
晶石之謎 6:福爾摩斯短篇小說

在這個為期 4 週的多日課程中,我們將透過與柯南道爾最喜歡的紅髮聯盟和斑點樂隊進行討論和辯論來尋找線索並擴展批判性思維技能。 ESL 友好,CEFR C1、C2 級 #academic
Cindy Frank


4 現場會議
3 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students will be required to read the portions of the text we will be considering for the upcoming week. We will be reading half a story a week for this class. In addition, there are optional assignments, crafted to enhance critical thinking skills, after each class. If students choose to complete the optional assignments they will receive immediate written feedback.
Families and learners will receive written assessments throughout the class.


英語程度 - B1
美國 6 - 9 年級
Intermediate 等級
Kindly note:
This is an ESL friendly class, CEFR  level — C1, C2 (Advanced)
Please feel free to write me via Outschool email with questions.
No previous experience in debate necessary for this class.
This class can be taken in any order in the Spar Mystery Series


The acclaimed Spar Mystery series continues with The Red-Headed League and The Speckled Band the stories chosen by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself as his all-time favorites! Now is the time to put your deduction skills to the test as Sherlock and Watson embark on two richly atmospheric and densely plotted tales that will engage and challenge great thinkers using the technique of Spar debating to maximize critical thinking to learn to think like Sherlock Holmes himself. 

Each class in Spar Mystery 6: The Sherlock Holmes Short Stories will feature an introduction with Lateral Thinking games and mind puzzles to give students the opportunity to further sharpen their critical thinking skills. Optional writing opportunities will be provided as well to give learners the opportunity both to enhance oral speaking abilities and explore creative writing. 

Spar Mystery 6 follows the same format as my own Spar Mystery series classes which include: The Hound of the Baskervilles, And Then There Were None, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, A Murder is Announced. Five Little Pigs. These classes can be taken in any order.

Our 4-session class will focus on blending the acknowledged technique of Spar debating with understanding The Hound of the Baskervilles  through debate and discussion.  Spar means “SPontaneous ARgumentation” a quicktime technique that is used to prepare students for formal debate.  Our class will use Spar debating to explore dive deep into one of the finest mysteries in history,  No previous experience in speech or debate is necessary for full participation in this class. 

The result?  Students will learn to take a position on key issues involving intriguing literary questions, while gaining a nuanced and thorough understanding both sides of every issue. All students will gain an enhanced exploration of literature while expanding debate techniques. 

Spar Debate questions will focus on the literary aspect of each weekly reading from the book  and the Spar debates are evidence-based from the stories themselves.  The 30 minute discussion at the beginning of each session, guided by me, will allow all students to engage in productive discussion. Guidance will be given as to the parameters of Spar debating which are evidence-based not guided by emotional responses.

This class has been purposely limited to six students to maximize the participation of every learner.

Moreover, optional homework assignments have been created to support the learning in each and every class. Learners who choose to complete the optional assignments will receive immediate feedback. 

Spar is quick debate! With debaters given the Pro or Con position, a short Spar debate can illuminate ideas and provide for more nuanced critical thinking. 

Each ongoing class will run as follows:

5 minutes of general introduction

30 minutes of interactive discussion on the chapter or pages set for the class

20 minutes of ongoing Spar pro/con debate involving key literary questions from the weekly reading

How does Spar debating work?


Students face off to debate a Pro/Con question involving the specific reading from literature for the day.


Students have 1 minute to brainstorm ideas for their position (evidence/arguments)

1 minute
Pro students give a 1 minute opening statements to make their case (Con students listen quietly and takes notes)

1 minute
Con students give a 1 minute opening statement to make their case (Pro students listen quietly and take notes)

30 seconds
Everyone thinks!

2 to 3 minutes
Grand Crossfire discussion where all students can ask each other questions about opposing statements.

30 seconds
All  students think again to prepare their closing statements

30 seconds
Con students give a 30 second closing statement (Pro students listen quietly)

30 seconds
Pro students give a 30 second closing statement (Con students listens quietly


*To gain confidence in speaking and organization *Understand all the basic ideas of debate and rhetoric*Gain deeper understanding of mystery literature through debate* To communicate effectively through speaking, thinking adroitly and responding fluently.


4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
The Red-Headed League, part 1
 Discussion of part 1 (pages 1-11) of The Red-Headed League and Spar Debate sparked by: Jabez Wilson's great opportunity 
Spar Statement: Being honest and credulous are marvelous qualities that can bring us both riches and contentment. 
Position 1: Agree with the above statement. Explain.
Position 2: Disagree with the above statement. If something’s “too good to be true” it’s likely not. We always have to be a bit suspicious of everything—you can’t trust anyone or anything. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Red-Headed League, part 2
 Discussion of part 2 (pages 11-23 end) of The Red-Headed League and Spar Debate sparked by:  Holmes' chain of logic. 
Spar Statement: It is a simple thing to follow a chain of logic if we are so inclined.
Position 1: Agree with the above statement. Explain.
Position 2: Disagree with the above statement. There are so many distractions in the world it is nearly impossible to follow a chain of logic! 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
The Speckled Band, part 1
 Discussion of part 1 (pages 1-12) of The Speckled Band and Spar Debate sparked by: the odd doings at Stoke Moran
 Spar Statement: The odd doings at Stoke Moran are based on supposition and fears of the unknown. 
Position1: Agree with the above statement. Explain.
Position2: Disagree with the above statement. Too many odd coincidences here! There must be something—or someone—behind it all. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
The Speckled Band, part 2
 Discussion of part 2 (pages 12-24 end) of The Speckled Band and Spar Debate Sparked  by: degree of guilt. 
Spar Statement: Sherlock Holmes is “indirectly responsible” for Dr. Roylott's death from the “speckled band”. Is he correct in not feeling guilt?
Position1: Agree with the above statement. Sherlock Holmes should feel no guilt about indirectly causing the death of Dr. Roylott
Position 2: Disagree with the above statement. Sherlock Holmes should in fact feel guilt over causing his demise. 
55 分鐘線上直播課


The Red-Headed League and The Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, are of course murder mystery, and while the descriptions are not of a graphic nature, there is mention of knives, firearms, and physical battles as well as poisonous snakes that are essential to the themes of the story. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.
No book purchase required for this class! I am sending a pdf for both short stories upon class registration.
 2 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
The Red-Headed League and The Speckled Band are in the public domain and available for download on Project Gutenberg. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2852/2852-h/2852-h.htm Copies of the book are of course available at local libraries or for purchase via amazon.com, local bookstores, or via second-hand bookstores such as Thriftbooks.com https://www.thriftbooks.com/ as well at reduced prices. Both stories will be provided in pdf form for this class.
已加入 July, 2020
學士學位 由 The University of Michigan, 1982 Honors in The History of Art, Does not Expire
Longtime teacher of literature for both middle and high school students, I am also a mystery aficionado who has taught a high school class in genre literature, featuring numerous mystery novels including The Hound of the Baskervilles. I am also the founder and former coach of an award-winning Speech and Debate team that competed at local, state and national levels, long-time speech judge for local, regional, national speech events for NCFL and National Speech and Debate Association, former teacher of high school debate and rhetoric, art history, literature, and AP Language and Composition. 




用於 4 課程

每週1次,共 4 週
55 分鐘
有4 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-15
2-6 每班學員人數

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