

透過拆卸小工具、探索機制和了解事物的工作原理,深入了解 STEM 和工程。在有趣、有機的環境中獲得實務經驗,培養好奇心和創造力。讓我們設計我們的發現之路!
Hub of Curiosity


1 現場會議
50 分鐘 每週上課時間


Important note:  Safety glasses will be required to participate!!!  If a learner arrives in class without eye protection, they can watch and learn, but not disassemble during class.

Welcome to Exploratory Engineers Club! Here, curious minds passionate about STEM and engineering gather to delve into the fascinating world of disassembly. Our club is all about hands-on exploration and understanding how things work from the inside out.
In each session, members bring their own devices to disassemble, whether it's old electronics, household appliances, or gadgets. 

There's no set curriculum because every learner brings something different to the table. Instead of formal instruction, our experienced instructor guides and coaches each member through their disassembly process. As they explore, they'll encounter a myriad of components, sparking impromptu lessons on mechanics, electronics, and engineering principles. It's a dynamic learning experience tailored to each individual's interests and discoveries.

Safety is our top priority. Every session begins with a thorough safety discussion and overview to ensure that everyone can explore with confidence. So, if you're ready to tinker, discover, and unleash your inner engineer in a supportive and hands-on environment, come join us at Exploratory Engineers Club!

This club is entirely learner-led.  Because each participant will bring their own gadget to disassemble, there is no set agenda.  We will follow our path of discovery organically each week.


Every class will begin with a safety briefing as a reminder for returning learners and to ensure new learners are prepared to participate safely. Our learners will be using tools and venturing into unknown electronic devices as we disassemble and explore. Safety glasses will be required to participate!!! If a learner arrives in class without eye protection, they can watch and learn, but not disassemble during class.
Learners will need something to disassemble in class. It does not need to be a working device!! Discount shops like Goodwill or Habitat Restore often discard items that don’t work and won’t pass their inspection to be sold. They’re happy to help a curious kiddo out and keep items out of landfills. Great items are: DVD players, old Walkman, computer mouse or keyboard, small kitchen appliances, etc. Participants are welcome to use tools that you have on-hand at home. However, if they’d like a complete set of tools to use each week, this is a great resource. https://a.co/d/8cWuO11 Additionally, safety glasses will be required to participate!!! If a learner arrives in class without eye protection, they can watch and learn, but not disassemble during class.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 October, 2018
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Judith Smetana
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Judith Smetana
加州 教學證書
Maura Knowles
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Andrea Phillips
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
碩士 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
碩士 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 國際業務 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
學士學位 在 通訊 從 San Francisco State Universtiy
Maura Knowles
學士學位 在 機械工業 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 工商管理 從 Nova Southeastern University
Meagan Tauber
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 藝術與設計 從 Arizona State University
McKenzi Aguirre
學士學位 在 英語語言文學 從 University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tiffany Barnes
副學士學位 在 動物科學 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
Sacha (he/him) is a born tinkerer and has been nicknamed MacGyver by his family. He can fix anything and if it has wheels (whether it be two or four), he’ll race it! He has worked in the automotive industry for over 20 years with brands such as Lexus, Honda, and Volvo. More than one service technician has been shocked when he rolls up his business button-down sleeves and ventures under a car to help troubleshoot issues alongside them. When he’s not working in the automotive world, he’s recreating in the automotive world. Sacha owns a Honda S2000 that he has fully modified to track standards for autocross racing. He’s raced in the national championship five times. Sacha also races hobby grade RC cars which are capable of top speeds in excess of 70MPH!

Meet Sacha:

Giselle (Jaz) (she/her): Jaz is an engineer, researcher, and homeschool mom who loves to make complex topics approachable for anyone who wants to understand. Whether lecturing in a college classroom, digging deeper into complicated subjects over Zoom, or racing across a classroom to teach kids about reference frames, she's always willing to find the best way to help a student truly learn the material. She firmly believes that we can't learn what we don't use, and so she strives to help students find the application in every subject. She holds bachelor's degrees in both electrical and mechanical engineering as well as a master's in electrical engineering and is most of the way through a doctorate. She's also taught in person homeschool classes to students from 5-18 and university courses both at the undergraduate and graduate level. When she's not teaching, doing research, or homeschooling, she's visiting the local vintage bookshops to add to her collection of technical books and literature, reading, playing through a logic-based video game with her kid, cooking an awesome meal, or hiking a trail.

Meet Giselle (Jaz):




每週上課 x 1 次
50 分鐘

年齡: 14-18
3-4 每班學員人數

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