
一對一英語輔導(ESL 非母語):發音修正、文法、樂趣!

透過這些有趣且引人入勝的一對一 CEFR A0-C1 英語課程,從經過認證的英語作為第二語言 (ESL) 專家那裡學習像母語人士一樣說英語,並在第一堂課中獲得免費評估測驗!


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 Preschool - 8
Beginner - Advanced 等級
為了確保輔導有效,老師建議每週見面 2x。首次購買後預訂額外的定期會議。
這門課是在 英語講授的。
  • Students will learn to read and speak English. Correction of students' speech (pronunciation correction) is given to quickly improve pronunciation while learning new vocabulary, grammar and the core educational skills of listening, reading and speaking. These one-on-one ESL lessons delivered by a certified ESL specialist are delivered according to the CEFR scale A0-C1 and are very effective within a short time using teaching techniques to ensure students understand the materials and achieve their learning goals of reading and speaking English and re-assessed using the CEFR test.
Hello!  My name is Teacher Ericka.  I am a native English teacher from California, USA.  I am an experienced and certified English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL) specialist with a bachelor's degree from the United Kingdom and two teaching certificates, including Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teach English Now TESOL Foundation from Arizona State University.  I have taught over 1,000 students.  My goal is for my students to speak like native speakers using very effective teaching techniques which build confidence and enable learners to overcome any barriers to learning English.  These are techniques not known to all ESL teachers and are very effective because they allow students to overcome any barriers to learning any subject.  I specialize in using these techniques to help children learn English, including teaching preschool-aged children to read, many of whom are 4 years olds and reading English, as well as pre-teen and teenage students on more advanced literacy levels.  With a fun approach to teaching, I make my students feel comfortable while learning English for an enjoyable experience.  Learning is an exciting adventure!  This wonder and enthusiasm in a child's heart needs to be matched with expert instruction and technique with a true sense of fun and spirit of play.  Come join me and enjoy 50% off your first lesson, which includes a complimentary placement test to get started.  This will assess your child’s international standard level of English known as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).  This is the international standard for describing language ability.  It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. I also include A0 (pre-A1) lessons for learners with no English knowledge.  I look forward very much to meeting you!  Teacher Ericka
0 - 1 每週課外時間
頻率: Available upon request
細節: A speaking assessment will be given by the instructor during the lessons. Students will receive speaking and oral reading practice based on their ability level with continual assessment within each lesson. Results will be visible to the student and parents, and the instructor will note when improvements are made. Guidance will be given when the desired satisfaction of results is achieved and students will be awarded a fun certificate upon completion of every CEFR level.
Reading text will be provided during the lesson.  Recommendations will be made by the teacher to parents should they wish to purchase optional reading books and worksheets, but these are not necessary to complete the lessons, only supplemental. 
已加入 June, 2023
NewYork 教學證書 在 向講其他語言的人講英語
Arizona 教學證書 在 向講其他語言的人講英語
學士學位 in 音樂或戲劇或藝術 from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Hello!  My name is Teacher Ericka.  I am a native English speaker from California, USA.  I am an experienced and certified English as a second or foreign language (ESL) teacher with a bachelor's degree from the United Kingdom and two teaching... 


25 分鐘

有2 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 3-18

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