

Hub of Curiosity


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 3 - 6
遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
6 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introductions - Us and Our Characters
We'll get to know one another and then, through discussion of our initial reading, we'll discuss our first impressions of our book characters. We'll also begin to explore the history of the three time periods featured in our reading.
Lesson 2
Digging Into History
In addition to a review of our current reading section, we'll continue to explore the history of the three time periods featured in our reading. This will add more richness and context to the text itself.
Lesson 3
Exploring the Plight of Refugees
In addition to a review of our current reading section, we'll discuss how a person becomes a refugee and what their life might look like, as well as, complete a group activity where we put ourselves in the position of refugees seeking safety.
 Week 2
Lesson 4
Active Preparation
In addition to a review of our current reading section, participants will share the results of their packing "homework." In our second meeting, book club members will be asked to pack everything they would take when fleeing in 10 minutes. During this session, they'll share what they chose and why.
Lesson 5
Real Life Refugees
In addition to a review of our current reading section, we'll look at real life refugees across history and examine the conflicts and struggles that impacted them.
Lesson 6
Cause and Effect Analysis
In addition to a review of our current reading section, we'll play a Kahoot game exploring cause and effect scenarios from the reading. If learners are able to bring a second device (ex: a phone or tablet) to class this day, it makes play Kahoot a bit more seamless. However, it is not mandatory. We are very good at working with what we have.
  • Learners will connect the books' themes to contemporary global issues through dynamic group discussions, creative activities, and interactive games, participants will deepen their understanding of the novel's profound messages.
Meagan is an avid reader, but that wasn’t always the case.  In school, Meagan skimmed (if we are being generous) many of the books assigned and thought reading was torture.  It wasn’t until Meagan left school and discovered the freedom to choose her own books and read purely for the love of reading that she fell in love.  

Meagan’s sweet spot in historical fiction and devours anything set during WWII and in Europe.  She’s a passionate bookworm and eager to embark on this year-long challenge with learners.  

Meagan has been leading a book club on Outschool entitled Rebel Girls Book Club: Amazing Women in Historical Fiction for about 4 years.  

0 - 1 每週課外時間
頻率: 1-2 throughout the class
回饋: 包括
頻率: 包括
細節: Parents may request evaluation feedback on learner participation and demonstration of understanding. These points will be evaluated through class participation.
Refugee by Alan Gratz - either the physical book or the audiobook are both excellent options for class

Book club participants will read approximately 50-55 pages or listen to approximately 75 minutes in the audiobook independently between meetings.  
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 October, 2018
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Judith Smetana
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Judith Smetana
加州 教學證書
Maura Knowles
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
碩士 in 電機工程 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
碩士 in 教育 from University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 in 國際業務 from The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
學士學位 in 通訊 from San Francisco State Universtiy
Maura Knowles
學士學位 in 機械工業 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 in 電機工程 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 in 工商管理 from Nova Southeastern University
Meagan Tauber
學士學位 in 教育 from University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 in 英語語言文學 from University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tiffany Barnes
副學士學位 in 動物科學 from The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
Welcome to Hub of Curiosity... where we believe that learning begins with interest!  

We specialize in multi-disciplinary learning that mirrors real-world application and empowering learners to take ownership in class while promoting curiosity... 




用於 6 課程
每週上課 x 3 次, 2 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 9-14
3-4 每班學員人數

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