

Seed and Stem Learning Center


8 現場會議
6 上課時間


In this two week bootcamp, students will develop a basic understanding of heredity, genetics, DNA and Punnett squares. We will conduct a variety of activities, experiments, interests and challenges to learn about the various aspects of genetics. Throughout this course, students will be working on a final project which they will present at the end of the camp. The weekly bootcamp schedule includes the following:

Day 1 (Pre-Assessment): Students will solve a CSI Mystery by displaying their pre-knowledge of Genetics. Don't worry! This will only be used to assess what students already know and what they are unclear about. 

Day 2 (Heredity & Traits): Students will learn about heredity and the difference between inherited and learned traits. They will participate in an academic debate with each other, using their newfound knowledge of traits.

Day 3 (Inventory of My Traits): Students will learn about twins who look nothing alike! This will lead them into creating their own inventory of traits, and being able to compare them with other classmates and family members! 

Day 4 (Punnett Squares): Students will learn the basics of Genetics such as recessive and dominant traits and homozygous and heterozygous alleles. We will practice creating our own Punnett squares to find the probability of various genetic traits. 

Day 5 (Lab): As a class, we will complete an experiment with beans, learning about Mendel's Pea Plant experiment. This will then allow students to use their results to fill out and solve a variety of Punnett squares!

Day 6 (Monster Genetics): Students will use their newfound knowledge of heredity, genetics and Punnett squares to create their own baby monster! After deciding their baby Monster's traits, they will have the opportunity to create a drawing or painting of their monster!

Day 7 (Escape Room): Students will be tasked with completing the (digital) Escape Room! They will use their knowledge of this course to escape the room with their classmates.

Day 8 (Final Presentations): Students will present their final projects to the class! Once students have completed their presentations, they will compete in a Jeopardy game!

Students do not need to have any background information on Genetics in order to successfully complete this bootcamp.
Next Generation Science Standards:
3-LS3-1. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variation of these traits exists in a group of similar organisms.

3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment.

MS-LS1-5. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of

MS-LS3-2. Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and
sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.


Drawing and/or painting supplies (optional)
Red beans 
White beans
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • Nearpod
已加入 May, 2020
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Amanda Mucci
印第安納州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Sara Neidigh
維吉尼亞州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Kimberly Terry
印第安納州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Theresa Norris
印第安納州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Theresa Norris
紐約 教學證書 在 特殊教育
Amanda Zanzano
馬裡蘭州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Angela Papandrea
俄勒岡州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Emily Lindberg, MSED
華盛頓 教學證書 在 數學
Jonathan Stone, M.A.T.
伊利諾州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Bailey Nelson
加州 教學證書
Lacey Ferguson
碩士 在 教育 從 Lesley University
Amanda Mucci
碩士 在 科學 從 Montana State University
Michelle Cregger
碩士 在 教育 從 George Mason University
Kimberly Terry
碩士 在 教育 從 University of West Florida
Victoria Larsen, M.Ed.
碩士 在 教育 從 American College of Education
Theresa Norris
碩士 在 教育 從 Fordham University
Amanda Zanzano
碩士 在 教育 從 Western Oregon University
Emily Lindberg, MSED
碩士 在 教育 從 Western Governors University
Jonathan Stone, M.A.T.
碩士 在 教育 從 Western Illinois University
Bailey Nelson
學士學位 在 教育 從 Elizabethtown College
Amanda Mucci
學士學位 在 科學 從 Rochester Institute of Technology
Sarah Herrera Stoltzfus
學士學位 在 科學 從 Eastern Washington University
Michelle Cregger
學士學位 在 科學 從 Eastern Washington University
Michelle Cregger
學士學位 在 科學 從 Eastern Washington University
Michelle Cregger
學士學位 在 教育 從 Indiana State University
Sara Neidigh
學士學位 在 科學 從 University of Pittsburgh
Steph Quinones
學士學位 在 科學 從 University of Arizona
Theresa Norris
學士學位 在 數學 從 Western Washington University
Jonathan Stone, M.A.T.
學士學位 在 教育 從 Western Illinois University
Bailey Nelson
Welcome to Seed and Stem Learning Center by Bailey Nelson and Kenneth Kirk! 

As a prior public school teacher, Bailey experienced the positive difference that scientific inquiry can have on students. Kenneth, who received his Bachelor's of Business Degree in Economics, found a passion in educating young students the improtance of financial literacy and business education. Bailey and Ken used this inspiration to create a program that allows students to connect across the globe through quality and inclusive education. 

Although students take classes virtually, they will be inspired through hands-on and real-world applications and problems. Through our engaging courses, students will develop (or enhance) their love of all subjects by connecting to real-life applications and problems.

Teachers and tutors are all vetted through a rigorous process that focuses on scientific inquiry, problem-based learning, and hands-on pedagogy. Teachers come from a variety of backgrounds including education, economics, engineering, and computer science.

Course Policies:
*Students must provide a camera check at the beginning of class to ensure safety for all learners unless verified by Outschool.
*Ongoing classes are charged on a weekly basis. Prorated refunds based on days attended during the week will not be provided. All class recordings and materials are provided if your learner misses class.
*The Outschool classroom is for learner communication. If you would like to contact the teacher of your learner, please use the teacher communication tab.
*To hold a spot for charter school payments please message us and we will reserve a spot*
*We strive to answer all messages within 24 hours. If you have not received a response after this time frame, please feel free to reach out again as the message may have not been delivered or read.*

Meet our Teachers!

Amanda Mucci (Math and Science): https://outschool.com/parents/0870bc04-1efa-4e7e-aa45-e7a5e411e562

Amanda Zanzano (1st-3rd Grade): https://outschool.com/parents/ad460e07-5dab-4a70-ac1c-703c8fc969d0

Angela Papandrea (Middle School Math): https://outschool.com/parents/be1ff2fc-5446-4b73-8a1a-556e7837b546

Emily Lindberg (Middle and High School Social Sciences/ELA): https://outschool.com/parents/c59b42eb-914e-4008-92c0-15ed361e29b9

Giorgia Solomon (Middle School Math and Science): https://outschool.com/parents/5364e846-89b6-4b73-bd3f-11dfeb5649a9

Jillian Estes (Upper Elementary): https://outschool.com/parents/b8bb4c25-5a8a-4a1d-a5b2-4a0e2db6ff3b

Jonathan Stone (Middle/High School Math): https://outschool.com/parents/d099956e-6648-44bd-887c-1e260758b1b1

Kimberly Terry (Lower Elementary): https://outschool.com/parents/7647f6e1-8887-4b4d-8862-c7e8a0e8fc2e

Melanie Valenciana (Middle/High School Math and Science): https://outschool.com/parents/26870660-9a81-4d23-af7d-c584b6e4ba28

Miranda Barker (Elementary/Middle School Science): https://outschool.com/parents/46101ec4-156a-4bc7-be3f-c7386930dd3b

Rachel Walters (Substitute): https://outschool.com/parents/2de4ef50-d8c1-4423-a025-fc8d50c0af2a

Sarah Herrera (Middle/High School Math and Science): https://outschool.com/parents/2acb43e1-169f-45c2-a155-455728f41f3b

Sarah Neidigh (Elementary/Middle School): https://outschool.com/parents/5b14d71e-cb65-4660-8845-46fb52528275

Steph Quinones (Middle/High School School Math/Science/ELA): https://outschool.com/parents/685b2368-4544-4dbb-ab9d-34e353c9645a

Theresa Norris (Upper Elementary): https://outschool.com/parents/98fd235f-2800-498e-a114-7fb009d47715

Victoria Larsen (Upper Elementary): https://outschool.com/parents/891e03fe-93f6-40b3-980a-b6f7e72a3eb8




用於 8 課程
每週4次,共 2 週
45 分鐘

有8 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 11-13
3-12 每班學員人數

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