
克拉森 (Jon Klassen) 的《頭骨》:書籍研究

學習者將學習 Jon Klassen 的《頭骨》。我們將定義民間故事並簡要研究故事的地理起源。然後,學生將分四個部分閱讀故事,並到課堂上討論每次分配的部分。


6 現場會議
3 上課時間
每週 1 小時. The story is broken into five parts. Students will read each part outside of class as they are assigned. Students may read the book independently or with a reading buddy at home who can read it to or with them.
I will provide a small written paragraph to each learner's adult regarding how well their learner seemed to understand the story during discussions and suggest next steps , if necessary, to help them keep growing as a reader and learner.


英語程度 - B2+
美國 1 - 3 年級
Intermediate 等級
This class will meet six times to discuss the story The Skull by Jon Klassen.  The book will need to be read in between sessions and will be assigned in five parts. 

We will learn about the story arc using the language beginning/middle/end. We will talk about story elements including plot, characters, setting, tone, and problem/solution. We will also learn about how folktales 

The book will be assigned in five parts. Class one will introduce the book and each of the five parts will be discussed during classes 2-6. At the end of each class, a new part of the book will be assigned. Upon assigning each part, I will provide a word list for students to be on the lookout for, as well as aspects of literature they can pay attention to while they read, in order to have the best learning experience possible. When we meet to discuss the book, students will participate in interactive polls as they recall parts of the story.  Then, they will participate in conversations that will allow them to practice the skills of summarizing, inferring, and predicting.
Students will be able to clearly define what a folktale is, identifying elements of a folktale in the story.
Students will be able to identify and discuss the story elements plot, characters, setting, tone,  and problem/solution in the story.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
6 課程
超過 3 週
課 1:
What is a Folktale?
 This lesson will introduce the story and define its genre as a folktale. We will briefly talk about the region of Tyrol, the story's origins. On a class chart, we will record what we already know about folktales and what we are wondering about this folktale, specifically. Part one of the book will be assigned. Students should consider characters and setting while reading and will be encouraged to think about how we can tell that this is a folktale based on these story elements. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Skull: Part One
 We will recall what happened in part one, practice summarizing, inferring, and predicting, and identify the characters and setting of the story. We will talk about the story arc and how every good story has a beginning/middle/end. We will then chart characters and setting on our story arc. Part two will be assigned. Readers can think about how the skull’s relationship with the girl is developing. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
The Skull: Part Two
 We will recall what happened in part two, practice summarizing, inferencing and predicting, and discuss the formation of the relationship between the girl and the skull. We will take whole class notes on the story arc. Problem and solution will be identified. Part three will be assigned. Readers can try to identify the skull’s problem in the story. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
The Skull: Part Three
 We will recall what happened in part three, and practice summarizing, inferencing and predicting. We will also discuss how we are introduced to the problem, which happens in the middle of the story, and we will record notes on the story arc. Part four will be assigned. Readers are encouraged to identify the solution to the skull’s problem. 
30 分鐘線上直播課


I provide explicit instructions while remaining flexible and kind. I provide multiple modalities for sharing so that every students' thinking is included. Learners do not need to read independently- buddies can read to them or with them.
This story is about a girl who goes into the forest alone during a snow storm and encounters a talking skull. Although she does befriend the skull in the story, the idea of a talking skull might be too scary, already, for some learners. Please keep this in mind when registering your children for the class.
Must purchase The Skull by Jon Klassen. Learners need to read independently or have a reading buddy at home who can read to/with them. Learners- be ready to discuss the story in a group and/or be able to share using tools provided in class.
已加入 November, 2020
I have a BSEd for grades 1-6 with a concentration in English. I also have a Master's in Social Work and constantly consider the social emotional when leading literature discussions. 




每週或US$125 用於 6 課程
每週2次,共 3 週
30 分鐘

年齡: 6-9
2-9 每班學員人數

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