

第一門操作系統課程?清單中的 20 美元代碼。金融投資大師!每週我們都會建構一個不同的基本概念。由百萬美元企業家和職業教育家史考特先生授課。包括每週技能包練習。
Adam Scott Education and RPG Club


12 現場會議
8 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students will be provided with a skills or analysis packet each week to refine their skills. This is designed to be completed independently, and the instructor is happy to answer support questions for enrolled students.
Certificate indicating topics covered, hours enrolled, and dates of the course will be provided upon request.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 8 - 11
Beginner 等級
New to Outschool? Use this to save $20 on your first class.


Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of investing and financial markets? "Introduction to the Stock Market for Teens" is a comprehensive course designed to provide young minds with a solid foundation in understanding the stock market and its many facets.🌐

Students will be provided with a skills or analysis packet each week to refine their skills. This is designed to be completed independently, and the instructor is happy to answer support questions as needed.

Whether you're brand new to the world of finance or already have some knowledge under your belt, this class is perfect for anyone eager to develop knowledge of the financial system and the various paths it offers for financial rewards.

Class Policies 📚

Classes are taught as a combination lecture and discussion, encouraging student participation. 🗣️

This class teaches financial skills that are broadly applicable in various regions of the globe, where individuals have access to retail and commercial banking services and market or mixed economies. While an attempt will be made to explain ideas so all students can understand, hyper local examples and command based systems fall outside these financial skills. The course has an implicit bias that wealth accumulation is societally acceptable and for those enrolled an objective as it pertains to their personal finances.

Specifically, this class recognizes the ability to lend money at interest as a core concept within the financial world. It represents the importance of individuals being able to accumulate private property to pursue financial independence. 

Late arrivals will be admitted at the discretion of Mr. Scott. ⏰

Note regarding financial investing:

Any financial investment involves risks and an investor could lose some or all of their investment. The ideas discussed in this course are "ideas" and "opportunities", not recommendations. Every individuals' risk presonal risk threshold is different and families should use their own judgement before making any investment.
Students will comprehend the origin, purpose, and functioning of financial markets, including the fundamental differences between stocks, bonds, and various types of funds (mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs).
Students will learn to analyze corporate earnings, understand the significance of the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio, and assess the impact of dividends on investment returns, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.


12 課程
超過 12 週
課 1:
Understanding Financial Markets
 Introduction to the course
What are financial markets?
Why do they exist?
What is their purpose? 
How can they help students? 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Become a Business Owner - The Basics of Equity Investing
 Understanding what stocks are and how they represent ownership in a company.

Key Concepts: 
Types of stocks, how to buy and sell shares, and the rights of shareholders. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
They Pay You Back...Unless They Don't - Understanding Bonds and Fixed Income
 Introduction to bonds and how they function as debt instruments.

Key Concepts: Types of bonds, interest payments, and credit ratings. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Mutual Funds and ETFs
 Exploring mutual funds, index funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Key Concepts: How funds pool investors' money, advantages of diversification, and how to invest in funds. 
40 分鐘線上直播課


This class will cover real world financial news and money matters. An emphasis will be placed on understanding the various forces that impact the financial markets, including government policies, geopolitical events, and consumer psychology. On occasion, political ideas may be discussed as they apply to markets and their potential impact. As a classroom teacher of 15 years, my goal is to provide students with the information necessary to understand a topic so they can make their own decisions.
Students who need to be able to understand basic four function math, percentages, decimals, and fractions.
We will use financial sites Yahoo Finance and FinViz for business news and financial data during class. Accounts are not required for use.
已加入 May, 2020
亞利桑那 教學證書 在 中學教育
Mr. Wright
喬治亞州 教學證書 在 科學
Ms. Holly
喬治亞州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Mr. Keith, M.A.
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Adam Scott, MAT
伊利諾州 教學證書
Mr. John
碩士 在 教育 從 University of Phoenix
Mr. Wright
碩士 在 教育 從 Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education
Adam Scott, MAT
碩士 在 社會工作 從 Loyola University
Mr. John
學士學位 由 Oregon State University
Adam Scott, MAT
學士學位 在 心理學 從 Binghamton University
Mr. John
First Outschool class? Get a $20 credit with code: AdamSco2020

Adam Scott taught classroom AP Economics, Finance, and Entrepreneurship for 15 years, has created a +$2M business, has created a tech platform, and worked in the financial sector. 

He holds his MAT from Lewis and Clark College's Graduate School of Education and is a 




每週或US$199 用於 12 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 12 週
40 分鐘

有8 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 12-17
5-12 每班學員人數

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