

你能分辨出什麼是真實的、什麼是假的嗎?在這個持續進行的每週課程中,我們將批判性地審視圖像,尋找指示如何識別藝術中的人工智慧的線索——重點介紹嗅出贗品的常見方法。 (攝影)
Heidi Lathrem, MA: Homesteading/Farm & Video Games


1 現場會議
每週上課 25 分鐘 小時
每週 1 小時. Learners can optionally create their own AI images to submit for the following class.


英語程度 - A2
美國 4 - 7 年級
This fun, lighthearted ongoing weekly class asks learners to carefully and critically examine digital images and identify (1) whether they've been created using AI, and (2) how they can tell whether AI created the images. A handful of fun, kid-friendly images will be used each class. Theme topics will rotate; keeping it fresh for ongoing learners, but also nice for a drop-in, drop-out class.

What to expect:

This is a highly interactive class for those who want to participate! Learners will be shown an image, and then given time to gather their own thoughts and form their own conclusions. After a few minutes, the class will come together to share their observations and discuss as a group. Group discussions will be done in turn, with learners either discussing their findings verbally, through annotation, or both. (Familiarity with the "annotate" function on Zoom is helpful, but not necessary for participation.)

(OPTIONAL BONUS HOMEWORK): Outside class family follow-up opportunity!

Grown-ups can use this class as a GREAT opportunity to help learners outside of class to familiarize them with how to safely and skillfully generate images using AI!

Enrolled learners may submit their own AI-generated images for potential use in class! Images must be on theme and submitted more than 24 hours in advance of the next class. Only one image per learner may be submitted, and ultimate class use is at the teacher's discretion.

Upcoming Themes:

Week of September 9: Back to school
Week of September 16: Cute critters
Week of September 23: Minecraft
Week of September 30: Farm Animals
Week of October 7: Super Heroes
Week of October 14: Harvest Time
Week of October 21: The Pumpkin Patch
Week of October 28: (not too scary!) Trick or Treat 
Week of November 4: Portraits
Week of November 11: Landscapes
Week of  November 18: Turkey Time
Week of  November 25: Learner's Choice (US Thanksgiving week)
Week of December 2: Artwork Forgeries
Week of December 9: Winter Wonderlands
Week of December 16: Christmas Chaos
Week of December 30: New Year, New Pics
Week of January 5: Banana for Scale

Have a theme suggestion? Send me a message. I'm happy to add your themes to the schedule!
Learners will practice thinking critically about images presented to them; not only whether they are seeing reality, but how to spot the differences.


It is strongly recommended that any and all AI image generation by learners (completely optional and outside of class time) is supervised by a grown-up. The potential to create images of literally ANYTHING (and the accidental creation of questionable content that sometimes happens) has a vast potential for abuse. As such, supervision and guidance are key! There will be no AI image generation during class time.
英語 (等級: A2)
Bringing the practical to the digital.

Hello. My name is Heidi. I've been homesteading for two decades, and homeschooling as long as I've had a school-age kid. I think that learning happens both intentionally and experientially, and there is something to be said for serious indoor study, as well as having fun and just exploring the world.

I have been taking care of the family farm for more than 20 years; tending garden, orchard, a timber stand, and raising dairy goats, chickens, and waterfowl. My family started and operates a goat milk soap business and my husband creates and carves with a CNC he built and programmed himself.

In the dark and rainy US Pacific Northwest winters, we find enough down time for video gaming. Raised around some of the early home computers, the first game I fell in love with was Boulder Dash on the Commodore 64 - and I've been gaming ever since. Some of my favorite games are Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, and Core Keeper; but our family currently has an extensive library of more than 3,000 game titles. I love to talk and play games, and learn about new ones, too!

I've been teaching for more than ten years, with extensive experience both in the classroom and online platforms, with students ranging from kindergarten through grad school. I have taught at private schools, college campuses, and homeschool co-ops. I have also taught virtually in both the master's of education and doctorate of education programs at Concordia University Online. In fact, as of 2024, I have taught well over 4,000 live online classes, reaching more than 3,800 unique students.

So come learn with me, whether your classroom has four walls or no walls. Let's have fun with Outschool!




每週 1 次
25 分鐘

有2 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-12
2-8 每班學員人數

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