
中學時期的遭遇?更像是精通!在 9 小時訓練營中做好準備!

透過互動式 STEAM 活動、動手實驗和參與小組項目,這個 9 課時的訓練營可確保您的孩子在學業、組織、技術和社交方面為未來的中學挑戰做好準備。
Laurie Bloyer M.Ed.


10 現場會議
19 小時 10 分鐘 上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國 5 - 7 年級
Through interactive STEAM activities and engaging projects, this 9 session boot camp ensures your child is academically, organizationally, technically, and socially ready for the middle school challenges ahead.

This dynamic and engaging two-week boot camp is designed to equip your child with the essential executive functioning/life skills they need to thrive in middle school through the lens of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) project-based and hands-on projects. 

I have a passion for making learning interactive and fun, this program is the perfect springboard for students about to embark on their middle school journey, whether in a school or at home.

What Sets This Boot Camp Apart?

This unique curriculum covers the fundamentals of preparing for middle school by integrating critical thinking, problem-solving, and organizational strategies to help students of all abilities manage their workload effectively. By emphasizing collaboration, communication, and creativity, I ensure that students are not just academically prepared but also emotionally and socially ready for the challenges and opportunities that Middle School brings.

Engaging STEAM Activities:

Hands-on Experiments-  We will design products and learn scientific principles and  desin processes through practical application.

Digital Literacy- In today's digital world, understanding technology is vital. This boot camp introduces your child to digital tools that are essential for middle school projects.

Artistic Exploration- Recognizing the importance of creativity, students will engage in projects where art meets science, highlighting the A in STEAM and showcasing how creativity is integral to innovation.

Mathematical Fun- Through puzzles, games, and real-world problems, I make math relevant, demonstrating its importance in everyday life and STEAM applications.

Life Management Skills-  Projects will teach students how to plan, execute, and present a STEAM project, practicing a wide variety of essential life skills.

Social-Emotional Learning:

Understanding that middle school is a significant transition for many students, this class includes activities focused on communication skills, self-management skills, time management skills, problem-solving, and thinking skills (to name a few).  These skills are crucial for developing self-confidence and resilience in new environments.

Why Choose This Boot Camp?

Tailored Learning- With a keen focus on the transition to middle school, this class is specifically designed to address the challenges and questions that students may have.

Interactive and Fun- Through gamification and interactive sessions, learning becomes an adventure that keeps your child motivated.

Comprehensive Preparation- This boot camp covers not just life skill readiness but also the organizational and social-emotional skills needed for a smooth transition to middle school.

Week 1: STEAM Foundations and Middle School Life Skills

Day 1: Introduction to Middle School
Objective: Understand the importance of STEAM subjects in middle school.

Day 2: Creative Exploration and Problem Solving
Objective: Create an invention using the design cycle

Week 2:  Continue STEAM Foundations and Middle School Life Skills
Day 3: Technology and Digital Literacy
Objective: Learn about digital tools and 3D design basics relevant to middle school projects.

Day 4: Engineering Challenges
Objective: Apply engineering design principles to solve problems.

Day 5: Art in STEAM
Objective: Explore the role of creativity and arts in STEAM through projects.

Day 6: Fun with Mathematics
Objective: Discover the fun and application of math in everyday STEAM contexts.
Activities: Math puzzles, real-world math problems, introduction to mathematical resources.
Gamification: Math games with points, and badges for problem-solving.

Day 7: STEAM Project Management
Objective: Learn to manage a STEAM project from concept to completion.
Activities: Group STEAM project planning, role assignment, project management basics.
Gamification: Points for meeting project milestones, badges for leadership and innovation.

Day 8: Collaboration and Communication in STEAM
Objective: Enhance teamwork and communication skills within STEAM projects.
Activities: Team-building exercises, and effective communication workshops.
Gamification: Team challenges with points for collaboration and badges for effective communication.

Day 9: STEAM and AI
Objective: Understand the impact of AI on society and ethical considerations.
Activities: Discussion on AI innovations, their societal impact, and ethics.
Gamification: Ethical dilemma debate with points for insightful contributions.

Day 10: STEAM Showcase and Reflection
Objective: Present STEAM projects and reflect on learnings and future applications.
Activities: STEAM project presentations, reflective goal-setting for middle school.
Gamification: STEAM fair with awards for various categories, and special badges for reflection and growth.

Engagement and Gamification Throughout the Camp:

Leaderboard- Monitor points and achievements through STEAM activities.
Achievement Certificates- Award certificates for STEAM excellence and exploration.
Peer Review- Foster a constructive feedback culture to support learning and improvement.

This STEAM-focused boot camp aims to inspire and prepare students for the challenges of middle school by embedding critical academic, organizational, and social-emotional learning within the context of STEAM, making learning engaging, interactive, and deeply connected to real-world applications.
Explore and apply STEAM concepts to real-world problems
Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills through STEAM projects
Master organizational strategies for managing middle school assignments
Enhance collaboration, communication and creativity


Good for all learning needs, styles, abilities and quirks!
Materials will vary depending on the project the student chooses to focus on, they will mostly consist of household items and a computer.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 March, 2022
新墨西哥州 教學證書
Hello- I'm Laurie Bloyer M.Ed., a seasoned educator with over 20 years of experience teaching infants to adults. I am dedicated to empowering students and nurturing their passion for learning.

With two master's degrees, one in Instructional Design and Technology and one in Waldorf Education, as well as being an International Baccalaureate educator for 10 years, and a certified Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning and Life Success Coach, I bring a wealth of expertise to provide your child with a rich and engaging educational experience. I focus particularly in the fields of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), Reading/Writing, English as a Second Language, Design Thinking Skills, and Life Skills.

But what sets me apart is my commitment to personalized learning success. I understand that every student is unique, each with their own preferred learning style. That's why I've developed proven strategies to cater to individual needs, helping students become effective, independent learners.

Discover how I can help your child excel academically and personally. You can also learn more @ www.nexussuccess.net




每週或US$195 用於 10 課程
每週5次,共 2 週
115 分鐘

年齡: 11-14
1-6 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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