
適用於 Switch 玩家的神奇寶貝紫羅蘭色和猩紅色俱樂部

Nicole Weimer


As an early childhood educator, homeschooler and mother to a child on the spectrum, I understand the importance of social skills and creativity. I also know that, for some, these are learned with practice. The importance of providing a safe space for students of all ability levels cannot be underestimated. Not all students feel included in their own classrooms. Not all students feel heard and not every student is allowed to shine. In my “classroom,” I meet learners where they are and encourage any level of participation they are comfortable with while working within each individual’s boundaries and limitations. 
Pokémon Scarlet or Violet video game, Nintendo Switch console, Nintendo Online subscription.  
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games are rated E but contain minimal fantasy violence. During class, students who use aggressive language or express gameplay or language in any manner that is not inclusive or appropriate will be asked to leave the class after first warning and if a second warning is given for the same language or behavior, the student will be withdrawn from the club.
To participate in the class, each student must have access to either the Pokémon Violet or Scarlet game on a Nintendo Switch console. To join a game with others, a Nintendo Online subscription is needed. For those wanting to play together, a Union Circle is set up by one player and a link code will be shared with the other 3 players wanting to join the game. This does not require becoming friends on the game console nor sharing gamer tags. Players are not required to join a union circle (multiplayer game) during class to participate. While the multiplayer option only allows gameplay with up to 4 players at once, having additional players in the club allows students the opportunity to experience completely different adventures when rotating gameplay with different classmates. 


1每週 x
60 分鐘

由 20 學習者完成
Ages: 8-12
3-6 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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