
IJC 日文漢字:簡介

這個為期 4 天的課程適合初級和中級日語學習者。我們將一起探討漢字的提示和技巧、實用性和文化意義。建議獲得更高 IJC 漢字課程等級的先決條件。
Mr. Kelsey P. ケルシー先生


4 現場會議
4 上課時間
每週 1 小時. In between our two meetings, students will be expected to perform the analysis-and-search assignment for one kanji of their choice and turn in a screenshot of their result. This assignment should take no more than 10-20 minutes to complete.


英語程度 - 未知
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
*** Note: As we will be using hiragana and katakana almost exclusively throughout these courses to interpret the kanji, it is required that students either have completed the Japanese Kana: All 92 Hiragana + Katakana course (https://outschool.com/classes/japanese-kana-all-92-hiragana-+-katakana-in-6-weeks-Ln3BxqkI) *or* can demonstrate having mastered hiragana and katakana by some other means before registering. ***

So you've got your basic Japanese kana character sets down and are looking for the next hurdle, are you? Sounds like you're ready for the big leagues: Japanese kanji. 

The purpose of this course is to do more than simply offer an introduction to Japanese kanji, although it is certain to accomplish this as well. It is meant to nip in the bud some of the biggest mistakes and bad habits that I've seen students make over the years in their kanji studies, even those students who have been studying them independently for some time. It's furthermore intended to demonstrate several key practices that unlock the secrets to effective kanji study and memorization, extending even into the ability to decode the reading and/or meaning to never-seen-before kanji to the learner.

But first, for the newer among us, what *are* kanji?

"Kanji (漢字) are the adopted logographic Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese writing system. They are used alongside the Japanese syllabic scripts hiragana and katakana. The Japanese term kanji for the Chinese characters literally means 'Han characters'. It is written with the same characters as in Traditional Chinese to refer to the character writing system, hanzi (漢字)."
 - Wikipedia

While the JLPT (Japanese Language Placement Test, which is held world-wide to assess comprehension of the Japanese language) tests test-takers on already over 2000 kanji characters, over tens of thousands of these characters are known to exist since antiquity.

--- Course and Lesson Structure ---

Day 1:
 - Brief historical introduction to kanji characters 
 - Basics of handwriting and stroke order, part one
 - Mastery check

Day 2:
 - Comprehension check on prior lesson content
 - Brief linguistic overview to kanji character set
 - Basics of handwriting and stroke order, part two
 - Mastery check

Day 3: 
 - Comprehension check on prior lesson content
 - Introduction to kunyomi and onyomi of kanji
 - Basics of radicals and kanji parts
 - Mastery check

Day 4:
 - Comprehension check on prior lesson content
 - Introduction to furigana and okurigana 
 - Learning the most important radicals for future kanji deciphering
 - Mastery check
 - Next steps 

--- Other Courses in this Series ---

 - IJC Japanese for Newbies: All 92 Hiragana + Katakana in 6 Weeks
 - IJC Japanese for Newbies: Level 1 (入) - Basics & Foundations (Live Class)*
 - IJC Kanji: Level 2 - All 80 JLPT N5-Level Kanji
 - IJC Kanji: Level 3 - All 167 JLPT N4-Level Kanji 
 - IJC Kanji: Level 4a - All 370 JLPT N3-Level Kanji, Part I 
 - IJC Kanji: Level 4a - All 370 JLPT N3-Level Kanji, Part II

* Current course

Wanting to practice speaking in conjunction with reading and writing practice? Be sure to check out IJC's immersion-based live Outschool classes for introductory, beginner, and intermediate speakers:


Note: A minimum of four (4) students must be enrolled for this course to be held as scheduled. Students who wish to remain enrolled even in the case of there not being a sufficient number of enrollees will be transferred to the next available scheduled day and time of the same course.

Still got questions? Feel free to contact me for more information!
Students will be able to:

 - Attain a proper foundation to both accurately and effectively learn new kanji characters (regardless of whatever current level of past experience)
 - Understand the differences between Japanese and Chinese kanji characters
 - Distinguish between multiple readings of kanji characters 
 - Utilize furigana and okurigana to decipher readings of unknown kanji characters
 - Develop a "reading instinct" that will allow them to interpret meanings of words and characters even when their readings are not easy (or necessary) to remember 
 - Appreciate the unique historical and cultural connections between Japan and its writing systems


Learners most wanting to benefit from this intensive kanji overview will need the following:

 - A printed copy of the IJC Japanese Character Writing Practice Sheet (attached as a PDF to the welcome post in the forum)
 - A pencil and eraser (recommended over pen) 
 - Access to a device that allows for Zoom's on-screen annotation tool (optional)
 1 註冊後即可取得文件
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 February, 2019
學士學位 由 Gustavus Adolphus College
 + Magna cum laude graduate in philosophy with honors and concentrations in Japanese studies and religion
 + 2nd Level JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) certification-holder* 
 + Member of the 2007 International Scholar Laureate Program Delegation on Diplomacy & International Relations in the People's Republic of China 

*JLPT 5th level is the lowest and 1st is the highest (also now denoted "N5" through "N1)

I studied Japanese language, culture, history, and economics both at home (Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota) and a year abroad (Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan). I returned to Japan after graduating to live for another three years in Kagawa prefecture, Shikoku, where I worked in language instruction and Japanese-English translation. I attained certification in the 2nd highest level of the internationally recognized Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), and twice sat in for the 1st level. 

My teaching experience in language instruction (where I also often implement the Natural Approach and TPR) continues to this day in private lessons for both children and adults in ESL, Japanese language learning, and JLPT test prep. For Japanese, this includes literacy in kanji and the language's other character sets, as well as comprehension and production in both informal and business-level conversation. It also means a top-down approach to deconstructing, studying for, and tackling the JLPT for those students looking to take their Japanese to the next level and even get this important certification that can land them a job abroad. (Feel free to contact me for more information about the JLPT and suggestions on whether or not it may be right for your learner's language goals.)




每週或US$85 用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
60 分鐘

有25 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-18
4-8 每班學員人數

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