
學齡前兒童的數字樂趣 - 數字一到五

這個為期五週的課程將為學齡前兒童提供體驗數字 1-5 的機會。我們將唱歌、玩遊戲、分享表演和講述!
Mery J


5 現場會議
2 小時 30 分鐘 上課時間
Certificate of completion will be offered for this class for learners who have completed all five classes.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 Preschool - Kindergarten 年級
Beginner 等級
Please note that this class is scheduled for 30 minutes to give time for late comers (sometimes technology quirks happen!) and discussion. Focused class time will be closer to 20 minutes with several different activities to help keep a learner’s attention!

In Fun With Numbers, we explore playing with numbers and counting! Our class will focus on learning through teacher led activities, learner interaction, and some slides to present images and game materials.

As our class arrives, we welcome classmates and share something fun about our week. 

Our number of the day will be introduced with a counting song as we venture into different locations and count the animals there. 

We will talk about number of the day and how to form that letter in writing. Learners can follow along by tracing with their finger in the air, using a sand tray, or writing on paper. 

We will follow this activity with show or tell time. Each week before class, learners are encouraged to gather the amount of the same item to match our number of the day. For example for number three week, a learner might bring three hats to share about with the class. 

If time allows at the end of class, we will play a number game together. 

Each week I will share a printable number worksheet covering the week’s number. This is NOT homework or required work. It is just an additional resource for learners who enjoy playing with numbers on paper. If your learner completes this paper, I would love for you to share a photo in the classroom so we can cheer them on!
Students will gain more familiarity with numbers and counting. Students will have had opportunities to build classroom friendships and share within the classroom setting.


5 課程
超過 5 週
課 1:
Number 1
 We'll be exploring the number one today! Count dogs with us, learn how to form the number one, and share one of something in show and tell. If time allows, we'll play "Who Is Missing?". 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Number 2
 We'll be exploring the number two today! Count birds with us, learn how to form the number two, and share two of something in show and tell. If time allows, we'll play "Eye Spy". 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Number 3
 We'll be exploring the number three today! Count gorillas with us, learn how to form the number three, and share three of something in show and tell. If time allows, we'll play "Train Order." 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Number 4
 We'll be exploring the number four today! Count lions with us, learn how to form the number four, and share four of something in show and tell. If time allows, we'll play "Number Matching". 
30 分鐘線上直播課


No prerequisites are required for kids to enjoy this class, however a basic knowledge of the numbers 1-5 may be helpful.
If you would like for your learner to form letters using a sand tray or with pencil and paper, please provide those to your learner before class. 

Each week we will have show and tell time sharing a number of the same items corresponding with our number of the week. For example, on number three week, your learner might bring three hats to share. A reminder will be listed in the classroom each week about this activity.
已加入 March, 2024
Hi! I'm Mery, a homeschooling mom to two awesome kids and over the past 20+ years, I've taught many other learners through community classes. From a very young age I loved reading and people who knew young me at the time said that the one thing they could always count on when they saw me is that I would always have a book with me. As an adult, when I was reflecting I realized that these stories that I enjoyed when I was young taught me lasting knowledge that still impacted my life as an adult. I believe that stories and hands on experiences are the best at helping us learn, so in most of my classes you'll find that we are learning through fantastic stories and learning new skills that we try on our own. I still love to read today as an adult, but I find that most of my favorite books are still the children's/young adult books that I'm reading with my kids!




每週或US$60 用於 5 課程
每週1次,共 5 週
30 分鐘

年齡: 3-5
2-5 每班學員人數

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