

在這個為期 2 週、4 節課的夏季閱讀課中,學生將閱讀並討論 Farley Mowat 的《Never Cry Wolf》。讓我們從科學家、當地人、地理學家、作家和狼等多個角度來閱讀和理解莫瓦特的故事。


4 現場會議
5 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. 包括
I include informal observational evaluations looking for understanding, engagement, inquiry, and connections to other learning or situations.


英語程度 - B2+
美國 8 - 11 年級
Intermediate 等級
In this class, students will have the opportunity to imagine, speculate, predict, and plan as they read the story of Farley Mowat's adventure on the tundra in Never Cry Wolf. Students will read several chapters before each of the four classes. Each class will begin with a look at some aspects of the story like its location, the indigenous populations found in and around these remote locations, the habits of wolves, multiple perspectives that shape the story, and the scientific approach to the study the wolf. We will explore vocabulary and concepts connected to the story and then, we will discuss what students read before class using guiding questions. Students will have a chance to ask questions and share their thoughts and ideas about Mowat's story. We will read at least one chapter together during each class. Assessment is through informal observation during class participation as the class is designed to be informal, flexible, and open for students to share their thought as the story unfolds. The focus for this class is building a joy of reading, expanding vocabulary, and developing an understanding of a world far different from that of most other people. This class depends on student participation as it is not a lecture class.
Students will develop a love or enjoyment of reading.
Students will expand their vocabulary.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
4 課程
超過 2 週
課 1:
Chapters 1-6 The Journey Begins
 Welcome and introductions.
Habits of Good Readers. 
What is inquiry and what are you curious about?  

Reading Prep
Background on the book and author. 
Vocabulary geography, bush, perspective, Eskimo, esker
Explore what is remote and how do we measure it? 

Questions about the reading? 

Discussion: chapters 1-5
Guiding Questions

Summary: Tyler’s journey to the Keewatin Barren Lands and setting up camp.

Read chapter 6 together. 
75 分鐘線上直播課
1 作業
課 2:
Chapters 7-12 Investigation and Observation on the Tundra
 Welcome Back
Reading Prep
Vocabulary location, region, place, sense of place, subarctic, Arctic
Using maps, orientation, Arctic region of northern Canada. 
Where and what is the tundra? 
What characteristics define the tundra?
Describe the place where Mowat has set up his base camp for investigating the wolf population. 

Questions about the reading?

Discussion chapters 7-11
Guiding Questions

Summary: Mowat’s introduction to the wolf family and his observations.

Read chapter 12 together 
75 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Chapters 13-19 Native Ways and Multiple Perspectives
 Welcome Back
Reading Prep
Vocabulary native, indigenous, Inuit, Inupiat
How is Mowat’s perspective of the wolves changing?
How do you think Mike and his family would describe Mowat?
What is the native perspective of the wolves? 
Explore maps. Who are the indigenous people in Mowat’s story? 

Questions about the reading?

Discussion chapters 13-18
Guiding Questions

Summary: Mowat’s interactions with Mike and his family 

Read chapter 19 together 
75 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Chapters 20-24 Plants, Animals, and the Scientist
 Welcome Back
Reading Prep
Vocabulary taiga, scat 
Is Mowat a scientist, a storyteller, an author, adventurer, advocate, activist, …?
What was the “Supersize Me’ experiment?
Describe Mowat’s scientific investigation into why the caribou population was declining?

Questions about the reading?

Discussion chapters 20-23
Guiding Questions 

Summary: Mowat completes his assignment by investigating the hunting practices of the wolves and further observations of the tundra.  

Read chapter 24 together 
75 分鐘線上直播課


One chapter discusses the wolf mating practices which is part of the overall observation of the habits of the wolf. The author references female wolves as bitches. There are a a couple of references to the main character drinking wolf juice, beer and anti-freeze.
Students need access to the book Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 November, 2021
維吉尼亞州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
碩士 由 University of Oregon
I am a licensed teacher in Virginia and Alaska. I have taught secondary social studies for 20 years. I taught AP human geography for 8 years and have worked as a reader for the College Board scoring AP exams for 20 years. I lived in rural Alaska for 5 years working as a teacher. In Alaska, I was responsible for all subjects in both middle school and high school for 3 years. As an educator, I utilize reading, literacy, investigation, imagination, and speculation and other powerful critical thinking skills to support content. I have written curriculum content for districts in both Virginia and Alaska and worked on state level educational committees. I have worked as a content expert for the U.S. Census Bureau and Virginia Geographic Alliance. I have presented professional development for teachers at the national, state, and local level of education. I have traveled as an educator to the Maritime Provinces of Canada, Brazil, and Ecuador. I have also traveled to Puerto Rico, Mexico City, and Finland.  




每週或US$100 用於 4 課程
每週2次,共 2 週
75 分鐘

年齡: 13-18
2-10 每班學員人數

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