
IEW 夏令營:歐亨利!

在本課程中,學習者將探索歐亨利最受歡迎的兩個故事,並使用 IEW 教授的方法寫一篇關於他的文章。我們將重點放在第 3 單元:複述敘事故事和第 8 單元:正式論文。
Karen Cross, MSEd - IEW Certified Instructor


4 現場會議
4 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. Learners will be expected to read each short story before attending class. Before the next live meeting, learners will need to write a rough draft from the outlines produced in class.
Informal feedback will be offered on the final essay. Learners will need to submit this through Google Docs as a shareable link.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 7 - 9 年級
Intermediate 等級
***PLEASE NOTE: This course includes four lessons. Some sections are set up for one week where we meet for four separate days in one week, some will run for four weeks and will meet once a week on the same day and time. Please make sure you are signing up for the correct section. 

Learners will write a formal essay about O. Henry using two of his most popular short stories. Through guided discussion, learners will explore the messages and style of the author and put together a four-paragraph essay.

"The Last Leaf" and "The Gift of the Magi":
Session 1: July 29, 30, 31, Aug 1

IEW's Units 3 and 8 will be taught, as well as relevant stylistic techniques and vocabulary.
Through the study of O. Henry and two of his short stories, learners will produce a four-paragraph formal essay using strategies from IEW.


遵循 Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) 課程
4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
The Last Leaf
 Today we will discuss this short story in terms of IEW's Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. We will also explore the message and style of the author, O. Henry. Together, we will outline a one paragraph summary of the story which will be used in the final essay. Learners are expected to write a paragraph using this outline before the next class. 
65 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
The Gift of the Magi
 We will continue discussing stories using IEW's Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. This week will be "The Gift of the Magi". We will craft an outline together, and learners will write a rough draft from that outline for homework. 
65 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Finishing it up!
 Learners should bring their previous rough draft summaries of the stories to the live meeting. We will work on the outlines for conclusion and introduction paragraphs of a formal essay about O. Henry. Learners should write a rough draft of those outlines and insert the other paragraphs to create a four-paragraph essay. 
65 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Dress it up!
 Today we will dress up the paragraphs with stylistic techniques and vocabulary. Learners will use that instruction to fix up their final copies before turning in to me for feedback. 
65 分鐘線上直播課


If your learner has a unique learning need, please don't hesitate to contact me so we can adjust expectations to accommodate your learner.
This class uses Google Docs as an outside tool for feedback only. If you do not want feedback, you will not need to use this tool. Google Drive will be used to organize resources needed to participate. YouTube videos of the stories will be embedded in the Outschool classroom if learners would like to watch a short video of the stories they are working so hard on. Quizlet links to vocabulary will be provided. Learners can use these words in their paragraphs to give them more flair. Time permitting, we may play a vocabulary game during live instruction.
Learners should be able to read and comprehend grade-level stories. Because there will be discussion, it is expected learners can either type easily in the chat or are willing to turn on their microphones.
馬裡蘭州 教學證書
碩士 由 Walden University
I earned a Master's degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment from Walden University in 2007 and currently hold a certificate in Maryland. I taught in the public school setting for five years as a special educator with a focus in autism. After having two children of my own, I became a stay-at-home mom. 

Four children later, I became a homeschooling mom, and still hold that title today. I felt equipped to handle the task, but writing stumped me when it all seemed too bland. I stumbled upon the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) and instantly fell in love with their method, bought the training, and began implementing the program at home. Consistency was lacking, so I began teaching at a local co-op. 

That grew into a desire to become a Registered Instructor and eventually a Certified Instructor (a title I hold today). I launched my own online writing business, Equipped for Writing, where I've tailored my online courses around the IEW model.

Each year brings new experiences and insights into effectively communicating with my students about writing. Seeing children grow and learn while enhancing their writing for their audience keeps me going. It is IEW’s systematic approach to writing that enables me to adapt lessons to different learning styles. 

My commitment to differentiation (creating an environment that is conducive for each learner) is at the forefront of my mind. When you decide to enroll in one of my classes, I guarantee an open line of communication, ensuring your learner can navigate the learning journey at their own pace.

While I firmly believe and support parents’ pivotal role in their children's education, there are times when we all need a helping hand. That's where I, and others like me, come in. I have a passion for teaching, particularly when it comes to the written word. I enjoy sharing that passion to support homeschooling families. Learning should be interactive, and children should feel encouraged to ask questions out of curiosity and for understanding. Instruction should challenge without overwhelming.

Outside of teaching, I enjoy reading, going on walks with our dog, family movie nights, and indulging in crocheting. One of my favorite things to do is to watch my kids play sports.




用於 4 課程
每週1次,共 4 週
65 分鐘

年齡: 12-14
3-10 每班學員人數

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