
史前史到古代歷史:歷經歲月的考驗 ||歷史探險營

從舊石器時代到美索不達米亞等古代文明的旅程。在這個為期 3 天的訓練營中,學習者面臨生存挑戰,引導他們的部落穿越史前時期,並將其發展成像古埃及這樣繁榮的文明。
Janelle Hopkins, M.Ed - World & US History


3 現場會議
2 小時 30 分鐘 上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國 6 - 8 年級
Step back in time to the Paleolithic era in this immersive 3-day camp! Through a dynamic survival simulation, learners will explore the challenges and triumphs of early humans as they navigate the Great Rift Valley and beyond.

In this camp, learners will delve into the daily lives of early humans, gaining a deep understanding of their survival strategies, social structures, and the environmental factors that shaped their existence. They’ll engage in decision-making scenarios, choosing how to find food, shelter, and resources while encountering the challenges faced by our ancient ancestors.

The class is centered around interactive survival scenarios, where learners will assume the roles of early humans and make critical decisions that could mean the difference between thriving or struggling in a harsh world.

Each day will conclude with a reflection session, allowing learners to discuss their experiences and the strategies they employed. To wrap up the camp, time permitting, we'll engage in an exciting Kahoot quiz to reinforce key concepts and test their survival knowledge in a fun, competitive format!

-In this class, active participation plays a crucial role in fostering meaningful engagement and learning. Learners are strongly encouraged to actively contribute to discussions, share their perspectives, and ask questions. Additionally, to promote critical thinking and facilitate in-class interactions, it's important to use the chat feature sparingly. While the chat is suitable for quick questions or clarifications, lengthy answers or discussions are best reserved for our face-to-face interactions.

-It is crucial for learners to be punctual and arrive on time for this class. While late arrivals will be allowed to join and participate from the moment they arrive, it is important to note that due to time constraints, we will not be able to restart simulations or catch up on activities for latecomers. To ensure the smooth progression of the class and maximize the learning experience for all participants, punctuality is strongly encouraged.


The study of world history encompasses a wide range of topics, including some sensitive subjects from the past such as war, slavery, racism, religion, and genocide. In this course, it is important to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect. Religion will be discussed solely in its historical context, focusing on its influence on societies and events throughout history. The aim is to provide learners with an understanding of how religion shaped various civilizations without promoting any particular religious beliefs. To foster a comprehensive understanding, learners will be exposed to multiple perspectives through the use of peer-reviewed and scholarly sources. Critical and reflective thinking will be encouraged, allowing students to analyze historical events, conflicts, security issues, religious influences, and economic factors from different angles. Discussions in the classroom will be closely moderated, ensuring a balanced and unbiased approach. The teacher will facilitate discussions, encourage participation, and monitor the conversations to maintain a secular standpoint that respects all viewpoints. When relevant, viewpoints from marginalized groups will be explored, providing a broader understanding of history from different social, cultural, and ethnic perspectives. This approach promotes inclusivity and helps learners develop empathy and a deeper appreciation for diverse experiences. Great care will be taken to present the content in an age-appropriate manner, ensuring that the material is accessible, respectful, and suitable for the maturity level of the learners.
Printer (if unavailable, access to Google Docs or a piece of paper can be substituted)
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 June, 2020
阿拉巴馬州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
碩士 在 教育 從 University of Montevallo
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a concentration in Comparative Politics. My academic journey included a wide range of courses focusing on various political and historical aspects of civilizations from different time periods and regions around the world. This comprehensive study allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the complexities of past and present societies.

Furthermore, I pursued a Master of Education degree specializing in Secondary Social Sciences, which provided me with advanced knowledge in teaching history, political science, and related subjects. I obtained certification from the state of Alabama, qualifying me to teach social sciences to students in grades 7-12.

Over the course of my teaching career, I have gained extensive experience instructing students in US and World history; dedicated to delivering engaging and informative lessons in these subjects. Additionally, I have conducted extensive research in both history and politics for over 20+ years, allowing me to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in these fields.

My educational background, teaching experience, and research expertise have equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide students with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. I am committed to fostering a deeper understanding of historical events and political dynamics while encouraging critical thinking and a passion for learning in my learners.




用於 3 課程
每週3次,共 1 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 11-14
3-6 每班學員人數

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