

每週一次 25 分鐘的課程,學生在螢幕上向老師朗讀故事以進行閱讀練習。非常適合 ESL 學習者。
Mrs Natalie Chiasson


25 分鐘
I will often offer activity worksheets for students in areas that they are struggling.


英語程度 - A1
美國等級 Kindergarten - 4
Beginner 等級
Class - Storytime Spotlight: Read Aloud with Confidence: Read to the Teacher 1:1

In this interactive class, students will read a short story provided by the teacher via screen sharing. 
As the student reads aloud, the teacher will provide gentle corrections for pronunciation and intonation while encouraging fluency and comprehension. 

This class is designed to help build reading confidence, expand vocabulary, and improve language skills—especially for ESL learners. 

It’s a fun and supportive way to practice reading in a relaxed one-on-one environment!

I will choose stories that tone in with the likes of the students, that is also fun to read. 
We will have discussions along the way throughout the story to ensure the student grasps the meanings of the words they are reading.
Students will gain confidence with learning new words.
Students will improve their speaking and vocabulary use.


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Igloo books Epic monkeypen.com books getepic.com books books I wrote myself
已加入 July, 2021
非美國 教學證書 在 向講其他語言的人講英語
*Note, I do not change class time for daylight saving time on my end, as my time does not change*
Note for another commitment, I am unable to teach on the following days: September 18-22, 2024 and Feb 6-15, 2025. 
My Name is Natalie. I am a Canadian from a small town in Canada, that is lovely during the summer. I love to travel, so after obtaining a TEFL 120 hour certification, I teach online to be able to have flexibility to explore our great world a lot more and meet many international students. 
*I have opened auto scheduling so book as you wish* NOTE, I do not work on Sundays, Mondays or Tuesdays.
 I have visited so many countries, and now I am visiting and exploring South Africa with husband (where we can avoid the cold Canadian winters - although snow can be so beautiful to watch, these days I like snow on postcards). I love animals and photography.
 Some of the animals I am very lucky to see most often are: zebra, giraffe, nyala, impala, waterbuck, kudu, civets, genets, porcupines at night, leopards, lions, elephants, cheetah, hyena, jackals, mongoose, plated lizards, tortoises to name a few and plenty of birds! Animal paradise I call it! Some even visit during class time, and I can show you if any arrive.
I did a long 10-month backpacking trip through Central America (I even wrote a book about it), which made me realize, that there are so many countries I still need to travel to, explore, and visit. I got to meet so many amazing people. I did a lot of volunteer work along the way as well as house and pet sit which was so fun!
I had a corporate job for 18 years in a large hospital, as an administrator, but in 2018, I decided that I wanted to travel a lot more, thus teaching online was my answer. 
 I am teaching ESL/English online , as well as other subjects about animals, bugs and creatures, and love teaching children (an even young adults). I want my students to have lots of fun while learning something new. I have taught over 3900 lessons.
Fun fact: I have a twin sister which is also lots of fun! Still to this day, people mix us up. 
I can talk endlessly on animals. I love them.
From me, you can learn about animals, bugs, photography, ESL, writing and reading practice, and have fun while learning. 
I would love to see you in my class. I have opened auto scheduling so you can find a class that suits your schedule, so book away! 

Until then...
Have a great day,
Mrs. Natalie

NOTE: If you would like a 1 on 1 class, or have requests for classes outside of the schedule, let me know and I will try to accommodate your request, but keep in mind that 1:1 does cost more. :) 
Also note, I do not offer refunds on missed classes (If you are 10 minutes late, this is considered an absent class). Please ensure to arrive on time. Also I do not have daylight saving time where I am located, so please make arrangements as per the lesson class times do not change for me. Please follow the time on your schedule.




25 分鐘

有9 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 5-10

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