
閱讀公共領域的經典著作並附有提示(B2/Gr 4 或更高)

Clarissa Cartwright


10 現場會議
8 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Some books may have more than 10 chapters so reading homework will be assigned. Sometimes we might not finish the reading from a chapter so reading homework may be assigned. **My focus is on reading retention NOT reading itself. ** I will give the student a thinking question to think about between classes. For example (tip 7 characters) who was the protagonist and the antagonist of the story? What was their goal? What did they want?
I'm happy to let you know how your student is doing. I will give you at least 2 progress reports. If you want more than that please let me know.


英語程度 - B1
美國 4 - 7 年級
Intermediate 等級
“Boost your child’s reading comprehension with our engaging class for ages 9-14! We’ll explore a classic public domain children’s book, using 10 proven tips to enhance understanding and enjoyment. Join us for a fun and educational reading adventure!”

We will chose a children's book from the public domain. I suggest: Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, or Wizard of Oz to name a few. 

We will read chapter by chapter.
 ##If we are running behind I will assign reading homework.## 

If your student is a great reader and wants to read all of the chapter that is fine. If your student struggles or wants to make it more fun then we can do voices for the characters or popcorn read (take turns)  ****My goal is retention more than reading.****
We will learn the vocabulary words or phrases that are hard to understand in the story. 
We will talk about the characters and main plot. 

We will learn how to connect emotionally to the story. How can we use the lessons we learn in the book in our daily lives? 

I am a patient and laidback teacher with fun energy. I match the energy of your student. I know some students need time to warm up and I respect that. I enjoy connecting to students with common interests. I like to read, I like Minecraft, and I like chocolate ice cream. Hope to see your student in class.
My goal for this class is to give the student a chance to practice these 10 reading comprehension tips. If they have taken my class about them then this is a chance to practice them. If they haven't then I will teach them a basic overview during reading.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
10 課程
超過 2 週
課 1:
Chapter 1
 We will read the chapter. 
Find and define the vocabulary words and phrases the student doesn't know. 
Talk about what is happening in the chapter. 
Answer any questions students might have. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Chapter 2
 We will read the chapter. 
Find and define the vocabulary words and phrases the student doesn't know. 
Talk about what is happening in the chapter. 
Answer any questions students might have. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Chapter 3
 We will read the chapter. 
Find and define the vocabulary words and phrases the student doesn't know. 
Talk about what is happening in the chapter. 
Answer any questions students might have. 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Chapter 4
 We will read the chapter. 
Find and define the vocabulary words and phrases the student doesn't know. 
Talk about what is happening in the chapter. 
Answer any questions students might have. 
50 分鐘線上直播課


Some of the children's public domain books use old and outdated language that wouldn't be acceptable in today's society for example Alice in Wonderland describes herself as sleepy and stupid which means she is very tired and can't think straight. I will be mindful of these words and phrases and we will talk about them.
Not required but strongly suggested, I will be using my 10 tips for Reading Comprehension. It would be helpful to take that class first. However, I would still be teaching your student the 10 tips while reading.
I have digital copies of the books. I can send you a link if needed. We can talk about that when class starts. 

Having a note book or paper or a way to take notes is a good idea. Students can write down vocabulary words that are hard or thoughts or questions they have while reading.
已加入 September, 2021
Hello! My name is Teacher Clarissa. Some like to call me Storybox Lady! 

I help students of any reading level too: 

@) Read a Story
@) Understand what they have just read (reading comprehension) 
@) Connect to the Story in an emotional way 

I use 10 tips for better Reading Comprehension and Understanding 

1. Look at the story 2. Prior Knowledge 3. Vocabulary 4. Context Clues 5. Settings 6. Characters 7. Main Plot/Main Conflict 8. Summary/Notes 9. Pacing 10. Connection to the story 

I have taught ESL for 5 years on many platforms, not just to Chinese children, but for children all over the world. My main experience comes from teaching and volunteering 20 plus years to children in church classes, my community, and Boy Scouts of America settings.

 I've taught children to sing, to play, to think, and helped them develop skills in their lives so they could become better adults and better humans in their communities. 

I believe a child has a right to be protected and heard. I will show respect to them and I hope for the same from them. I want to do my best to bring out the best in children and let them know they are wanted and validated. They have wisdom beyond their years and we as adults need to stop and listen to them. They see things we can't see.  
I'm excited to get to know your child in my classroom. I may be simple in teaching without to many bells and whistles but I've got heart, kindness, patience and a fun sense of play and humor to my personality. See you in the classroom.




每週或US$40 用於 10 課程
每週5次,共 2 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 9-14
1-4 每班學員人數

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