
音樂、表演和運動私人 1:1 課程,適合年齡 6-12 歲

Piano Time Music Studio
你喜歡玩假裝嗎?這些一對一私人課程讓 6-12 歲的孩子有機會透過動作、表演和音樂探索他們最瘋狂的想像! #有創造力的


美國等級 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
The goal of these 1-on-1 music adventures is to have a blast while developing several creative skills! Here are some ways to highlight the benefits:

Spark Creativity and Imagination: By moving, drawing, and acting in response to music, students explore their creative potential and express themselves in new ways.

Boost Confidence and Performance Skills: Acting out stories and performing for the teacher builds confidence and helps students feel comfortable expressing themselves in front of others.

Develop Emotional Intelligence: Reflecting on how music makes them feel helps students understand their emotions and how music can evoke different moods.

Deepen Musical Appreciation: By focusing on instrumental music without lyrics, students learn to appreciate the power of melody, rhythm, and instruments themselves.

Make Learning Fun: Who wouldn't want to dance, draw, act, and create stories based on exciting music? This engaging format makes learning enjoyable and keeps students motivated.
My Fun & Effective Approach to Voice Lessons!

Hi everyone! I'm Adriana, and my teaching philosophy centers around the idea that music education should be an fun and engaging experience. I firmly believe that anyone can learn to sing and appreciate music, regardless of their background or prior experience. 

Here's how I make that happen:

👉 Focus on Fun: Learning music should feel like a joyful exploration, not a chore. I tailor lessons to your specific interests, incorporating songs and styles you love to keep you motivated and excited about the journey.

👉 Play what you want to play: Forget rigid, one-size-fits-all programs! I use your favorite songs and musical genres as a foundation for building skills and understanding music theory in a way that resonates with you personally.

👉 Develop strong technique: While we're having fun and exploring the music you love, I'll also ensure you learn proper technique and build a solid foundation for future growth and musical exploration.

This student-centered approach, honed through my own experience, has helped countless students of all ages discover their musical potential and cultivate a lifelong passion for music.

Qualifications & Experience

Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Toronto, I was surrounded by an amazing music scene that really sparked my passion from an early age. I started singing and studying music seriously in my teens, which led me to the University of Toronto's music program. Those years of intensive training and working with some truly fantastic mentors really helped shape me as a vocalist and deepen my understanding of music.

I split my time between performing jazz gigs around Toronto and teaching voice lessons. Performing live is an absolute thrill - there's nothing quite like connecting with an audience through music. And as a teacher, I get to share that same love of singing and music-making with my students. It's deeply rewarding to guide people in finding their own musical voices and discovering the joy of singing.

My diverse background and experiences have given me a deep appreciation for the power of music to enrich our lives. I try to bring that sense of joy and passion into every lesson, creating an engaging experience tailored to each individual student. If that sounds like something you'd be into, I'd love for you to join me on this musical journey!


Please be sure to book at least one day in advance to give me time to prepare! Thank you, and I look forward to embarking on this musical journey with you soon!
Blank paper and coloring supplies
Please have some coloring utensils and either the provided worksheet or a piece of paper for the student to draw on.
已加入 March, 2021
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for joining our classes! We are a team of professional musicians offering classes to students from around the world. Our focus is on nurturing creativity and developing self-confidence, with programs that are fun and... 


1每週 x
30 分鐘

Completed by 5 learner
年齡: 6-12

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