
超級英雄程式設計營:成為 3D 混合實境中的超級程式設計師

在這個為期四天的創意編碼營(四節90 分鐘課程)中,學生將在名為CoSpaces 的程式中創建自己的3D 世界,並學習如何透過隱形傳輸、噴氣背包和X 射線視覺成為自己的超級英雄。
Coco Coders


4 現場會議
6 上課時間


Day 1 - Teleportation
Students will learn how to code a magical door that will take them to the different worlds they have created in the 3D environment. They will have the opportunity to get really creative in this lesson, learning all about scene creation in CoSpaces and how you can use the scenes to create a flowing project. Students will code the camera to move when certain keys are pressed, and look into coding concepts such as loops to code this fully interactive project. 

Day 2 & 3 - Jetpack
Students will build on their scene creation learning from day 1 to create a complex scene including a hero that needs to rescue a friend. They will learn about how technology has allowed humans to fly, and create a rescue mission that helps mirror this in code. Students will be coding on several complex levels, which is why this lesson spans across two days, as they learn to code their camera movement, attach it to objects, and create a full scene that will play once they have entered the 3D environment. 

Day 4 - X-Ray
In the final lesson students will create an immersive treasure hunt, where they will code objects to hide from view and have a main character go in search of them. Coding concepts covered include variables, as students will learn how to make a score and add a further difficulty level to their projects, and focussing on more complex loops to advance their scenes. 

It will be a very interactive session as we cap our classes to six students - the teacher will work with you to build your projects and also ask you to share your screen to help and guide you where required.

In terms of experience this has been designed for complete beginners but the teacher can accommodate children within the age bracket of 7 to 10 where there will be different levels of experience. All welcome!

Please make sure that the learner has access to a laptop or desktop computer, access to admin controls, an internet connection of 3mbs+, a working speaker, microphone and webcam - all Windows and Mac operating systems of the past five years are supported.


We will provide all necessary logins for the websites listed during the sessions.

Please make sure that the learner has access to a laptop or desktop computer, access to admin controls, an internet connection of 3mbs+, a working speaker, microphone and webcam - all Windows and Mac operating systems of the past five years are supported.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • CoSpaces
已加入 July, 2020
印第安納州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Jessica Gray
密西根州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Andrea Krisciunas
非美國 教學證書 在 小學教育
Nick Bury
醫學博士 在 衛生專業及相關項目 從 University of Karachi
Nazia Fakhruddin
碩士 在 教育 從 Saginaw Valley State University
Andrea Krisciunas
學士學位 在 電腦科學 從 Western Oregon University
Natalie Malone
學士學位 在 心理學 從 University of Toronto
Jojo Shum
學士學位 在 教育 從 ICCT Colleges
Madona Abbott
> Hello

At Coco Coders we teach children between the age of 6-14 how to code at our Live Online Clubs and Camps through exciting themed content such as architecture, fashion and conservation to name a few. Depending on age, we teach using a variety of programs and languages including Scratch, JavaScript and CoSpaces.

Coco Coders has been teaching children how to code since 2016 at in-person and live online clubs and camps. We have amazing teachers on-board who are super passionate in helping your child get future ready! 

We don't believe in creating a world of little computing scientists but we created a curriculum that allows our students to gain an understanding of computational thinking concepts for whatever career they choose to go into in the future!

Fun fact? Our Founder, Elizabeth Tweedale, used to be the President of the Cheerleading Society and the Computing Science Society at University!




用於 4 課程
每週4次,共 1 週
90 分鐘

有17 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 7-10
2-6 每班學員人數

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