

Mrs. Stephanie Cassidy


1 現場會議
30 分鐘 上課時間


Do you love the Hunger Games? 
Can you imagine being Katniss and facing the decisions she had to face? Thankfully we are not in that reality! But for those of you who, like me, are a fan of the movie or book I have created a trivia game on kahoots! This class is a place where learners can engage with one another and test their knowledge on what they really know about Hunger Games. 
We will start off with introductions and then we will play the trivia game and see who wins it all! 
Because this is a trivia game I will need at least 3 learners to sign up to make sure that it will be a competition so make sure to let your friends know!

If we have time after the trivia round we will discuss the characters in Hunger Games.


Just need a device with an account on Kahoot!
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • Kahoot!
已加入 August, 2020
Hello! My name is Stephanie and I have an eclectic set of classes that I like to teach, including: crafts, metal jewelry, beading, book clubs, theater arts, preschool story time, Psychology research, history, etc. I value an interactive type of learning where students can engage in the material and be a part of the learning process. I like to think of out of the box methods such as creating a game to learn in a fun way. I believe that if you can make learning fun and interesting the student will not only learn better but will also learn more than if it is a lecture based or boring content. 

I am currently homeschooling my children and understand that different children learn differently and have different needs. I have practice in patience and with children who have social anxiety as my son has special needs. At the same time my daughter is super social and so I have experience with both sides of the spectrum!

-Theater for 7 years as a traveling actor, performed in musicals, been an assistant director, and teaching a homeschool co-op group with multiple grades. 
-Bachelors degree in Psychology UNC Chapel Hill
-Psychology Study Coordinator at Duke University 
-I love reading and how it can create a wonderful imaginary world and teach us life lessons.
-Crafter for most of my life and currently I have a business where I sell jewelry and some other accessories I make (Cassidy Custom Designs).
-Preschool teacher

Fun Fact: A couple years ago I dressed up as "Tonks" from Harry Potter for a Harry Potter themed conference, It was so much fun and I created three different looks so I could be dressed up as her for the whole weekend (and I died my hair purple!). 

Mrs. Cassidy and Outschool class policies

1) I have prepared materials so that classes will last as close as possible to the allotted amount of time. However, classes with low enrollments or very talkative students may run a few minutes under or a few minutes over. Should my schedule permit, I am happy to stay a few minutes after to chat further with learners.

2) Should a class have less than the minimum number of required learners, two things may occur: a) I will continue forward with the class as the benefit of the material is not based on the number of learners, OR b) I will contact the parent/guardian/learner to transfer the learner to a another section if desired.

3) I will try to have the live class available 5 minutes early please try to join class a minute or two early so that you do not miss any instruction. Classes will begin on time. This is the case even if all learners have not yet joined in the classroom. Absent learners will not be contacted during the class in order to focus present learners. Recordings of the class are available upon request. 

4) If no learners are in the classroom, I will wait 10 minutes before ending the class. Should this occur, I will contact parents/learners after I have left the classroom. (Outschool policy)

5) Learners should remain on mute throughout the class to avoid any distracting or awkward background noises. All learners will get to comment, ask questions, and otherwise participate by raising their hands and being called on. With the exception of theater games or performing in which student should unmute when it is their turn to speak.

6) Learners are asked to have their video on at the start of class so the learners’ identities can be confirmed. (Outschool policy)

7) Parents and siblings are welcome to watch the class off-camera. However, if siblings are going to both participate, each sibling must be enrolled in the lesson individually. Siblings cannot attend and participate in class with only one enrollment in the class. (Outschool policy)

8) All students are required to be kind and courteous to themselves and others while in the class. Should a learner not abide by this expectation, two warnings will be given. If a third warning is warranted, the student will be placed into the waiting room until I feel they are ready to rejoin the rest of the class. If a learner’s behavior is considered extreme or unsafe, the Outschool support team and the learner’s parent/guardian will be notified. The good news is – I’ve never had to do this! 

Should you have additional questions about Outschool policies, please visit: 




30 分鐘

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-14
3-9 每班學員人數

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