
數學心態:培養 6-12 歲兒童的數學信心與成長心態

幫助您的孩子培養對數學的正面態度,並透過數學心態獲得解決問題的信心:培養 6-12 歲數學信心和成長心態! #學術的
Math Planets


50 分鐘


英語程度 - 未知
美國 1 - 6 年級
*Parents, you can request custom class time slots & optimize your child's learning schedule!*

Welcome to Math Mindset: Fostering Confidence and Growth Mindset in Math for Ages 6-12! In this class, students will learn how to approach math with a positive attitude and growth mindset and develop the confidence to tackle challenging problems. Through interactive lessons, games, and activities, students will learn about the power of mistakes, the growth mindset, and the value of persistence. We'll cover topics such as problem-solving, number sense, and critical thinking skills in a supportive and engaging environment. Our class is structured to provide a balance between teacher-led instruction and student-led exploration, with plenty of opportunities for learners to interact with each other and share their ideas. No previous experience or background knowledge is required to enroll in this class.

In our first meeting, we'll focus on the importance of having a growth mindset and developing a positive attitude toward math. We'll also discuss strategies for approaching challenging problems, and how to turn mistakes into opportunities for learning. In subsequent meetings, we'll cover a range of topics including:

Understanding numbers and number sense
Developing critical thinking skills
Solving word problems
Using math tools and manipulatives
Exploring geometry and spatial reasoning
Discovering patterns and relationships
Applying math to real-world situations

Throughout the course, we'll use real-world examples and games to make math fun and engaging. By the end of the course, students will have developed a growth mindset and a strong foundation in key math concepts and skills. Join us and help your child develop a positive attitude toward math that will benefit them for years to come!
Students will learn how to develop a positive attitude towards math, gain confidence in their ability to solve math problems and develop a growth mindset when it comes to math. They will learn strategies for approaching math problems, such as breaking them down into smaller parts and using trial and error. They will also learn to embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth. The class will cover a range of math concepts, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and more. Through interactive activities, discussions, and practice problems, students will develop the skills and mindset they need to excel in math.


There is no class content that may be upsetting or scary to learners or requires them to take extra safety precautions in Math Puzzles Galore. All materials used in the class are age-appropriate and safe. There is no media content used in the class that requires an official rating. No third-party tool is required to participate in the class.
Plain paper
A notebook or binder to keep their work organized

A Khan Academy account is not required. We will be using screen-share only.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 July, 2022
非美國 教學證書
Ancuta Pan
碩士 在 文理科 從 Arizona State University
Calenna Cauley
碩士 在 工程(普通) 從 Politehnica University of Bucharest
Ancuta Pan
學士學位 在 教育 從 Morgan State University
DaQuan Patterson
學士學位 在 哲學 從 Notre Dame of Maryland University Women's College
Calenna Cauley
學士學位 在 藝術與設計 從 Notre Dame of Maryland University Women's College
Calenna Cauley
學士學位 在 工程(普通) 從 Politehnica University of Bucharest
Ancuta Pan
學士學位 在 物理 從 IUPUI
Carmen Haworth
🍁Get $10 off our classes with coupon code PLANEPUMPKINSPICE10 until Nov 23, 2024🍁

Math Planets is an organization that focuses on math with fun! We incorporate games into many of our sessions to keep learners engaged. We cater to students of all ages and skill levels, as well as students who are neurodivergent. Math Planets offers both weekly and one-time courses for all students, including those with learning, mental, and physical disabilities. Our wide range of coaches are well-versed in all levels of math and are always happy to teach. Helping students become confident and independent thinkers to take on any challenge is what we strive for.


Ancuta holds years of experience in power engineering and customer service. She has studied power engineering in undergraduate and graduate school, and she has also received a certification in psycho-pedagogy. As a parent, she enjoys homeschooling her child and has crafted her own curriculum to meet her son's needs, including overcoming speech delays. Ancuta has years of experience in professional training, sales, and tutoring. She continues her passion for teaching, as she believes that understanding the importance to math as it relates to the world around us is vital for young minds to understand.

Fun Facts: 
-She is five feet tall and has been mistaken as her client's daughter
-She is originally from Dracula's country (Romania)

Angeline is currently enrolled in a nursing program and plans to study accounting afterwards. Since she was a young girl, she has strived to work in healthcare and be an entrepreneur. She finds great value in mathematics, as Angeline recognizes the importance of it to all parts of life. She hopes that supporting students can lead them to recognizing the value of knowledge, especially as it pertains to math.​

Fun Facts:
-She loves dancing
-She believes that math is really fun to learn and do

Calenna (Cal) studies philosophy and studio art, and they also hold a Master's in Liberal Studies. Since they were a young child, Calenna has had a passion for teaching. Cal's parents were born in impoverished areas, and she grew up with financial struggles. They have seen firsthand how important education and access to quality education can make a difference, one student at a time. They believe that working as a tutor and mentor can be more impactful than being under the constraints of the educational systems in place. They have been a mentor, sports coach, and tutor for over a decade. Calenna loves tutoring and supporting her fellow coaches to make the world a better place, one student at a time.​

Fun Facts:
-Their "special interests" are anime and Marvel Comics
-They played field hockey and lacrosse at high school and collegiate levels
-They had multiple learning disabilities undiagnosed until they were an adult

Carmen has a Bachelor's degree in biophysics; she also has much experience in tutoring students in multiple subjects, including biology and chemistry. She has a passion for finding different ways to explain concepts, as Carmen finds it extremely rewarding to see her students have their "eureka moment," especially after running into trouble with it.

Fun Fact:
-Her favorite one-liner is y = mx + b

Joshua K (Josh) holds a degree in Biological Science, as well as Fish and Wildlife Technology. Josh holds a great passion for the environment and has held many positions relating to environmental issues throughout his career. While the nature of his work is seasonal, he takes the extra time to care for himself and his family. One of his career goals is to create a business with his pythons. Throughout his youth, Josh has always found great value in education, whether it was at school or at home with his sister. Tutoring works for Josh because he loves learning and helping others learn, too.

Fun Facts:
-He was born and raised in Canada
-His undergraduate college changed has name since he graduated
-He has pythons (yes, the snakes)

Ray holds a degree in Psychology and has completed coursework as high as Calculus III. He enjoys being in education because he excels at determining the strengths and weaknesses of students, as well as supporting them where needed. He has a knack for breaking down complex concepts into ways that students can always understand. He hopes to continue helping students conquer their fear of math, making learning fun, and most of all, making smile.

Fun Facts:
-Ray makes educational board and card games
-He hopes to publish his own games in the near future
-He enjoys board games, superheroes, and various video games in his free time

Mactavius is currently a full-time student studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Media Arts Technology & Production; he also has experience in nuclear engineering. Mac has been tutoring since he was in middle school in various subjects. He deeply enjoys teaching other students and his peers in Calculus, Physics, and many other subjects that relate to math.

We have plenty of other coaches! Hope to see you soon 😊




50 分鐘

有4 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 6-12

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