52 預錄課程
20 週
教師的支持1 年訪問權
每週 2-4 小時. 每週1-2次評估
1堂 課程結束後進度報告
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英語程度 - B1
美國 3 - 6 年級
Intermediate - Advanced 等級
Hello! I am Ms. Tinu (your tutor)! I am a former Commercial Bank employee that focused on helping people save, making, and investing money so that they could grow enough wealth in investments to never have to work again. Most people that invested, reached financial independence. And, guess what? Excelling in maths got me through that phase of my career. If your child is interested in improving their Maths learning, or simply needs that support and assistance on a more focused task of excelling in their GCSE - these tutoring sessions are for you! Who is this session for? This is designed for various learners in Maths (Key Stage 3 and 4), including: 1. Higher learner - Aiming for Mastery 2. Foundation Learner - Aiming for Higher Achievement 3. Struggling Learner - Aiming for Foundation 4. Special Needs Learner 5. Directed Focus Learner - e.g Focused only on excelling at GCSE and A Level Key Stage 2 – ages 5-13 (Years 4) MONDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 2 – ages 5-13 (Years 5) MONDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 2 – ages 5-13 (Years 6) MONDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 3 – ages 11-14 (Years 7) MONDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 3 – ages 11-14 (Years 8) TUESDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 3 – ages 11-14 (Years 9) WEDNESDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 4 – ages 14-16 (Years 10). THURSDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 4 – ages 14-16 (Years 11). FRIDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 5 – ages 15-17 (Years 12). FRIDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Key Stage 5 – ages 15-17 (Years 13). FRIDAYS. (3-4PM) Flexible times and dates depending on number of students registered Basically, teaching children Mathematics – this class is for you! * What will be taught? Maths would be taught. Tutor Expectation: I will try to make it as fun as possible for you. I will make sure to cover the curriculum and bring in every resource to help make sure you achieve your desired goal I will make sure to give my best as my interest in genuinely in your success/tremendous improvement Make sure the resources are differentiated and tailored to your needs Check to make sure you understand intermittently during our session Check your learning at the end of our session Give you added tasks (in form of home learning or research) to help ensure deeper learning, at-home-ness, broader learning or recall I will check from time to time on your emotional wellbeing, health and safety Make sure you have the best relationship with maths (thinking shift on the subject) I will bring maths to life so you can relate with every day things I might incorporate STEM/STEAM learning or any additional resource depending on what we stumble upon I will address any misconceptions observed and ensure understanding before moving on Expectation from Pupils: I will expect you to be reflective, be creative, be intrigued, be interested, be curious, keep an open mind, be ready to learn, have the right attitude to learning Be engaged I expect you to be respectful and put in your best Do all tasks you are asked to do and turn in home learning on time Spend some 5-10 mins daily on maths so as to ensure recall of topics covered De ready, prepared and be on time to our sessions and call in at the exact time set. When calling in, make sure all your equipment ready, you have a computer signed on connected devices needed (phone etc), turn video on, sat in a quiet area where no disturbance and be all set to go. Then student should call in to tutor * What topics will you cover? Topics in curriculum per Key Stage and Year groups (using Whiterose resources) * How is your class structured? Non-flipped learning structures will be used. Non-flipped; 1. Starter to reactivate and consolidate prior learning; energise, engage and challenge learners; 2. Introduction to Learning Objectives and why the upcoming learning is important, meaningful or relevant; 3. A teacher-led whole-class exposition or explanation; 4. A worked example (mainly teacher-led, but maybe involving a degree of whole-class questioning to assess prior knowledge, challenge learners, highlight misconceptions, etc.); 5. An exercise or activity to allow learners to practise or consolidate the newly-learned skill or deepen understanding of the new knowledge, with the teacher and other adults giving support as required; 6. A plenary to share learning points, address problems and misconceptions; 7. An explanation of what learners are expected to do for homework. Then, after the lesson 8. At home, learners extending / applying / analysing / synthesising / evaluating the new knowledge or skills in some way, at their own pace and without immediate teacher support. * How will you teach? Online, using electronic resources. * What's your teaching style? Various teaching styles and techniques to be deployed according to class constituency * How much will learners get to interact with you and each other (mention specifics like: lecture, games, slides, video clips, discussion)? There will be slides, games, videos and presentations from the pupils. I encourage questions and topic related conversations. Noise would be discussions outside the topic or disturbances. If conversations are meaningfully about what task has been given (not another task or topic or subject), then it is welcome. * Any required experience or knowledge learners need? Students would reflect ever so often and try to link to previous learnings. They will be required to draw mind maps etc. “Putting your students’ emotional needs first is important because without feeling safe and understood, no instructional strategy will be effective.” Jasper Fox, Sr. Elsa Support - a website full of activities and support for ELSA’s, which in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant I will be using for your child. Guidance for students Attitude to Learning expectations are important so that tutor and students can work successfully, safely, and enjoy their learning. An excellent climate for learning is underpinned by strong tutor time routines: 1. Before beginning the lesson (allow ample time to log in and get set) a)Log on to the smart screen portal b)Check and send in any home learning , outstanding task c)Check your parents email for anything from me that needs printing out or feedback etc d)Get phone set to video call in 2. At the start of the lesson students should get themselves ready to learn: a)Tutor will check on students wellbeing. b)Student gets settled in quickly and quietly. c)Books and equipment out. (Pen, pencil, ruler, scientific calculator). d)Begin working on the review task immediately. 3. During the lesson: a)Silence when the teacher is talking. b)Work hard on the assigned tasks and start them immediately. c)Be respectful of resources provided by the teacher. d)Ask permission before moving around (except in practical subjects where movement is organised). e)Ask permission to leave the room to visit the toilet. Generally, manage breaks so that toilet visits are not needed in lessons. f)Keep mobile phones switched off and away. g)Eating and chewing are not allowed. if you want to drink water from your own bottle, you may do this during the lesson, but bottles need to be put away during the lesson. 4. At the end of the lesson students should: a)Only sign off and pack away when directed.
Students will improve their understanding in their Maths curriculum for the various year groups (Yrs 4 to 7). Topics in curriculum as per Key Stage and Year groups (using Whiterose and other tailored resources -Technology).
遵循 International Baccalaureate 課程標準
與 International Baccalaureate (IB) Standards對齊52 課程
超過 20 週課 1:
Year 6 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value 1
Step 1 Numbers to 1,000,000
1 作業
課 2:
Year 6 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value 2
Step 2 Numbers to 10,000,000
1 作業
課 3:
Year 6 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value 3
Step 3 Read and write numbers to 10,000,000
1 作業
課 4:
Year 6 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value 4
Step 4 Powers of 10
1 作業
Key Strategies for Supporting Learning Needs:
• Structured Lessons, Movement Breaks, Visual Schedules
2. Dyslexia:
• Multi-Sensory Learning, Accessible Materials, Scaffolded Support
Universal Practices:
• Personalised Learning
Vetted and pre-approved tools:
1. Whiterose for KS3-4 (https://whiteroseeducation.com/)
Students would need to pay for subscription one-time (approx £48 per year). Student will use and be shared resources from this tool. Resources are differentiated. No account required. Only using resources in a screen-share.
2. Integral for KS5 (https://my.integralmaths.org/integral/core/login/index.php)
Students would need to pay for license one-time (approx £300 per year - the prices changes yearly by providers), an account is required, AI and analytics provided to students from dashboard etc.
Have ready to send in your school’s scheme of work so we know what topics have been covered etc. - Routine 1. We would establish a workable, realistic routine for our online learning. This provides structure for everyone and ensures work load and tasks are manageable as we try to cover the curriculum. 2. A schedule of learning would be provided in Blocks with worksheets and Key Performance Indices (KPI’s) for each student’s review after each session 3. Our working environment would be made as relaxed and conducive for learning as possible, so you can have a glass of water with you, stretch or stand up and walk around for a while if our learning becomes intense and you need a short break etc. - Workspace 1. Student required to have an organised workspace (a desk preferably in the dining room or where an adult is at close proximity to the learner) 2. The learning area should have good lighting (sunlight or lights switch turned on and bright). 3. Area for tutoring would be separate from areas where children normally relax (e.g not couch or beds). 4. Independent study is more challenging to concentrate on than in class. This is why our study periods would be in short broken intervals, where we will take short 10 mins break with “distractor activities” (in allow your child to develop long term memory of our learning, when we get on to intense study areas). - Minimal Distractions: student should be in a noiseless environment and no phones to be used for anything order than videoing the session. - Fresh air, exercise and sunlight: student should prior to our session, get some of either of these - Tools and Equipment 1. A working computer and/or a phone (if in-built camera on computer, have camera on and be sat in front of camera where Tutor can see pupil and desk clearly). 2. A working printer connected and ready for use - this would normally be used for printing tasks or worksheets for deeper, wider, “at-homeness” learning during or after our time. 3. Folder to keep all work sheets, feedback, assessments, home learnings, tests, etc. 4. Math-set, coloured pens/pencils, markers (you are required to practise working on-screen and using markers because student will do tasks on screen as well), pencil case and all useful equipment you would have ready for learning math at school (graphing paper, tracing paper, cardboard sheets, stencils, clips, glue stick etc. 5. A4 paper
1 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
I will communicate with learners on each material completion and upon student turning in Assessment/Assignment. There will be immediate feedback provided within 24 hours of receipt of materials for feedback. Additionally, estimated completion time for each class/lesson should be 1hr 30mins.
學士學位 在 會計 從 Babcock University
Excellent One-to-One Maths Tutor (KS3 and KS5)
“I want nothing more than to be ‘better’ and not be judged like I’m a deadbeat for not being what I once was.” — Elizabeth Keene Alton.
My teaching embodies the need for metacognition strategies to improve pupils learning abilities. Ultimately it's what gets remembered that eventually gets used. With the various teaching and learning strategies, I strive to help my pupils with the best-suited style to get achieving set goals. This will be assessable, accessible and reviewed over time.
I taught maths secondary (KS3 and KS5/ High School/Secondary School) in a school in Portsmouth, a mixed ability class of 30 pupils on a 90mins/class full-week timetable. Classes had to be differentiated and accelerated while using assessment for learning techniques, teaching and meta-cognitions strategies to help varying ability learners (Mastery to SEN). I also work with interventions to help pupils achieve GCSE levels required up to 9 and A-Levels up to A**. I try to create an engaging learning environment for my learners which is a proven strong motivator for positive learning.
Feb, 2020 - date One-to-One ONLINE PRIVATE TUTOR (Math- KS3 & KS5):
• Conduct individual math tutoring program for students using comprehensive lesson plans, exams and final projects to showcase grasp of material.
• Tutor three students per week in private sessions by providing detailed lesson plans, assessing students’ progress, differentiation, SEN, EFL and communicating with teachers, students and parents about outcomes.
• Develop student confidence though attentive instruction in reflection areas, applying positive reinforcement strategies and review to help students master challenging material.
• Make lessons interesting and engaging using art and visual aids to bolster learning.
• Evaluate and revise lesson plans and course content to facilitate and moderate classroom discussions and student-centred learning.
• Network with other educators to promote awareness of advanced teaching practices and development of 21st Century skills – (STEM member).
Sep 2019 – Oct 2019 Maths Teacher (KS3/KS4) – Trafalgar School Portsmouth
Key Achievements and Responsibilities:
• Held full responsibility for the educational development of a diverse range of 30 students, pro-actively implementing all areas of the curriculum and organising the classroom and learning resources
• Successfully planned and prepared appropriate lessons and suitable teaching materials; meeting/liaising with parents; participating in, and contributing to staff meetings
• Utilised a range of learning methodologies, incorporating audio, visual and kinaesthetic elements to ensure the learning needs are met for all students
• Coordinated and liaised extensively with parents and family members, addressing any concerns and maintaining productive relationships based on trust and respect with a focus to facilitate the educational development of young students
Background and Education:
- Banker
- Consulting
- EdTech-Finance to K3&K4
✨Creative and individualistic. An Intuitive 👩💻Tech evangelist and a multipotentialite.
🔥Thrive on intellectual stimulation and challenge (when I am solving problems). I am confident without needing to be in the spotlight. I am an advocate, visionary and maverick combined (creative, team-layer, empathic, concrete, pragmatic and methodical). 👩💻Bridge between Tech and Finance, Educator. 📈Growth mindset. Member: Women in IT
🔥My Philisophy
Driven by compassion, empathy, positivity, possibilities and hope in a world full of otherwise.
👏The chapter of my life dictates there is to be given to, there is to learn, there is to do, there is much more.
🪴Give Back
Collaborative culture, team-focused, purposeful opportunities.
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Versatile Banker -Performance management (Human Capital Mngt partner), Financial Control, Information Technology, Business Development and Customer Service
- Music - singing, playing musical instruments and composing
- Design and interior (insta @marveltysuc)
- Event planning
- Technology (blog insta @qasic)