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"We serve our children well when we turn their attention to the stones, the grasses and flowers, the trees and animals by finding meaningful and creative ways to allow nature to enter our classrooms and play areas, and by bringing our children out into nature as much as possible." ~Carol Petrash Nature has a story to tell... Each week, Ms. Annette will tell a nature story, which we will follow up by creating a nature craft that can be displayed in your home. We will use natural materials whenever possible, and learners will be encouraged to engage in "earth-sound" practices, reusing, repurposing, and repairing items whenever possible. My teaching style centers around the three Cs-- collaboration, cooperation, and creativity. Using the framework below, I am so excited to hear the ideas your learner brings to the online classroom as we make connections and celebrate the diversity found in stories from around the world. Materials for each week will be listed the week before and children will be encouraged to share pictures of their finished projects and their nature tables in the online classroom. AUTUMN SESSION September 13 Story: The Summer Fairy Says Goodbye Craft: Nature People from Natural Materials Supplies: Treasures Mother Nature has left for you, such as pine cones, pretty leaves, seed pods, nuts, acorns and acorn caps, flowers, twigs, rocks Additional craft materials from home, such as ribbons or fabric or construction paper or wool roving Glue, clay, or modeling beeswax to hold it all together Heavy paper or cardstock if you want to glue materials to paper September 20 Story: The Butterflies' Trip Craft: Clothespin Butterflies Supplies: Colored tissue paper-- may be cut or torn to size One pipe cleaner (also called chenille stems) One old-fashioned slotted clothespin Crayons, stickers, etc for decorating September 27 Story: Hobgoblin and The Prince of the Forest Craft: Deer Antler Crown (or a Crown of Sticks) Supplies: A pile of dry, colorful leaves-- may also be cut from felt or paper Gathered sticks-- two with antler-like outshoots for a deer crown or enough to go around the circumference of your child's head for a stick crown Cardboard cut in a "band" that will wrap around your child's head. This will be the base of the crown. Scissors (adult or child's) Something to decorate the leaves and/or sticks-- this could be a white paint pen, a sharpie that will show up, glitter glue if you're super adventurous Clear, strong tape Glue Afterwards, grown ups may want to reinforce leaves and sticks with a glue gun October 4 Story: The Crying Tree Craft: Leaf Banner Supplies: Cover your work space, cause this could get messy! I highly suggest an apron or paint shirt for this one as well. Natural colored cotton, muslin, or canvas (like a drop cloth) cut in 8-inch squares. Some craft stores sell these banners precut for decorating Several large leaves that are still holding their form. Color doesn't matter. Old toothbrushes or paint brushes with stiff bristles Paint in fall colors (red, yellow, brown) For hanging: A branch slightly wider than the banner, tacks or a stapler, yarn or string October 11 Story: Three Little Squirrels Craft: Egg Carton Acorn Shakers A cardboard (not Styrofoam) egg carton with each egg cup cut out individually. Make sure you have two that can fit together to be the acorn and its cap GROWN UP JOB! Before class, poke a hole in the top of the "cap" and thread with a brown ribbon, pipe cleaner, and anything else you think will make a good "handle" Brown and green paint and brushes Some acorns and caps if you have them You can fill the shaker with acorns if they're small enough or beads Clear, strong tape to fit the acorn and cap together October 18 Story: Quack's Journey Craft: Duck Pond Moving Picture BEFORE CLASS: Your child might enjoy painting a large sheet of watercolor paper with blue to make a pond. They could also use a block crayon to color the pond, or may simply use a sheet of blue paper, the heavier the better Small circles of white paper, about the circumference of a cup-- at least three, more if desired Popsicle sticks Glue or tape Drawing materials-- markers, crayons, colored pencils, whatever your child feel comfortable using Scissors to cut the slits for the "puppets" we make-- This is a grown up job! October 25 Story: Pumpkin, Pumpkin! Craft: Pumpkin Painting A small pumpkin Paint Paintbrushes Water for cleaning brushes Table and child paint protection November 1 Story: A Harvest Story Craft: Wheat and Grass Weaving Wheat on the stalk or tall pieces of grass. If you don't have access to these, you may want to check with your local farmers' ,arket Tub of water Red yarn Children are also invited to wear a "harvest crown"-- perhaps the crown we made earlier, or a crown they've made or found-- for a game we will play November 8 Story: The Shrinking Day Craft: Lanterns Supplies: Heavy white paper, 9x12 or 12x16 Crayons, oil or chalk pastels, or colored pencils Scissors Stapler Tacky glue, white glue, glue sticks Tape A strip of paper for the handle-- you can attach it with brads/paper fasteners or by stapling A battery operated tea light November 15 Story: An Autumn Story Craft: Hedgehogs from Natural Materials Supplies: Pencil Kid scissors Cardstock in various autumn colors Glue A collection of materials left for you from Mother Nature Google eyes or markers Black pom pom or black marker AND Terra cotta or brown clay A LOT of small sticks to be the hedgehog spikes
Each week, children will be working with a variety of craft materials, including scissors, glue, paint, and natural items. Some children may need help and all children should have a workspace where it is OK to get messy, as well as wearing work clothes or an apron.
September 13. Nature People A variety of nuts in the shell (you can often find a mixed variety at the store or you can collect acorns and other nuts) Pine cones, nut casings, acorn caps, any natural materials available in your area White glue or tacky glue Wool or felt scraps for clothing Scissors Markers for drawing faces September 20. Clothespin Butterflies Colored tissue paper One pipe cleaner or chenille stem One old-fashioned slotted clothespin Crayons or markers to decorate the butterfly "body"
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每週每週 1 次
45 分鐘
有14 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-8
3-10 每班學員人數