
掌握你的金錢!金融素養核心技能訓練營 3 天(1 級)

由價值超過 100 萬美元的企業主兼職業導師 Scott 先生創建。服務學生超過5000人!您的學生應該掌握他們的錢。了解基礎:收入、預算、信貸和股票。你的家人在學校裡沒有得到這個。
ASE and RPG Club


3 現場會議
2 小時 45 分鐘 上課時間
每週 2-4 小時. Students will be given optional skill packet practice at the conclusion of each lesson. Answer keys (when relevant) will be provided. Instructor is available for feedback.
Students will be issued a certificate of completion with hours and topics covered upon request.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 6 - 9 年級
Beginner 等級
Students deserve to learn about money! 🎓💰 

This course is like the ultimate treasure map guiding them towards financial independence and wealth creation. In each hour-long session of our camp, we'll unlock a series of key topics that, when pieced together, will set students on the path to financial freedom! 🚀

We'll cover three foundational skills of financial literacy: earning, saving, and investing (via the stock market). 

👩‍🏫 How will class be taught?

Class will be taught through lecture, discussion, question and answer, as well as practice and demonstration exercises. Students have indicated Mr. Scott's teaching style is "intense and engaging". 

I'm all about putting learners at the heart of the experience, empowering them with actionable takeaways and inspiration.

Class will include viewing of a few very short YouTube clips for context and to reach different learning styles. 

Also, class is taught to push student understanding. We build and unpack complex ideas from start to finish every session. 

🎓 Student Expectations:

We expect our students to embody our core values of teamwork, integrity, accountability, and problem-solving skills. Active participation and positivity are key!

Note on content 📝

This class teaches financial skills that are broadly applicable in various regions of the globe, where individuals have access to retail and commercial banking services and market or mixed economies. While an attempt will be made to explain ideas so all students can understand, hyper local examples and command based systems fall outside these financial skills.

Specifically, this class recognizes the ability to lend money at interest as a core concept within the financial world. It represents the importance of individuals being able to accumulate private property to pursue financial independence. 

Late Arrivals: They will be admitted at the discretion of Mr. Scott.
Students will be able to understand how earning money relates to saving and investing opportunities.
Students will understand how to plan out their budget.


3 課程
超過 1 週
課 1:
Budgeting and Earning
 This class builds a basic understanding of the importance of budgeting, the importance of cashflow, and understanding income vs. expenses. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Banking, Saving and Spending Habits
 This class covers how banks work, how students can use the banking system, the importance of saving money as it relates to investing, and positive spending habits. 
55 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Financial Investments (Stock Market)
 We conclude the course with a focus on financial investing, putting all our knowledge into action by "putting our money to work" through investing in financial assets (things that pay us for owning them). 
55 分鐘線上直播課


We will discuss real world matters involving money, markets, and finance. The key to being a successful business person is understanding how to read real world events without the interference of one's personal ideology. We will discuss this idea in class.
Students should be comfortable with decimals, percentages, and basic math operations. If they've got that covered, they're good to go!
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 May, 2020
亞利桑那 教學證書 在 中學教育
Mr. Wright
喬治亞州 教學證書 在 科學
Ms. Holly
喬治亞州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Mr. Keith, M.A.
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Adam Scott, MAT
伊利諾州 教學證書
Mr. John
碩士 在 教育 從 University of Phoenix
Mr. Wright
碩士 在 教育 從 Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education
Adam Scott, MAT
碩士 在 社會工作 從 Loyola University
Mr. John
學士學位 由 Oregon State University
Adam Scott, MAT
學士學位 在 心理學 從 Binghamton University
Mr. John
The head teacher of RPG Club Academy, Adam Scott, is a licensed, career classroom teacher who has taught AP Economics, Personal Finance, and Business for over 15 years. He is also a business owner and tech entrepreneur.

He has taught 1,000s of kids these skills.




用於 3 課程
每週3次,共 1 週
55 分鐘

年齡: 11-16
4-15 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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