
Stem Book 夏令營 - 讓我們讀一下 Rachel Dougherty 的《秘密工程師》

Ms. Monica from ConstructU
在為期三天的課程中,6至9歲的學生將閱讀並討論Rachel Dougherty的《秘密工程師》,然後用冰棒搭建一座吊橋。


Students will learn about the following:
                            A). Bridges and different types of bridges.
                            B).  The Brooklyn Bridge
                            C).  The Roeblings? 
                            D).  Caissons?
                            E).   Definition of  Compression? Tension? Weight? Force? Arc? Suspenders? 
                            F).   The four parts of a Suspension bridge?

Hello, my name is Monica Burch. I am an engineer by degree but have taught engineering and technology for over twenty years. I have a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from The University of Alabama. I specialized in power and worked with companies such as Gulf Power, Salt River Project, and Colorado UTE for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Later, I worked as a software engineer with companies such as Dow Jones and Merrill Lynch.

After watching my sons become captivated by technology, I started my own business, ConstructU. My goal was to teach the Science, Math, and Engineering behind the technology and to teach kids to love to learn. 

I am also an author, having penned two captivating children's books, unique coloring books, a compelling STEM book, and a remarkable 120 Micro-Blessing book and companion journal, all geared towards education and personal growth.
Before Class Purchase/Borrow/Watch "Secret Engineer" by Rachel Doughtery Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmGROuIGx20 Watch/Reading assignment. Pages 1-8 Purchase Material for Bridge Building Purchase over 100 - 4-1/2 x 3/8 in popsicle stick One Roll of Masking Tape 1-to-.75-inch x 15 yd or more – any color Three-Five Feet of Twine/String 2. Day Two - Reading Assignment Pages 9-16 Review Engineering Design Process Design/Build a Caisson 3. Week Three-Reading Assignment Pages, The rest of the story. 21-34
0 - 1 每週課外時間
 1).  "Secret Engineer" by Rachel Doughtery or Watch  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmGROuIGx20   

 2). Purchase Material for Bridge Building
                               Purchase over 100 - 4-1/2 x 3/8 in popsicle stick
                               One Roll of Masking Tape 1-to-.75-inch x 15 yd or more – any color
                               Three-Five Feet of Twine/String
 "Secret Engineer" by Rachel Doughtery

When my oldest son was in first grade, I picked him up from a play date. It was a cold winter day, and he had spent the entire time inside, playing on a gaming console. I understood that entertaining two active boys all day in the dead of winter... 


用於 3 課程
3x 每週, 1 週
55 分鐘

年齡: 6-9
3-10 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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