
身體內部之旅 - 健康內幕故事 - 夏令營 2

Dr. Christine Sauer, MD, ND, CBHC, INHC


美國等級 3 - 6
Beginner 等級
Students will learn in a fun and interesting way about basic anatomy, physiology and how interesting and complex their body is. This is meant to spark interest in a future deeper exploration of science, biology and medicine and to better understand the fascinating workings of our body and mind. Students will gain an understanding of the workings of their body as well as gain insight in consequences of unhealthy or dangerous behavior through the eyes of the Nano-Rocket Pilots.
As a retired physician and mom, step-mom, aunt and grandma I have told many stories.... I understand the subject matter very well and want to bring the idea of telling the journey of a Nano-Rocket and its pilot kids to explain the subject matter and have fun while learning.
optional: creative activities, like drawing about the topic, or building something around this, or doing further research and reading or watching recommended youtube videos between classes to deepen the knowledge.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
Children who complete all classes and participate will receive a Certificate of Achievement
printable worksheets and coloring sheets will be provided
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
The quizzes in class are played on Kahoot to increase engagement and learner fun. If new to you or your learner, please review with your learner the info-sheet in the classroom area after enrolling so they can participate right away.
We will discuss health, biology and medical topics, so there will be mentioning of body parts, illnesses and sexual organ parts, in an age-appropriate, but direct, descriptive and honest way. 
This is education, not counseling. If your child has a medical, mental or neurodevelopmental illness, this class can inform them about anatomy, physiology and some pathology and may motivate them to accept and adopt healthy behaviors, but it does not provide individual counseling or therapy. Please always use and follow the advice of your child's healthcare provider! 
We will use Kahoot as well as worksheet, coloring sheets etc. provided before class.
已加入 April, 2020
I teach classes about health, nutrition, brain health, mental health, and basic medical science; subjects I am passionate about. I also love technology...
As a retired physician, a certified brain and mental health professional (Dr. Daniel Amen... 


用於 5 課程
5x 每週, 1 週
30 分鐘

年齡: 8-11
2-6 每班學員人數

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