

在這個為期 6 週的課程中,學生將學習如何透過使用主題句、細節和結論來提高寫作技巧,同時學習寫不同類型的寫作。
Kelly Bell


12 現場會議
7 上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國 3 - 5 年級
Intermediate 等級
In this 6 week class students will explore different genres of writing and how to be strong writers. They will use an outline to form their writing and turn their thoughts into strong paragraphs with topic sentences, details, and conclusions. They will learn about introduction paragraphs, bodies, and concluding paragraphs. 

I encourage participation. My classes are very structured. We will begin by going over the topic, I will explain the outline for the writing piece, students will fill in their outline and then I will show them how to turn that into strong paragraphs to form their writing piece. I will do this step by step. We will share at the end of day 2 if time allows.
Students will learn how to write using details. 
Students will learn how to form strong paragraphs. 
Students will learn different genres of writing.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
與 Common Core State Standards (CCSS)對齊
12 課程
超過 6 週
課 1:
Basics of Writing
 Students will learn the basics of writing. They will review what makes a sentence, what makes a paragraph. Students will practice writing a paragraph. 
35 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Genres of Writing
 Students will review the basics of writing. They will go over different genres of writing (narrative, descriptive, persuasive, opinion, and poetry). 
35 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Learning to Write a Narrative
 Students will learn what narrative writing is. Students will follow an outline and write a narrative piece. In the template they will learn how to add details and make strong paragraphs. 
35 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Writing a Narrative Part 2
 Students will continue to follow the steps to write their own narrative. They will take their outline and turn their paragraphs into a strong writing piece with introduction, body, and conclusion. 
35 分鐘線上直播課


Students should know how to write a sentence and form basic paragraphs.
You will need lined paper, pencil, and printer (to print the outline). The outline for the weekly writing will be posted on the classroom page.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 May, 2020
紐約 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
I teach a variety of different classes geared toward elementary students ages 3 and up. My classes include ELA, Math, Writing, Phonics, Stories, teaching beginner, intermediate and advanced readers, simple to complex sentences, and much more. I love student participation and encourage it in all my class. 
I have 16 years of teaching experience.  I teach 4th grade ELA in a public school in NYS and have been teaching for 4 years on Outschool. I have a Masters in Elementary Education, Bachelors in History, Associates in Business. I have taught Pre-k, K, and ESL online. I have taught all subjects. Over my 16 years of teaching, I have gone to many different trainings in ELA, math, behavioral and I am trained in Logics by Ortan Gillingham and currently training and using restorative practices. 
I believe every child can learn but not all through the same method. Learning needs to be fun and engaging and needs to be a memorable experience for students to truly understand it. 
I am a mom to five wonderful kids ages 6-12. They keep me busy and I love being their number one teacher! 

Class Expectations 
1. Be on time and be prepared. Please read class material section for proper materials.
2. Class will go the full length of the time unless their is a small number of students, then it may be a little shorter (usually only five minutes) 
3. I like to engage my students through different activities and discussion, if a student doesn't want to participate that is fine, but I will encourage it. 
4. You must turn your camera on at the beginning of class.




用於 12 課程
每週2次,共 6 週
35 分鐘

有3 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 8-12
3-10 每班學員人數

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