

Ms. Christina B.S. Early Childhood Education


1 現場會議
30 分鐘 上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國 Pre-Kindergarten - 1 年級
In this one time class we will be completing some activities that focus around St. Patrick's day. We will start class with a walking rainbow experiment where we will take 6 cups and put food coloring in every other one and watch as the rainbow walks across the cups. We will then do  a sink to pot experiment. For this activity we will use a small plastic pot like the leprechauns have for their gold (I found a set of 6 or 8 at Dollar tree). We will put the pot in a bucket or tub of water and see if it floats or sinks. We will then use pennies and put them in one at a time and see how many pennies it takes to make the pot sink. We will then go on a colors of the rainbow hunt to find things around the house for the color we are looking for. Then we will finish class by using a pepper to paint shamrocks. The green peppers seem to have the best shape for these.


Learners will need help with getting materials like water, food coloring and paint together and ready for activities.
Walking rainbow- 6 clear cups, water, paper towels, food coloring in red, yellow and blue. 
Sink the pot- bin or tub of water, a small black pot (I got mine in a pack of either 6 or 8 at the dollar tree), and pennies.
Pepper shamrocks- white paper, green paint, plate to put the paint on big enough to dip the pepper on, and a pepper cut in half ( green peppers work best for shape).
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已加入 September, 2020
Hello Everyone, I am so excited to be here. I have been working with children for the past 23 years in many different settings, from preschool headteacher to after-school care program for ages 4-11 and I have been involved in cub scouts as a den leader and helper for 6 years working with ages 5-12. I really enjoy working with the little ones and watching them as they learn new things around them like colors, shapes, and letters. I feel children learn best through play, hands-on activities, and interactions with peers.

I have a bachelor's degree in early childhood education and am certified as a lead preschool teacher. Although I love teaching the little ones I have a strong passion for crafts of all types. I have my own craft business that I have had for 11 years. Where I bring my love of learning and crafting together to create education and noneducational items for children. I also enjoy bringing my two loves together and teaching little ones through crafts projects. 

I also have a strong love for animals and love learning about many different types of animals but my favorite animals are cats of all types. I currently have 1 cat. I have always had a cat in my life since I was 1 year old. 

Some of the classes I offer on Outschool:
Homemade cat toys- Come make 5 different homemade cat toys for your feline friends. 

Cat lovers craft camp-  We will make different cat-themed crafts. 

Dinosaur craft camp- We will make 5 different dinosaur-themed crafts.

Just joking- Come laugh and tell jokes with me. 

Ice cream play-doh- We will use 2 ingredients to make edible ice cream play-doh.

If you scroll down further on this page you will find many different classes I offer.  

I have 3 boys ages 12, 10, 8. When I am not teaching or crafting I can be found out at the baseball field watching my son play or on the couch cuddles with my cat. I enjoy traveling with my family and spending time outside. I look forward to getting to know your learners. Hope to see you in class. 





30 分鐘

有10 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-7
2-6 每班學員人數

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