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英語程度 - 未知
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
***Weekly Sculpture Voting Options*** (Subject to change based on class interaction. Options not chosen may get added again at a later date. ^ = chosen by Monday section; * = chosen by Tuesday section) Week of 2/24: Free Choice Day! Week of 3/3: Tree (with armature)^ OR Snake on a Branch Week of 3/10: Shark^ OR Frog* Week of 3/17: Miniature Salad OR Miniature Sandwiches Week of 3/24: Free Choice Day! Week of 3/31: Pig OR Flapjack Octopus Requests: blossom cane, Bowl of Ramen, cat, Fox This class is a great way to learn more about sculpting with polymer clay while making new friends. Students will get the chance to learn about many different sculpting techniques, color blending, structures, and tools. In this class we also make use of Art as a means of gaining creative skills and understanding concepts to improve problem solving skills and think of creative solutions. I often mention concepts of geometry, science, structure, and more as we talk about what we are sculpting. These skills are an important part of S.T.E.A.M. education. They will enjoy interacting with each other through some conversation prompts each week, as well as spontaneous conversation. Students can discuss any topic of interest as long as they speak respectfully and allow the teacher to give instruction when needed. This is a fun art club! Every week we will vote on the sculpt for the next week based on the options listed. I will also allow write in votes as suggestions for future weeks. Students can join the class at any time! Students are encouraged to ask questions and interact with each other throughout class. Students are also encouraged to upload a picture of their sculptures after class to show off their unique artwork! Students do not need to have prior experience with clay or sculpting. I will be taking it step-by-step and pausing for questions or clarification throughout. I use a second camera to show the sculpt as we go, and I can always show steps again if needed. It is important to encourage your learner to ask questions if they need to, and to remember that art is unique. It is always fun to see how different all of the sculptures turn out to be! Requests for future voting options: bluejay, peacock, kitten, bowl of ice cream animal Note 1 -*-* This class may go longer than the scheduled class time for socialization or further clay tips at the teacher's discretion Note 2 *-*- The Saturday section may have one week per month that they do not meet if I need to travel or go to an event. If there is a week that will be missed, I will announce it in the classroom and that date will be removed from your Learner's schedule at least one week beforehand. For the week that is missed, we will vote on completing the next week's planned sculpture.
Learners will improve their understanding of creating various armatures.
Learners will improve their understanding of basic sculpting structures and techniques.
Parental supervision or guidance is suggested for inexperienced or younger learners. Polymer clay should be used on a non-porous surface (a metal sheet pan covered with parchment paper, or a piece of marble, or a ceramic tile, or just parchment paper laid out). Learners should avoid touching their mouth when working with polymer clay. Learners should also wash their hands thoroughly after working with polymer clay.
Parents will need to help their learner cure the sculpture by baking it in the oven after class. Place the sculpture on parchment paper or an index card on a baking sheet. Bake for the amount of time given in class at 275 degrees (275 is for Sculpey Premo; For other brands, please check the packaging for the recommended baking temperature). Let it cool completely before handling.
This class typically has more girls than boys, but any learner is welcome. They all get along great!
Polymer Clay Art Supplies Clay: - Polymer Clay / Oven Bake Clay in a variety of colors. (IMPORTANT - These sculptures are intended to be cured and hardened. It is not recommended that Learners use Plastalina or Play Dough. Model Magic or Air Dry may be used, but behaves very differently and does not hold detail as well.) *There are many brands of polymer clay / oven bake clay. See my recommendations below. Sculpting tools: - a ball sculpting tool or a small paint brush with a rounded end - a sculpting knife or a straight-edged butter knife (sharper knives are best, but be sure your learner knows knife safety) - an acrylic roller or larger paint brush, or other smooth rolling tool - a clay smoothing tool or silicone nail art brush - a needle tool or toothpick - other desired tools Other materials: - parchment paper and/or cardstock/index card - a smooth, clean, non-porous surface to work on. I use a ceramic tile from the home improvement store. You can also use a piece of parchment paper wrapped around a piece of carboard and taped down so that it stays. I do not recommend working on aluminum foil as it gets wrinkled easily. Tool Purchase Examples: This set is similar to the set that I use now (the one I do use was from Cosclay and is no longer available): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NT17WBY/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07NT17WBY&pd_rd_w=4G5hn&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=BYYWNRFMGGVVKV5KDZ4E&pd_rd_wg=VBERV&pd_rd_r=78759af5-7cb3-4230-9e5d-f413baf27a98&s=arts-crafts&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM This is a set that I used to use that is also good: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SX7M83C/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JE9Y7GJ1BE2JXT5BH5DD This is the metal tool set that I currently use: https://www.cosclay.com/shop/new-cosclay-sculptools Artist Recommendations for Clay: I recommend using Sculpey III, Sculpey Premo, Sculpey Souffle, Fimo, Kato, or Cernit brand polymer clay as they are easier to find. Of these, the Sculpey III brand is the least strong but soft to work with. If you are looking for sculptures to be stronger, Sculpey Premo, Sculpey Souffle, and Fimo Professional hold up better after baking but they are less soft. Fimo and Cernit both have varieties that are softer as well, but the same applies. Kato can be more firm sometimes, and bakes at a lower temperature so it is best not to mix with other brands. These brands all come in 2 oz. bars available at stores like Michael’s or JoAnn’s, or online at Sculpey . com , Creative Wholesale, or the Polymer Clay Superstore. I have also recently tested the "Crafter's" brand by Hobby Lobby. The Crafter's Collection Craft version is similar to Sculpey III or Craftsmart. The Crafter's Collection Advanced is extremely similar to Fimo Professional. I would choose the Advanced over the Craft Collection. Please allow time for shipping if you choose to purchase supplies online. Clay bars are typically $2 - $4 per 2 oz. per bar. You can also buy multi packs that can sometimes be cheaper. The clay will not dry out if exposed to air, so it will last a while and can be used for other projects! **My favorite clay for softness and durability right now is Cosclay, but it is more of an investment. They come in larger, 8oz - 16oz boxes. This clay is soft to work with, but does take a minute to condition for some colors. It is also very durable, and extremely flexible. You can find it at www.Cosclay.com or on Amazon. The variety packs that are off branded on Amazon are sometimes okay, but they often have very soft clay that is a little tough to work with. Some kids like it that soft, but others may get frustrated with the texture as it is difficult to use to make details. ****SCULPEY GUIDE**** Sculpey is by far the most popular brand among my Learners. Sculpey is the brand, and then there are several different formulas under that brand. Each one is a little different, and sometimes it is best to try a few to see which one you may like. Here is a guide to Sculpey brand polymer clay varieties: *Sculpey Bake Shop* - for little kids usually, very soft, not as durable but easy to use. *Sculpey III* - a good beginner polymer clay for practicing. Usually very soft, which some like and some do not. Not the most durable, especially for thin parts. *Sculpey Souffle* - this is a favorite with jewelry makers or people who like softer clay. It is soft, easy to mold, and is more durable even when thin. *Sculpey Premo* - this is my favorite of the Sculpey clays. It is definitely more firm, but that also means it holds detail very well. It is also more durable. *Sculpey Original* - usually white, gray, or beige. This is for sculptors who use a lot of tools and do a lot of detail work. It is a great, but does not come in colors. It can be painted with acrylic paints or water-based paints. All of these Sculpey clays are oven bake clays, and can be mixed around and used with each other since they bake at the same temperature (275 degrees Fahrenheit). Another great resource is https://thebluebottletree.com/tag/library/ If you have any other questions about tools, materials, or colors then please send me a message.
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喬治亞州 教學證書 在 特殊教育
I have been working with polymer clay for almost 12 years. I am a professional polymer clay artist and have a successful business using clay.
I also taught elementary school aged kids for over 4 years. I have used polymer clay with my students in my own classroom with great success.
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年齡: 10-14
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