
IEW 學生結構和風格® Gr。 9-12 C級一年級(完成)

本課程包括 IEW® 寫作、FixIt Grammar®、Vocabulary from the Roots® 以及詩歌記憶或欣賞。它由一位經驗豐富、敬業、經過認證的 IEW™ 教師授課。寫作作業會收到書面回饋。


20 現場會議
30 上課時間


## What I teach in this class:
Students complete the entire curriculum that include all nine units of the IEW® Methodology.  Weekly class structure consists of poetry appreciation or memorization as an interactive activity, followed by grammar review, and introduction to new techniques required for successful completion of the next writing assignment.  Source text/s are read, followed by discussion and instructions on how to succeed with the next homework assignment.  Students start assignments during the class. 

## What I expect from the leaner:
# Attend every class with all required materials as per the supply list below.
# Complete all assignments.
# Review all written feedback.
# Contact me under the teacher tab if you require additional assistance.
# Unless you are Outschool exempted, facial video feedback is important during instruction, therefor I require learners to keep their cameras operational in every class.

Students, who are ahead or behind of the level listing for this class in Vocabulary of the Roots®, or FixIt! Grammar® curriculum, enroll for additional in person or asynchronous class.

## Supplies for this class:
Refer to the 'Learner Supply List' below.  
If you cannot secure these on time, place your order with IEW contact them with your order number at info@iew.com They generally assist with electronic copies for the first few lessons. 

Methodology Information for study units and pace:
SSS Level C / Year 1

Unit 1:  
In this unit students master the art of making an excellent summary and retell the content in full sentences.
Week 1

Unit 2:
Building on the skill gained in Unit 1, students start writing from a keyword outline.  From this point forward stylistic techniques are introduced and practiced until mastery is achieved.
Week: 2 

Unit 3: 
In this unit story telling is explored from different angles. Students organize stories by producing a keyword outline, followed by re-telling, and then writing.
Weeks: 3 - 5

Unit 4:
Summarizing from a reference work is an all-important academic skill.  Students examine texts, construct keyword outlines, re-tell the information, and then followed by writing their own version using the outline. 
Weeks 6 - 7

Unit 5:
Pictures serve as the text for this writing adventure.  Analyzing the main ideas and learning what kinds of questions to ask, mobilize this keyword outline, followed by re-telling and writing.
Week: 8 +  Gap Week

Unit 6: 
Analyzing multiple reference works, builds on previous skills, which students acquired from the previous five units.
Weeks 9 -11

Unit 7:
Inventive/Creative writing is a skill that can be learned.  At this point students are confident in their writing abilities.  The ‘blank paper’ no longer poses a problem.  The University Application Essay is not compulsory for Gr. 9 & 10 students.
Weeks 12 - 13

Unit 8:
Essay writing starts in this unit. Paragraphs from previous units four and six are often repurposed.  Powerful techniques taught here, propel student’s confidence.  Introducing and concluding an essay topic elegantly is mastered in the unit study.
Weeks 14 - 17, & Gap Week.

Unit 9:
A formal critique is the last skill covered in this methodology and offer students a potent tool for academic discourse.
Weeks: 18 - 20
Students master elements of stylistic writing techniques.  At the same time, they cover all unit studies of the IEW® Writing Methodology.  Suggested daily tasks help students pace themselves.  The task list guides outcomes, academic responsibility, and student accountability.  Deliverables for this well defined framework, combined with excellent vocabulary, and in-depth grammar instruction, form integral part of this curriculum.


Parents are supervisors of their students and have to monitor the progress of homework during the week. The first lesson is where practical arrangements for success in this course are discussed. Several different resources are used during this class, which has to be opened and ready. Further, I call on all parents to refrain from labeling their students in any way. Only commend their efforts that truly deserve praise.
1.  Student Binder and Packet:  https://iew.com/shop/products/structure-and-style-students-year-1-level-c-binder-student-packet

If your student is in another level of FixIt Grammar, then you can join your level on one of the stand-alone classes.  Communicate this with me as to send you the discount arrangements for that class.

FixIt! Grammar® Cards: https://iew.com/shop/products/fix-it-grammar-cards
FixIt Grammar®:  The Frog Prince https://iew.com/shop/products/fix-it%E2%84%A2-grammar-level-5-frog-prince-student-book-unavailable (at time of listing this was not available)

3.  Student Resource Binder https://iew.com/shop/products/student-resource-package-packet-and-binder

4: Vocabulary From the Classical Roots by Lee Mountain
For the best outcome, students should work through all the levels of this curriculum.  If your student did not complete the previous workbooks, they can join me for stand-alone classes to complete the previous levels.

General Supplies:
A headset is only required for this class if you are in an area with ambient noise.
2" Binder
Loose leaf paper
Blue and red pens
Highlighter pen
 1 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 April, 2020
IEW® reviewed the work my students produced, and this evaluation earned me accreditation at the Certified level. I have used and taught this program since 2008.
I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Music and Musicology with a focus on African music composition and ethnomusicology.  As a lifelong learner, I am passionate about exploring, cultivating, and sharing knowledge.  Over the past 12 years I completed a plethora of college credits to upgrade my own skills and update skills from previous studies. These include many credit hours of archaeology, human development psychology, languages and writing: English/Afrikaans, critical thinking-, information-, and knowledge management skills.  I personally used IEW™’s  #1 award winning methodology to plan and produce all my university assignments, so I know first hand how valuable this approach is.

While homeschooling our family, we overcame various learning difficulties and through our own journey, I gained diverse experience with ADHD, ADD, auditory, and sensory integration deficits. A rare vision problem of one of my children resulted in delayed reading and writing, which was thankfully overcome through much patience and intervention. This young man is now a senior @ERAU in Aerospace Engineering with Astronautics!  The other, who has severe myopia, graduated early from @FlPoly and is a budding Data Scientist.  Success is attainable to everyone who chooses to navigate life with love, patience, precision, and intent. 

The only goals we get, are the goals we set! 




用於 20 課程
每週1次,共 20 週
90 分鐘

有2 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 14-18
6-12 每班學員人數

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