

Sturdevant's Scholars
Outschool 新內容


7 現場會議
6 小時 25 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students will be expected to write a short lab report for each experiment.
Students will complete a Lab Report for each lesson’s experiment. Mrs. Sturdevant will review Lab Reports and model expectations during the first class. A video will also be available for students who are not able to attend Lesson 1.


英語程度 - Pre-A1
What do science and magic have in common? In this seven week course, students will perform magical science experiments that will amaze friends and family while learning how to report on the scientific method. 

Practically Magic Materials Lists

Parental Guidance- Parents should review the Science Safety Rules with students prior to class. Students will need to be somewhat independent (parents welcome to sit and help off screen.) There is a lot of interactive engagement for this class and I encourage learners with ADHD, ADD, high functioning autism, and other neurodivergent learning styles as well as all typical learning students. Please plan your “home support” accordingly. Most experiments require everyday household items. Students will be working with food coloring in several lessons. Lesson 4 (Static Levitation) requires students to use scissors to cut a thin strip from a plastic bag. Students may complete this step with an adult prior to Lesson 4. Lesson 7 (Underwater Candle) requires students to experiment with matches and candles. More hands-on parental supervision will be required for this lesson.

Lesson 1-  Magic Water Cup Science Experiment

What do you think will happen if you turn a cup full of water upside down? You may think all the water will come spilling out! In this fun and easy science experiment,I’m going to show you how to turn a cup full of water upside down and magically keep the water inside.

A small plastic cup. A 9oz size works well.
Sink or outside area that can get wet.
Playing card or index card
Optional – Little foam balls or something that will float. This adds to the magical illusion of the experiment.

Lesson 2-Dry Paper Magic Science Experiment
In this fun and easy magic science experiment for kids, we’re going to see if we can put paper in water and keep it dry. 
Piece of newspaper
Sink or large bowl full of water

Lesson 3- Walking Rainbow Science Experiment
So, can rainbows really walk? We will find out by performing this colorful magic science experiment.

Small plastic cups or glasses
Paper towels (*read my tips below for picking the right ones)
Food coloring in primary colors
* The pick-a-size paper towels are best because then you just use half sheets for each cup. If you only have full sheets, then cut them in half. I’ve also heard that more absorbent paper towels work better too. 

Lesson 4- Static Levitation
In this magical lesson, we will make an  object float using static electricity!
Material List 
1 Cotton towel
1 Balloon 
1 Plastic produce bag (please cut a thin plastic bag into a horizontal strip, the strip should be a plastic ring, must be very thin)

Lesson 5- Ice Cube Necklace
This unbelievable trick will keep your audience guessing how you transformed string and ice cubes into a sparkly necklace.
Food coloring (if desired)
Salt (try different types if you can, at minimum have table salt)
Straws or sticks (need at least 2)
String (cut about 12in. long)

Lesson  6- Magic Mud
Magic mud is a non-Newtonian fluid. In this lesson, we will bring our magic mud to life and even make it dance.
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
Food coloring (optional)

Week 7-Underwater Candle
We saved the best for last. In this scientific optical illusion, students will make water defy gravity, as it fills a drinking glass that is upside down.
 A  glass
Food color
Saucer or plate

*Mrs. Sturdevant's Scholars Summer Sampler 2024
Students will cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.(MS-PS1-2)
Students will follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. (MS-PS1-6)


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
與 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)對齊
7 課程
超過 7 週
課 1:
Magic Water Cup Science Experiment
 What do you think will happen if you turn a cup full of water upside down? You may think all the water will come spilling out! In this experiment, I’m going to show you how to turn a cup full of water upside down and magically keep the water inside.
A small plastic cup. A 9oz size works well.
Sink or outside area that can get wet.
Playing card or index card
Optional – something that will float. This adds to the magical illusion of the experiment. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Dry Paper Magic Science Experiment
 How can newspapers be submerged in water and remain dry? It must be magic. Or is it science?
Piece of newspaper
Sink or large bowl full of water 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Walking Rainbow Science Experiment
 So, can rainbows really walk? We will find out by performing this colorful magic science experiment.
Small plastic cups or glasses
Paper towels (*read my tips below for picking the right ones)
Food coloring in primary colors
* The pick-a-size paper towels are best because then you just use half sheets for each cup. If you only have full sheets, then cut them in half. I’ve also heard that more absorbent paper towels work better too. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Static Levitation
 In this magical lesson, we will make an  object float using static electricity!
Material List 
1 Cotton towel
 1 Scissors 
1 Balloon 
1 Plastic produce bag (must be very thin) 
55 分鐘線上直播課


Parental Guidance- Parents should review the Science Safety Rules with students prior to class. Students will need to be somewhat independent (parents welcome to sit and help off screen.) There is a lot of interactive engagement for this class and I encourage learners with ADHD, ADD, high functioning autism, and other neurodivergent learning styles as well as all typical learning students. Please plan your “home support” accordingly. Most experiments require everyday household items. Students will be working with food coloring in several lessons. Lesson 4 (Static Levitation) requires students to use scissors to cut a thin strip from a plastic bag. Students may complete this step with an adult prior to Lesson 4. Lesson 7 (Underwater Candle) requires students to experiment with matches and candles. More hands-on parental supervision will be required for this lesson.
Practically Magic Materials Lists

Lesson 1-  Magic Water Cup Science Experiment
A small plastic cup. A 9oz size works well.
Sink or outside area that can get wet.
Playing card or index card
Optional – Little foam balls or something that will float. This adds to the magical illusion of the experiment.

Lesson 2-Dry Paper Magic Science Experiment
Piece of newspaper
Sink or large bowl full of water

Lesson 3- Walking Rainbow Science Experiment
Small plastic cups or glasses
Paper towels (*read my tips below for picking the right ones)
Food coloring in primary colors
* The pick-a-size paper towels are best because then you just use half sheets for each cup. If you only have full sheets, then cut them in half. I’ve also heard that more absorbent paper towels work better too. 

Lesson 4- Static Levitation
1 Cotton towel
1 Balloon 
1 Plastic produce bag (please cut a thin plastic bag into a horizontal strip, the strip should be a plastic ring, must be very thin)

Lesson 5- Ice Cube Necklace
Food coloring (if desired)
Salt (try different types if you can, at minimum have table salt)
Straws or sticks (need at least 2)
String (cut about 12in. long)

Lesson  6- Magic Mud
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
Food coloring (optional)

Lesson 7-Underwater Candle
 A  glass
Food color
Saucer or plate
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已加入 May, 2024
Outschool 新內容
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
學士學位 在 教育 從 East Carolina University
I love teaching and I am a licensed English and Social Studies teacher teacher with over fifteen years of classroom experience, including online. I am also certified in TESOL and TEFL with over ten years of experience teaching English to non native speakers. My goal as an Outschool teacher is to provide high quality, one on one and small group instruction. I believe teaching and learning should be fun and the foundation of a quality education lies in building relationships with others and the world around us. I want to go beyond teaching a class and establish a classroom community where like a tree with strong roots, my students can learn and grow to be grounded and well rounded. I offer one on one English Speaking Practice, Poetry Courses, and many more. If I do not have availability on my schedule, please feel free to reach out and request a time.  Look through my classes at https://outschool.com/teachers/Mrs-Sturdevant's-Scholars and enter the coupon code at checkout.




每週或US$147 用於 7 課程
每週1次,共 7 週
55 分鐘

年齡: 11-14
2-9 每班學員人數

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