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英語程度 - 未知
美國 Pre-Kindergarten - 1 年級
Beginner 等級
+This is a class for students starting in French Immersion and learning to read in French. We will work on vocabulary, pronunciation, the alphabet, and French sounds and spellings. As time permits we will learn some simple French songs. We will look at and name pictures, perform simple actions, and practice writing letters (lower case only to start) and relating letters to sounds, then building simple words. This is a highly interactive class; students speak more than the teacher. Students will be asked to repeat words spoken by the teacher and then to say words by themselves. We will work on questions and answers like "Is this a ____?" "Yes it is a ____" / "No it is not a ____", "What is your name?" "My name is ____" and instructions like "Show me the ____" or "Stand up; Sit down; Turn around; Raise your hand; Touch your head" etc. Students need a camera and microphone and must leave them on during class in order to interact in French. We will work on the alphabet letter by letter. We will learn the name of the letter, the sound it represents, how to write the lower case form with correct directionality, and some words starting with that sound. We will do exercises locating a sound in the beginning, middle, or end of the word. Later we will build simple syllables and words with the sounds and letters we have learned. On average most students will learn most of the alphabet in two six week sessions (24 classes at about one letter a day). Speed may vary highly depending on each child's previous knowledge. As far as possible, the class will be taught in French. Everything will be explained, with pictures or examples or pantomimes; children should not be worried about understanding but should just join in. This is a highly structured teacher led class. There is a steady progression of material taught. Students need to be able to focus for thirty minutes and remain with the screen (although we do move as we show things.) Planned weekly progression -- may always be adapted to meet student needs. Week 1: Vowels a and e Say your name "Repeat ____" Names of classroom items (paper, pencil, pen, board, marker, table, chair, desk, book, notebook, picture, backpack) "Show me _____" "Hare is_____" "Is it a ____" Yes or no. Tracing directionality exercises from Ratus and others. Week 2: Vowels i, y, and o Names of food items. (banana, apple, sandwich etc.) Names of people (boy, girl, mom, dad, teacher etc) "Write" "Read" "Look" Tracing practices and letters Week 3: Vowels u and e accent aigu Names of animals (cat, dog, horse, cow, bird, fish lion, donkey, etc.) Big and small. "Please" "Stand up" "Sit down." "Come here" "Raise your hand" Tracing practices and letters. Week 4: Vowels e accent grave and circumflex; consonant l. Colours and shapes. "Is" Questions "Is the horse big?" "Yes the horse is big" Tracing practices and letters. Week 5: Consonants m, n Syllables and Words with l, m, n and known vowels: Lola, lit, maman, Nina, non, etc. Meet Mina from Ratus series. Practice reading and writing name. "I am___" "He is ____" "She is_____" "I have____" "He has _____" "She has ______" Practice conversation as introduced above. Talk about Mina. Week 6: Spellings of the "short e" (e accent grave) sound in French; building words. Count one to ten. First and last. Practice conversation as introduced above. Talk about self (I am a teacher. My name is Victoria. I am a woman. I am big. I have a pink shirt. I have books etc.)
Students will earn basic essential French vocabulary and expressions. They will listen and pronounce correctly. Hopefully in six weeks we can learn eighty to a hundred basic words in spoken French(This will vary depending on age, other input from school, and many other factors).
They will learn about ten letters of the alphabet (This will vary a lot depending on prior knowledge), the letter names in French, how to form them with correct directionality, and what sound they represent. They will learn about silent letters which are very common in French. They will start to put letters together to form simple syllables such as lo, la, ni, na, ma, and will put them together in words like Lola, Nina, maman.
I work with many students with ADHD and Dyslexia and some ASD; because this is a language class students' verbal skills need to be age-grade appropriate. Speed of presentation is always adapted to the student. Parents may sit in to help.
This is a beginning from zero class. Students need only to be ready to listen, speak, copy, and learn. A little bit of patience is needed as we have to repeat a lot and they need to learn basic vocabulary from the ground up.
As mentioned above under Resources, excerpts from a number of different books and workbooks will be provided to be copied for class use. Please try to have these printed before class. I strongly recommend punching all papers with a three hole punch and keeping them/ using them in a binder or three prong duotang folder. One sided printing is preferable so the student can write on papers in the binder. This avoids constant paper shuffling and loss of work and lost time. Also, after the class is over, you have a ready-made portfolio of work done. This is especially useful for homeschoolers or if you transfer schools. Students need a microphone and camera and must keep them on. This is an interactive language class so speech, writing, and physical response are all vital. If you hold a page quite close to the camera I can see the student's writing. Students need: * A chair where they can sit comfortably with arms free to move. Support for feet helps, perhaps a footstool. *A clear table surface with computer *and*room to write. * Good lighting. * A pen or superfine marker (Pencil is hard on the hands and invisible onscreen. They can cross out errors.) * Coloured pencils or markers. * Copies of the work for the week in their binder. Links from Google docs will be sent after registration.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
We will use the beginning pages of the Ratus et ses Amis workbook (white), phonics lessons from J'apprends a Lire (Editions Caractere), images from Premiere 500 Mots en Francais. some images and vocabulary from French the Easy Way and older text Le Francais Vivant, a wordless pre-writing workbook to stress directionality, and possibly other similar materials. These are all standard texts with normal school content. Millions of people have used these classic materials in the past.
Because we are only doing a small excerpt from the beginning of each one, I will provide copies online of materials to write on.. Parents should print these before we start class and please put them in a three ring binder or duotang. You will want to keep these later as part of a portfolio.
If you are going to continue through the program throughout the year. you will want to buy the Ratus white workbook and the J'apprends a Lire phonics workbook. Details will be given after you register.
2 教學證書
非美國 教學證書 在 中學教育
非美國 教學證書 在 外語
4 個學位
碩士 在 教育 從 Tufts University
學士學位 在 外語 從 Bishop's University, Canada (second copy for double major)
學士學位 在 數學 從 Bishop's University, Canada
學士學位 在 科學 從 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I speak French fluently and have lived in Montreal and area for a long time. I've taught and tutored a large number of students to read in French, using high-quality well-known materials that are aligned with the science of reading.
I have a BSc, a BA in Honours Math and a double major in Languages and Linguistics, and an MA in Education. I taught in French first-language schools for four years, and have taught a number of classes in French as a second language. I also have extensive experience in teaching and tutoring reading in both English and French, and all of my reading students have succeeded in learning to read fluently.
用於 12 課程每週2次,共 6 週
30 分鐘
有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 5-7
1-4 每班學員人數