

每天閱讀 20 分鐘有很多好處:提高專注力、詞彙量、考試成績、對他人的同理心和閱讀理解能力。如果家裡有阻力,孩子們喜歡閱讀給我和我的治療犬托比聽。 K-12 認證。
Miss Sue MA MLIS


25 分鐘


Get $5 off this class with coupon code SUEMALBPYI10 until September 28, 2024. Look through my classes at https://outschool.com/teachers/Miss-Sue-2024 and enter the coupon code at checkout.

Children read to a certified teacher and reading coach, and receive friendly support on pronunciation, phonetic decoding, blending and comprehension, and lots of praise and interest. The one-on-one tutoring session is structured by introducing my therapy dog, Toby, reading 20 minutes, then discussion. Words the child learned will be reviewed at the beginning of the next session. I love children, reading, and my dog. Overall that's a win win.  My teaching is child-centered and I employ lots of positive reinforcement to children who might feel uncomfortable reading aloud. Different tactics might be used to encourage reading, such as I read a sentence, child reads a sentence, or echo reading. I will be sharing my screen with a book at the appropriate level for the reader. I have been tutoring reading and reading comprehension online for 5 years, and have 40 years of classroom teaching and school library work under my belt. I'm eager to meet your child and chart the improvement. The last student I tutored for 3 years went from reading at the 1st grade level as a 3rd grader due to COVID, to being at "almost grade level" (5th) based on the Texas STAAR standardized test assessment.
Build reading stamina.
Build reading confidence.


Skilled in evidence-based coaching of struggling readers with and without a diagnosis of Dyslexia. ADHD and Dyslexia often go hand-in-hand.
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已加入 May, 2024
華盛頓 教學證書 在 中學教育
碩士 在 資訊科技 從 University of Washington
碩士 在 戲劇藝術 從 University of Washington
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of Washington
Excellent tutor! So thankful for how Sue educates and the breadth   of material she covers. Above and beyond!! Parent of 5th grade girl at Cincinnati Country Day creative writing and drama.
Fabulous, thoughtful, insightful tutor! Same parent of 8th grade brother at Cincinnati Country Day receiving enrichment ELA tutoring focusing on literature and academic writing.

Sue, thank you so much for your time and for sharing your expertise with our team and students! I appreciate your dedication towards finding the strengths and motivations for each of our students.

Teacher at the Seattle Children's Hospital School.

Ms. Sue is a very helpful tutor. She helped me pull up my grades. When we started a year ago I was below average. Now I am advanced. My reading scores went up. I have more confidence. She helped me become a better writer.  It was fun to read play scripts with Roderick. She also taught me better coping skills. I don’t burst out crying now. I don’t always think I’m gonna fail stuff anymore. Without her I don’t think I would have made it to where I am now. I’m ready for middle school. Most definitely ask if Ms. Sue can help your kid.
5th grader from Washington D.C.   (note: This student’s scores on “The Reading Inventory” given by her school 8/31/22 and 1/18/23 went from Lexile 788 to 1162; Percentile Rank 47 to 95; NCE (normal curve equivalent) 48 to 85; and Stanine 5 to 8.

Ms. Sue is kind and loving and smart. I could hardly read in 2nd grade and I just took the STAAR Reading and felt confident. I feel fine to read out loud in class. I’m sure you will like Ms. Sue as much as I do. She is forgetful sometimes and that makes her cool and so fun. 

4th grader from Texas who I have worked with for two years on word recognition using explicit, systematic instruction in phonics, spelling and sight recognition; and  teaching language comprehension including background knowledge, vocabulary, grammar and syntax, verbal reasoning, and reading fluency.

I highly recommend Ms. Sue as a tutor. Her exceptional skills and experience in test preparation helped my son improve his SSAT score from 1490 to 1941 in just five months. Ms. Sue's dedication and ability to create an engaging learning environment have made a significant impact on my son's academic progress. With Ms. Sue's help, my son was able to get into his preferred school, which speaks to her effectiveness as a tutor. I strongly recommend Ms. Sue's tutoring services to anyone looking for academic support that can make a significant impact on their child's educational journey.
Parent of 5th grade male SSAT Prep student

* * * * *
Certified K-12, I have 40 years classroom and school library experience. Since retirement I started my own tutoring business in English Language Arts, and have 5+years experience teaching online, and plenty of scholarly reading about best practices. I have experience tutoring homeschool families, and families for whom English is not the parents' first language.




25 分鐘

年齡: 5-7

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