

學生將探索符合 NGSS 標準的生命、物理、地球和太空科學以及工程概念。這個互動和實作課程培養好奇心,並為幼兒園科學打下堅實的基礎。
Stone Bridges Academy


32 現場會議
13 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. There are a few lessons where we build or design in class, and then the experiment is done outside of class, such as testing the effects of sun or charting the weather.
Student feedback will be given on a weekly basis.


英語程度 - A2
美國 Kindergarten 年級
Try your first class for just $5 with coupon code BRIDGKSCIENCE5

In this course, we will explore animals, space, and cool experiments! Get ready for fun activities that make science super exciting as you learn about the world around you and build awesome science skills! 

Students will explore life, physical, earth and space sciences, as well as engineering concepts, aligned with NGSS standards. This interactive and hands-on course fosters curiosity and builds a strong foundation in science and STEM skills. 

The class is structured with a balance of interactive activities, hands-on experiments, and engaging lessons.

My teaching style is dynamic and interactive, ensuring that young learners stay engaged and excited about science. I use a mix of games, colorful slides, short video clips, and discussions to make each lesson fun and easy to understand. Students will actively participate in discussions, share their ideas, and ask questions during the lessons. They'll also get plenty of opportunities to interact with me during our live sessions, where we'll work together on science activities and experiments designed to spark their curiosity and deepen their understanding of the topics covered.

This course is designed to be interactive, with students encouraged to share their observations and discoveries. Whether we're exploring the characteristics of animals or creating a shelter for a frog, learners will have the opportunity to engage in a hands-on way, making science both educational and enjoyable.

Some parental guidance may be needed for this age for hands-on experiments in class and outside of class. There are a few lessons where we build or design in class, and then the experiment is done outside of class, such as testing the effects of sun or charting the weather. Please check the syllabus for more information on specific activities. 

Any printable PDFs will be posted in the classroom on the Sunday before class. Students can print these PDFs and bring them to class. Alternatively, students may bring a paper and pencil to class to complete the in-class activities.

Required materials for the class include basic household supplies, such as tape, glue, markers, craft sticks, cardboard, toy cars, etc. A specific list of items to bring to class will be posted in the classroom posts at least one week before the next lesson. 

Students will not need to access any apps or websites outside of the Outschool classroom. Everything will be shared on screen through Zoom by the teacher.
Understand Basic Life Science Concepts: Students will learn about the characteristics, habitats, and life cycles of plants and animals.
Explore Physical Science Fundamentals: Students will explore the properties of materials, forces, and motion through hands-on experiments and activities.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
與 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)對齊
4 單位
32 課程
超過 32 週
單位 1: Life Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
課 1:
Staying Alive! (K-LS1-1)
 The phenomena of animals drinking and eating is the basis of this lesson. Students view several images and decide which are living things and which are not. Then they discuss the reasons for their decisions. Students next watch 30-sec. videos about a variety of animals drinking in different ways. Students explore the different types of food that animals eat through videos, images, and an interactive. They compare the needs of and describe the pattern they notice. 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Staying Alive! (K-LS1-1)
 Students further differentiate the topic by explaining that some animals eat only plants, some eat only other animals, and some eat both. Students make a personal connection by describing things they like to eat and drink. Students are then challenged to list the survival needs of one particular animal, and to compare the needs of a human baby with the needs of an adult. 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
What Do Plants Need? (K-LS1-1)
 This lesson focuses on what plants need to live and grow. Students begin by identifying plants as living things and thinking about what plants need to survive. They compare before and after images of the same plant in a healthy and an unhealthy state. Students consider what has made the difference and then view a video to check. Students imagine they are dry plants responding to being watered, and act it out. 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
What Do Plants Need? (K-LS1-1)
 Students observe the process of an experiment testing the importance of light for plant growth and then analyze the results. They demonstrate their understanding that both water and sunlight are necessary for plants to live and grow. Students then use this knowledge to make an inference about some dead grass. Finally, students list and compare the needs of plants with the needs of animals. 
25 分鐘線上直播課


We have experience working with learners of all abilities, including ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ASD and more. Learners of all abilities are welcomed and encouraged to join us in class. Please contact us for more information.
Some parental guidance may be needed for this age for hands-on experiments in class and outside of class. There are a few lessons where we build or design in class, and then the experiment is done outside of class, such as testing the effects of sun or charting the weather. Please check the syllabus for more information on specific activities. Any printable PDFs will be posted in the classroom on the Sunday before class. Students can print these PDFs and bring them to class. Alternatively, students may bring a paper and pencil to class to complete the in-class activities. Required materials for the class include basic household supplies, such as tape, glue, markers, craft sticks, cardboard, toy cars, etc. A specific list of items to bring to class will be posted in the classroom posts at least one week before the next lesson. Students will not need to access any apps or websites outside of the Outschool classroom. Everything will be shared on screen through Zoom by the teacher.
There are no prerequisite requirements for this course.
已加入 July, 2022
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Ms. Lauren
康乃狄克州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Ms. Elizabeth
麻薩諸塞州 教學證書
Misses Dee
碩士 由 Texas Woman's University
Nancy B
碩士 在 教育 從 University of St Joseph’s
Ms. Elizabeth
碩士 在 歷史 從 SUNY-Albany
Molly M
學士學位 在 舞蹈 從 Oklahoma City University
Ms. Lauren
學士學位 由 Texas Woman's University
Nancy B
學士學位 在 早期兒童教育 從 ECSU
Ms. Elizabeth
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Massachusetts
Misses Dee
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Massachusetts
Misses Dee
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Connecticut
Ms. Ashley
學士學位 在 教育 從 SUNY-Albany
Molly M
學士學位 在 科學 從 Buffalo State College
Teacher Lindsay
副學士學位 在 教育 從 Fort Hayes State University
Misses Dee
副學士學位 在 工商管理 從 Westervelt Business College - Completed with Honors
This curriculum was developed by and used with the permission from Ms. Ashley, an SBA teacher. Ms. Ashley graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor’s degree, majoring in both education and mathematics. Later, she went on to also earn a TESOL teacher’s certificate. She has taught over 10,000+ virtual classes in all subjects over several years on different platforms. She has 18+ years of tutoring/teaching experience, both virtual and in-person, as well as 16 years+ of experience as a volunteer teacher, tutor, and coach in schools and classrooms. In addition to teaching, Ms. Ashley is part of curriculum development and review team for an online ELA and math teaching/tutoring company, where she also serves as a Learning Partner and Academic Advisor for incoming students. Other related experience includes ELA and math tutoring the University of Connecticut Student Center, substitute teaching in the public school system and working for five years as a Financial Controller of a litigation support firm with offices across the United States. Ms. Ashley truly values each and every student, and she hopes to help them to find a love of learning.




每週或US$320 用於 32 課程
每週1次,共 32 週
25 分鐘

年齡: 4-7
1-6 每班學員人數

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