
正念與社交情緒學習 8 週自訂進度課程,適合 7-11 歲兒童

在這個正念課程中,學生在學校、家裡或學習新技能的過程中學習訓練思維、增強注意力、培養輕鬆和幸福感的技巧。使用我的程式碼並儲存:GitaNilfor20 #supperstar
Gita Nilforoush


8 預錄課程
每段影片平均 38 分鐘
8 週
5 小時 6 分鐘
1 年訪問權


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 2 - 5
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
Is your child struggling to maintain focus for extended periods? Do they often feel overwhelmed by the daily barrage of stimuli? If so, this course offers the perfect solution, empowering children to understand their emotions and learn invaluable mindfulness techniques for everyday life.

With over seven years of experience teaching mindfulness to students, I've witnessed remarkable transformations in children. Through mindfulness, they learn to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively in any situation.

Mindfulness isn't just about being calm; it's about fully engaging with life. In this class, I make mindfulness fun and engaging, providing children with practical tools they can apply in their lives.

Mindfulness practices cultivate a learning-ready mindset, teaching children to focus their attention effectively. They'll develop enhanced concentration, emotional management skills, and the ability to find calm amidst challenges.

No prior knowledge is necessary to embark on this mindfulness journey. Each session concludes with a weekly challenge, allowing students to apply their newfound skills and share their experiences. Through reflection, students become more aware of their progress and the impact of their mindfulness practice.


8 課程
超過 8 週
課 1:
Introduction to Mindfulness, Mindful listening & breathing
 Hi Everyone and welcome to my Mindfulness course, week 1! 
Today we learn about Mindfulness, mindful bodies, mindful listening, mindfulness of breath, and our anchor point. Then we do a guided practice for both of them. Next, we practice different breathing exercises and, use mindful games activity cards. In the end, you share your experience and you will get the practice for the week. 
40 分鐘的影片課程
課 2:
Kindness practice & Body awareness, body scan
 Hi everyone, today we first practice mindfulness for one minute, practice breathing and listening. Then we learn our new lessons, heartfulness, sending kind thoughts to ourselves and others, and body awareness, we practice body scan and use a few mindful breathing practices. In the end, you will get the home practice for the week. 
40 分鐘的影片課程
課 3:
Mindful Breathing and anchor word & Heartfulness; Generosity
 Hi everyone, today first we do a guided mindfulness practice for two minutes. Then we learn our new lessons, mindfulness of breathing, staying at your base, and heartfulness, generosity lesson and do a guided practice for each one. Then we practice hand breathing for a few minutes, and use a special star body scan card, and do some breathing practices in standing posture. In the end, you will get the home practice for the week. 
31 分鐘的影片課程
課 4:
Mindfulness of Thoughts, Mindful Seeing and Mindfulness & your Brain
 Hi everyone, today first we do a guided mindfulness practice for a few minutes. Next, we learn our new lessons. Mindfulness of thoughts, using anchor words to direct our attention back to this moment, Mindful seeing & Mindfulness and the brain. Then we do some breathing exercises in seated or standing posture.
In the end, you will get the home practice for the week. 
40 分鐘的影片課程


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 May, 2019
加州 教學證書
加州 教學證書 在 健康/體育
Greetings to all parents and learners! I'm Gita, a Mindful Schools Certified Mindfulness Instructor, dedicated to fostering well-being in kids, teens, parents, and educators by alleviating stress and anxiety while promoting balance and overall wellness.

With over 30 years of personal mindfulness meditation practice, I've been imparting the transformative benefits of mindfulness and secular meditation techniques for over 7 years. I honed my skills through a comprehensive six-month meditation teacher training with the esteemed Willpower Institute in Canada & Thailand, earning my Meditation Instructor Certificate in 2014.

My commitment to mindfulness education deepened with over two years of mindfulness training courses through Mindful Schools, in California. I completed the Year-Long certification program, earning the title of Mindful Schools Certified Mindfulness Instructor (CMI) in 2018. This certification equips me to teach Kids and Teens using Mindful School's specialized curriculum.

Mindfulness, to me, is the art of paying attention to both our inner and outer experiences with openness and curiosity. It involves embracing our experiences without judgment and fostering kindness towards ourselves and others.

In the realm of education, I've witnessed the power of mindfulness in helping children and teens maintain focus, enhance concentration, improve academic performance, and develop self-awareness. Through mindfulness training, they cultivate compassion and care for themselves and those around them.

Teaching mindfulness meditation is not just my profession—it's my passion. I am driven by a desire to share the profound gift of mindfulness practices with as many people as possible. My aim is to help individuals reduce the stresses of daily life and pave the way for a happier, healthier, and more harmonious existence.

You can explore mindfulness further through my website, Meditationforallages.com, where I offer meditation guidance for adult professionals. Beyond my work, I find joy in reading books, strolling outdoors, practicing mindfulness meditation (of course!), playing the piano, traveling, and cherishing moments with my family and friends.

Let's embark on a journey of mindfulness together—a path to greater well-being and a more enriched life!




每週或US$200 所有內容
8 預錄課程
8 教師支援週
1 年內容存取權

年齡: 7-11

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