
高級初學者西班牙語 (A1.2)

在這個為期 8 週的課程中,學生將學習如何用西班牙語閱讀、寫作和說話!
Teacher Angy


8 現場會議
4 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間


In this 8-week course, learners will be introduced to the Spanish language. The classes will be structured, but fun! Classes will include detailed PowerPoint presentations and students will receive all the help they need as class sizes shall remain small and focused on students.  

This introduction course will focus on improving pronunciation and spelling. I will also share tips for vocabulary memorization.  

Week 1: Los Animales
Students will learn about the different creatures in the animal kingdom! There will be emphasis on pronouns of the animals as well. 

Week 2: Direcciones 
Learners will be taught how to correctly give and follow directions from and to a place. 

Week 3: Lugares Fuera de Mi Casa
Students will take a look at places they can explore outside of their homes.

Week 4: Lugares Dentro de Mi Casa
Students will now explore within their homes, discussing what activities can be done in each place. For example, brushing one's teeth in the bathroom!

Week 5: El Clima (Hace vs Hay)
Learners will become meteorologists for the day! Students will discuss how to tell the weather, using a bit of grammar while doing so.

Week 6: La Ropa
Pants, shoes and bowties! Let's discuss what we are wearing when we get dressed.

Week 7: Me Gusta vs No Me Gusta
Do you like churros? How about chilaquiles? What about your favorite color or flavor of ice cream? Learners will discuss their likes and dislikes in this class.
Week 8: Actividades de Tiempo Libre
What sort of activities can we do in our free time? What do we like to do and why? In this class, students will discuss some hobbies as well as review the course as a whole.


Please download the app Kahoot! for class games :)
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 September, 2020
Hi there! My name is Angy and I'm here to teach students all sorts of fun things - anything from delicious recipes to public speaking and foreign languages! 

Raised bilingual, I speak both English and Spanish fluently. During my high school days, I became very interested in learning French because of the wonderful teacher I had. So this experience alone encouraged me to become fluent in French and help others as a private tutor and translator during my college days! 

While studying for my B.A. in Economics, I also had the opportunity to study abroad in France and China, where I continued to teach English, public speaking and debate classes. My time in France also sparked a passion for cooking that will never be extinguished! So much so that I competed and won first place in Rhode Island's "Chopped" competition. You can find me in the news!

That said, my main objective is to provide students with classes they look forward to attending. I want students to be excited to participate in my classes and leave each session feeling more knowledgeable and confident than before! I hope my students feel encouraged to show their families and friends what they've learned after each class.

See you soon :)
Teacher Angy




用於 8 課程
每週1次,共 8 週
35 分鐘

有5 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 6-11
2-6 每班學員人數

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