with challenge rounds included. Fun, friendly competition. This is an opportunity for learners/contestants to just have fun spelling words in the "spelling game" called out by the Teacher, or as a contestant in the "spelling game," prepare for a mock spelling bee at your school or even the Scripps National Spelling Bee but in a fun, exciting, engaging, interactive environment. The format of this class is different from other spelling bee classes. Contestants must take the challenge and spell each word given by the Teacher sight unseen. Learners will listen to a word given by the Teacher and all contestants will write the word on their dry erase white board in 15 seconds or less. Every contestant can earn points each time they spell the word correctly. By the end of the Spelling Bee, the contestant who has earned the most points is the winner! Learners participating in a spelling bee helps develop cognitive skills that your brain uses to think, read, remember, learn, reason, and pay attention. A spelling bee helps learners learn how to break down bigger words and spell them correctly. All spelling words will conform to standard U.S. spellings. Will there be a single winner or multiple winners? You must participate in the fun and see. The Spelling Bee Game - Ready! Set! Spell! Calling All Spelling Bee Contestants. Enroll today and have fun. Contestants can choose to take this class more than one time. Repeat the fun each time. Spelling word are different for each class but there's always fun each time. Each class has a different spelling list and is structure in this manner: 🐝 Spelling Bee contestant introductions 🐝 Spelling bee contest, rounds 🐝 Spelling bee challenge 🐝 Spelling & word games Suggested reading: [optional] Captain Awesome and the Ultimate Spelling Bee (7) Stan Kirby, Author
🐝 spell words quickly and correctly
🐝 improve spelling
🐝 building spelling confidence
🐝 enhance vocabulary
🐝 participate in friendly competition
🐝 dry erase board 🐝 dry erase markers 🐝 dry erase eraser [clean old sock will do] 🐝 positive attitude 🐝 positive competitive spirit 🐝 great energy & enthusiasm 🐝 cooperative group interaction
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碩士 在 教育 從 Indiana University
For me, it all began in elementary school. I thought I was a good speller, but the real test came when we had spelling bees in my classroom and in my school. I was the best speller in my 2nd & 3rd grade class, and did pretty well in the school-wide competition in 5th & 6th grade. So "spelling bees" are in my blood.
As a Teacher, I loved preparing students for a spelling bee. I loved reading and spelling words myself, and I love friendly competition. Even today, I love playing word games, so it's my hope that this friendly competition and spelling of words will excite learners here on Outschool and enroll in and have fun in The Spelling Bee Game - Ready! Set! Spell! 🐝
25 分鐘
有7 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 8-11
2-8 每班學員人數