

Waldorfunn Math and ABC with Melianna


1 現場會議
50 分鐘 每週上課時間
Optionally, I will offer the children one more exercise to perform and share. The exercise will be one more practice of the four mathematical operations to draw and write. This exercise should take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 1 - 3
Beginner 等級
Welcome to Waldorfunn Math class!

At Waldorfunn Math, we don't just do math; we experience numbers artfully and meaningfully.

The child will enjoy hearing a small numeral story and drawing along the mathematical operations with colored and block crayons. 
Children will help the characters in our story solve their riddles with mathematical sentences. They will enjoy connecting words like "add," "altogether," "plus," and "in all," "less than," "fewer" to the concept of addition and subtraction. Drawing the word problem also gives it more meaning and truly helps mathematical thinking. By connecting critical words from the riddle into mathematical symbols, we will learn to write perfect equations and practice calculation with purpose. Children will also learn how important it is to produce quality work.

We will use the abacus to calculate addition from one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers and learn the carry-over mathematical theory. Similarly, we will learn the borrowing mathematical concept of subtracting with multi-digit numbers. The abacus is the most efficient hands-on mathematical tool for teaching children proper mathematical thinking and laying strong foundational skills for their future academic journey. It helps in mental math ability, strengthens number sense, gently enforces place value understanding, and is also a truly enjoyable and simple "toy."

We will learn and practice number sense by counting up and down and skip counting by two's, three's, four's, five's, and ten's. We will deepen mathematical thought with addition and subtraction. Once confidence is established with adding and subtracting, we will level up with multi-digit numbers all the way to a hundred. We will explore what happens when we add the same number multiple times, secretly paving the way to understanding multiplication. We will explore what happens when subtracting the same number many times. We will ask ourselves if there is a more efficient and less laborious way to write these "long" additions and these "long" subtractions. This process is an amusing experience! Can multiplication and division help? Is this what it's all about?

After these classes, children will be perfectly efficient in multi-digit addition and subtraction. They will deeply understand the meaning and purpose of the four mathematical processes ( +—x ÷ ) and the importance of number place value from ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. They will enjoy writing vertical and horizontal mathematical equations with great care and work ethic in a fun and amusing way.

In each class, we also take short breaks to relax our minds, move our bodies, and let our silly out. We take this opportunity to drill down our multiplication tables from 2 to 5 by skip counting with kinetic movements.

At Waldorfunn, each class begins with a deep breath. We say a fun numeral verse to set ourselves up for a beautiful learning experience. Similarly, each class ends with a moment of gratitude, where we show and tell our work of the day, a closing song, and a farewell goodbye.

I am sincerely looking forward to meeting you and your child.
I guarantee high-quality classes. I pour my heart into each class and cultivate a loving relationship with each student.
I love math, I love teaching, and children feel it!

Class Syllabus:

Children will work on a straightforward numeral story in each class so that we address each skill individually. Therefore, children are welcome to join anytime.

Month of September
I will introduce easy one-step problem-solving through riddles and stories to the class.
Learning and manipulating the abacus with addition and skip counting.
We will Add and subtract numbers from 0 to 9.
What happens after 9?
What is place value? Is the 0 so important?
We will Add and subtract numbers from 10 and beyond.
We gently begin to practice the concept of "carry-over and borrowing".
We are building a strong number sense.
Wow, the abacus is helpful and fun, and it makes counting easy.

We will skip counting by 2 and 4 in a relaxed and amusing way.

Month of October
I will introduce easy two-step problem-solving through riddles and stories to the class.
We will journey further into places' value and count to 100.
We will master addition and subtraction with carry-over and borrowing.
We will efficiently add and subtract multi-digit numbers.
Wow, the abacus is so helpful and ensures the correct understanding of numeral place value.
 We will skip-count by 3 in a relaxed and amusing way.

Month of November
Our characters in our stories will experience many challenges, and we will be there to help them—even if that means a lot of work!
To solve their riddles, we must accomplish "long" additions and "long "subtractions.
This process is an amusing experience! Can multiplication and division help? Is this what it's all about?
Numbers can get big, and we will fearlessly count until 1000.
We will strengthen our mental math abilities by enjoying skip-counting by two, three, and four.

Month of December
Children will practice fluency in all the skills we learned
Addition and subtraction will be a breeze from number 0 to 100.
Children will practice overcoming the zero in subtractions easily.
Our riddles will get more complicated and challenging. Still, with the help of our hands-on counting tools and the efficiency of our mathematical drawings, we will confidently calculate and solve all numeral challenges that arise!

Month of January and beyond...
More classes will be created!
Understanding place values up to 1000, multi-digit numbers.
( Ones, Tens, Hundreds, and thousands)
Confidently performing Addition and Subtraction
with carry-over and borrowing.


The supplies shown in the class image are essential to a successful class: * Size A4 blank notebook for drawing and writing. * Abacus $9.99 essential -> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BKH5F6QG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 * Wooden color crayons * Color block wax crayons or color stick crayons 🖍
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 February, 2024
副學士學位 在 林業 從 College de Sainte-Foy
I am deeply invested in anthroposophy, and I acquired the foundational knowledge and the practical art skills of Waldorf Education. 

Mathematics is my passion, and I specialize in  Classical Greek geometry and arithmetic.
I crafted my math classes to trigger the genius in each student.

I speak four languages fluently.
I also teach reading and spelling classes at the elementary level because I believe in the power of classical literature. I crafted these classes for children to fall in love with writing with perfect spelling.

Like in Math, if a class is meaningful and emotionally captivating, "Difficult" academics become satisfying!
I strive to create those "AHH" moments in children...they are the delights of academic work!

The purpose of my educational classes is to inspire students.
I know how important this is for children and their future academic life.

I have a Canadian Advanced Degree in the Natural Science of Silviculture and Forest Management.
I have taught Waldorf Waldorf-inspired curriculum for my four delightful daughters for over five years.




每週上課 x 1 次
50 分鐘

年齡: 6-9
4-9 每班學員人數

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