

Barbara Ozminkowski


1 現場會議
45 分鐘 上課時間


In this class your child will have many opportunities to practice and gain confidence as a public speaker through Show and Tell.

Your child can enroll in this class as often as they’d like to show and tell something different each time. 

As kindergarten classrooms have become more academic over the past decade or so, I’ve noticed a sharp decline in teachers offering Show and Tell. Why? Some common answers include phrases such as “lack of time”, “it’s unimportant“, “not in the curriculum”, and “it’s just a parade of toys”.  

Ahhh...but that’s what makes it important!  Allow me to explain...

In early childhood, we call public speaking “oral language”. This critical skill does not only build speaking confidence for conversation and debate (LOL--parents, you know what I mean!). The ability to talk about something (be it an object, experience, place, or people) lends itself beautifully and is an important precursor to being able to WRITE about these things. Writing Workshop is a mainstay in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms, which makes me believe that Show and Tell in the early years is very important. 

Prior to class, I ask that your child pick something* to show and tell about AND come up with at least three things to tell the class.  

*Please have your child pick ONE thing, unless it happens to be objects that go together such as a rock collection:  geode, Petsokey stone and a piece of quartz. On the other hand, a skateboard, Petoskey stone, and light saber are three different things.  

Things to tell the class example:
-This is a Petoskey stone
-I found it on the beach when I went to Lake Michigan last summer
-I keep it on a shelf in my bedroom
-A Petoskey stone is actually a fossil

When your child finishes telling us all that they want to about their object (with plenty of guidance, support and encouragement as needed), your child will say “I’m ready for questions”.  The rest of the class will have a chance to ask questions or offer complements that your child will respond to.

If you think your child will need a good amount of coaching, PLEASE feel free to send me a message (ideally the day before the class starts) with the name of the show and tell object and the three or more things they want to tell us.  I will use that information to coach your child so that you don't have to.  

This is LAID back, FUN, and very child-led.  Please don't think your child has to practice real hard before our class.  Confidence is very different between children, even siblings.  (I'm sure you know that already!)  Very anxious children find this to be calming and a safe place to practice their speaking in front of peers.   I have watched so many English Learners in my kindergarten classroom blossom over time with Show and Tell.  Some children feel the need to only observe the first time or so, rather than participate.  I will not force your child to share if they are not ready.  Your child may need to see how it works before they decide they are willing to give it a whirl.  Totally normal!

Wow.  That's a lot of information.  Thanks for reading through to the end!  I think I covered it all, but if you think of a question or concern, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Students will practice speaking to the group by sharing their show and tell object.
Students will practice asking questions and giving compliments.
Students will practice answering questions and responding to compliments.
Students will gain confidence in public speaking.


One show and tell object
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 December, 2020
Hello there! 
I am a public school kindergarten teacher and have been for many years.  For me, there is nothing more rewarding than helping young learners unlock the mysteries of reading, writing, math and so much more.  

This past year has taught educators a thing or two about pivoting and remaining life-long learners. I started the last school year teaching my 27 brick and mortar kids online with Zoom. 

Two words:  NOT EASY

However, all that I learned about online learning opened me up to new teaching possibilities.  When I stumbled upon an ad for Outschool, I couldn’t believe it!  I applied immediately and dove right in. I ❤️love❤️ the small class sizes and the opportunity to focus my teaching on my favorite things. 

Watching children become beginning readers and writers has always been my greatest joy as a teacher. I will lead classes that utilize whiteboards and markers, phrases such as WOW MOM, I love you, thank you, and pizza is awesome, along with a whole bunch of encouragement, correct pencil grip, and letter formation.  Learning to write a few phrases is SO powerful for kids!  (Get ready for a flood of "love notes"!)

My kindergarten-type classes will include the important beginnings of reading and writing, math, science concepts, and speaking and listening.

I believe that learning is a recipe that contains these very important ingredients: laughter, song, a few 'just right' challenges sprinkled generously with successes, silliness, and conversation.  

I can’t wait to see your little learner in class.  

❤️ Mrs. O




45 分鐘

有3 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-6
3-8 每班學員人數

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