
黑暗空洞的禮物:波德金一隻耳朵 - 穿越 5 個領域的旅程

The Friendly Forest School with Ms. Nora, M.Ed.


3 現場會議
2 小時 15 分鐘 每週上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 Pre-Kindergarten - 2
Let's read, "The Legend of Podkin One Ear" by Kieran Larwood ! 

Together we will embark on an enchanting adventure with Podkin One-Ear! During this reading adventure, students will dive into the captivating world of Podkin, the brave rabbit hero, and his siblings, as they navigate through loss, danger, deep hardship, friendship, forgiveness, self-discovery and bravery. Each session will feature a lively reading of "Podkin One-Ear," paired with interactive discussions, creative activities, and imaginative explorations that bring the story to life.

Learning Objectives:

Enhance Reading Comprehension: Understand and analyze key events, themes, and character developments in the story.

Expand Vocabulary: Learn and use new words encountered in the text through engaging activities.

Develop Map Reading Skills: Interpret and create maps related to the journey of Podkin and his siblings.

Boost Creativity: Illustrate scenes and characters from the book, bringing the story to life through art.

Foster Imagination and Empathy: Encourage imaginative thinking and understanding of the characters' emotions and actions.

Class Structure:

Introduction and Warm-Up:
Greeting and mindful breath:
Brief overview of the day's reading and review of the previous session.
Fun warm-up activity related to the story (e.g., character charades, quick sketches).

Read-Aloud Session:
Enthusiastic and expressive reading of "Podkin One-Ear."
Pause for predictions, vocabulary, questions, and reflections during the reading.

Interactive Discussion:
Group discussion on the key events, themes, and characters of the day's reading.
Questions to encourage critical thinking and personal connections to the story.

Reading Comprehension Activities:
Activities to reinforce understanding of the text (e.g., summarizing, identifying main ideas).
Quizzes and games to test comprehension in a fun and interactive way.

Vocabulary Practice:
Introduction and practice of new vocabulary words from the day's reading.
Word games and exercises to reinforce learning.

Map Reading and Creation:
Study and discuss maps related to the story's setting and characters' journeys.
Create maps that chart Podkin and his siblings' adventures.

Creative Illustration:
Illustrations inspired by the story (e.g., drawing favorite scenes, designing character portraits).
Sharing and discussing illustrations with the class.

Closing and Preview:
Summary of the day's session.
Preview of the next reading to build excitement.
Understand the main plot, characters, and setting of "Podkin One-Ear."
Understand the main plot, characters, and setting of "Podkin One-Ear."


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 February, 2022
Get $10 off my classes with coupon code FRIENBACKTOSCHOOL10 until Sep 5, 2024

Welcome to  The Friendly Forest School! 

I come to you with a wealth of knowledge, classroom experience, and a passion for teaching young children though play. 

My classes follow a Waldorf-inspired approach that focuses on the holistic development children, ensuring that academic skills are nurtured in an engaging and imaginative manner.

A predictable peaceful rhythm, delightful melodies, American Sign Language, and captivating tales (often set in the Friendly Forest) infuse every lesson, making learning a joyful exploration!I 

By embracing the ebb and flow of nature's cycles, my goal is to help children feel grounded, secure, and ready to absorb knowledge with open hearts and curious minds.


My journey began in the summer of 2001 when I had an internship in Early Childhood Education at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. After graduating from Purdue University with my Bachelors Degree, I began working as a social worker and case manager for young children in LaPorte, Indiana. 

I  then moved to Phoenix, AZ and started my journey in Special Education, working as an in-home therapist for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. I specialized in building language through American Sign Language, sensory integration and sensory processing disorders, and positive behavior support. In 2005 I was named by the Governor as Arizona's "Caregiver of the Year"!  

In 2006, I obtained my Masters Degree in Special Education and began working in a K-6 Self Contained Classroom. During this time I worked to develop an award winning School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support program, based entirely on peace and mindfulness. I was awarded the "You Make a Difference" award by the Osborn School District for my work on this project!
My daughter, Eleanor, was born in 2010 and by 2012 I left the classroom to be a full-time mama. My youngest daughter, Annalise, was born in 2013. During this time I began to adopt Waldorf philosophies at home and began homeschool using Waldorf inspired pedagogy. 

In 2017, I started my own Early Childhood Center called "Let's Play Learning". The developmentally appropriate curriculum was based on the view that children learn best when they are actively exploring the natural world and a carefully constructed environment in the company of their caregiver and directed by loving, professionally prepared teachers. I closed my doors at the beginning of the pandemic and began teaching online, which I love!  

In my classes I strive to create a culture of peace and mindfulness while teaching academic skills through nature, imaginative play, storytelling, and artistic expression. 

I now live with my family just five minutes away from beautiful Lake Michigan.




每週( US$15每班
每週上課 x 3 次
45 分鐘

有5 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 6-10
2-10 每班學員人數

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